Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Transform Your Manifestations by Elevating Your Vibes: Be that high vibe BABE!

Kirsty Harris

Ever wondered why your manifestations aren’t coming to life despite your relentless affirmations and clear intentions? This episode with Kirsty Harris unravels the mysteries behind manifestation blockages and offers actionable strategies to refine your desires and maintain unwavering patience. Learn how the precision of your wording and a positive mindset can make all the difference. Kirsty also introduces her manifestation handbook, a tool designed to help you set up and track your progress effectively.

Elevate your vibration and transform your manifestation outcomes through joyful activities! From dancing and connecting with nature to practicing affirmations, Kirsty shares how positive emotions can significantly raise your energy levels and attract the experiences you desire. With personal anecdotes, such as the story of manifesting a free coffee, Kirsty highlights the importance of enjoying the journey and releasing expectations, trusting the universe's timing as you would eagerly await an Amazon delivery.

Discover the power of self-forgiveness and the journey to your authentic self. Kirsty dives deep into letting go of guilt and shame to remove energy blocks and emphasizes the importance of understanding your core beliefs. She shares inspiring personal stories and offers practical advice on balancing masculine and feminine energies in the manifestation process. By embracing every moment and preparing yourself emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, you pave the way for your dreams to manifest. Engage with the podcast community, share your experiences, and embark on your journey towards happy manifesting!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Find your Inner Glow podcast hosted by me, kirsty Harris. I am a holistic coach and I am super passionate about helping others improve their lives by focusing on the mind, body and soul. Each week, I will be sharing my insights, experiences and advice on how to tap into your inner glow and live a more fulfilling and balanced life. So join us and let's discover how to find your inner glow together. Oh hello, welcome back. So nice for you to come back and visit me, and if it's your first time here, then welcome. Today we are talking on troubleshooting our manifestations. Okay, so picture this we have our super specific manifestation, we are doing the thing, we're doing the affirmations, but you know that it's not coming. You feel that it's not coming. This episode is perfect for you because today we're going to go through troubleshooting everything. So I'm going to be giving you my top tips, secrets, everything that I've learned over the last couple of years about manifesting, troubleshooting and how you can assess that one this manifestation is for you and how you can make it happen. So grab yourself a cup of tea. We're going to drive straight in. And before we do that, I just want to say it would be a really good idea to go back and listen in to my manifestation podcast earlier on. I think it's like episode two, like I really wanted to jump into manifestation when I did this pod. So, yeah, go back, episode two, manifestation. Now I'll talk you all through what manifestation is, how to do a good manifestation, and also we have just literally done the money mindset as well, so that's going to come out and be about manifestation. So, yeah, go back and listen to that too. Honestly, build your knowledge around manifestation, because the more that you know, the easier it becomes. Like that is the key thing that I've learned. Also, if you are really struggling and you want all of the manifesting troubleshooting how to set up a good manifestation, how to track a good manifestation I do have a manifestation handbook that I've created and that is on my website. I will put the link in the description below. You can literally buy it and have everything in one place about manifesting and how you can really take your life to the next level.

Speaker 1:

So, with all that being said, let's just jump into why your manifestation isn't working. Okay, so there's lots of different ways that it may not be working, and sometimes I've found that even just refining your focus can make a huge difference. Like review the wording of your manifestation. Is it truly what you feel, what it represents? I find like when I ask for my manifestation, my manifestation, the odd word here or there will change, especially if I'm writing it down. I will kind of think, oh, actually, that doesn't sit right with me and it's absolutely fine to refine your focus okay, as long as you're not asking for something completely different because that's a new manifestation. But if it's like, oh, actually, no, I would feel like this, actually no, this is more realistic and achievable. Like those types of things are really really important and just changing the one word to truly represent how you feel and what you really want to manifest can be a big thing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, next up, let's talk about patience. Okay, the bigger the manifestation, the longer you have to wait. That is ultimately it. Okay, you can't say I want my dream house and it appears in your lap tomorrow. Okay, it's not going to to appear.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you've got to have patience. The universe has to move things around for you. Okay, for you to receive your gift, you are going to go through things where, literally, you're going to have to wait and you're going to have to stretch and be uncomfortable for a bit as well. You need to have patience and understand that it's basically coming. Regardless of how long it is, it's going to come. And if that doesn't come and materialize, something better will. You have to have that trust in the universe. And when you're impatient you're almost expecting it. It's literally like oh. When people say to you oh, you'll find the man of your dreams or the person of your dreams. When you're not looking, it's because you've put that intention out there, you've forgotten about it, you're getting on with your life and then the gift appears. That is how manifestation works. When you're hyper-focused on it, you're desperate, you're in that lack energy of why don't I have this? You're not going to attract your dream life. You're not going to attract your manifestation.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this also feels like feeds into not feeling good about yourself. If you're not feeling good about yourself, if you don't truly believe in yourself, if you're having a hard time at work, if, like you're incredibly stressed, if you're feeling bad about your body, feeling bad about yourself, regretting mistakes, feeling shame, all of this stuff is going to block your manifestation. But also, don't forget, manifestation doesn't only work for the good things. We can manifest bad things in our lives too. So my key advice here is if you are not feeling good about yourself, you take a break from manifesting, because one you're probably not in the right frame of mind to truly manifest the things that you want to. But also, you need to work with yourself to get yourself into a higher vibration, into a happier place where you're able to receive that manifestation as well. Okay, you need to be open, you need to understand that life isn't all rainbows and sunshine. But if you're struggling significantly like this isn't going to work for you and manifesting something to change your life isn't going to happen because you're not in the right frame.

Speaker 1:

Framework oh god, I was gonna say mindset and framework at the same time. I don't know why. Anyway, today, guys, you just have to bear with me because apparently I can't talk. I don't. It is early in the morning, so maybe that's why. But yeah, what I want to say is that if you're not feeling good, take a break, get yourself back on your feet. If that includes getting medical help or enlisting a coach or a therapist or anybody like that, do the work.

Speaker 1:

You deserve to feel good about yourself, and not just for the sake of your manifestation, but the sake of your own mental health and your own well-being. You deserve to feel good about yourself, and not just for the sake of your manifestation, but the sake of your own mental health and your own well-being. You deserve to feel good about yourself. You're not a horrible person. We all make mistakes, and actually feeling good about ourselves is something that we are not taught in schools, which I really feel like we should be. We should be taught that feeling good about ourselves is okay in social media, media, beauty standards, all these things that we conflict well, conflict with or god. Here we go again and we fight with um, yeah, it's um. It's a hard job to feel good about ourselves.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, take the time, get in a better frame of mind and then work on manifestations and why not use my handy dandy handbook to help you narrow it down and be very, very specific. So what else can get in the way of our manifestations? So a big thing that's going to get in the way is that if you are not grateful, how can you expect to draw in more of the same and more if you're not grateful for what you do have, if you're constantly expecting something better but you can't even appreciate what you have. This, yeah, this isn't gonna work for you. Okay, you have to be grateful for what you have.

Speaker 1:

Like, if you want a house, be grateful for the house you're in. If you want a better car, be grateful for the car you have or for the fact that you are able to get around on public transport. But having a car would make you feel so much happier, give you so much freedom. Focus on those things like. Focus on the things that you are grateful for. I say this literally every podcast. If you're not doing it, you're not doing it Like at the moment. I literally wake up every single morning and I'm like I am so. You're not doing it like at the moment. I literally wake up every single morning and I'm like I am so, so lucky, I'm so grateful for my life. I have a job I have, I have a place where I live which is safe. I have cars, I have freedom with my transport, I have money my bank to pay my bills and more like I'm doing good.

Speaker 1:

I know not everybody's in that privileged position, but whatever your lifestyle is, there are probably good things in there that you can find, and again, this will link into you. Constantly doubting it will link into you not feeling good about yourself. So if you're not feeling good about yourself, it's incredibly hard to be different. You know to say I'm really grateful for what I have. So, yeah, focus on your mental health, get in good well-being space, and being grateful will always elevate your mood and it will elevate your vibration too, which will bring your manifestation to you a lot quicker.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just going to quickly talk about vibration, because you're like Kirstie, you keep talking about vibration. But what is this vibration? Um, so when? So, imagine a triangle. Okay, I want you to imagine a triangle. At At the top, we've got really happy emotions that we're happy, we're content, we're grateful, we're joyful, we're there, and at that point we are vibrating very, very high. Okay, we are bringing, we are putting the vibe out there to the universe that, hey, I'm really happy, I'm very grateful for what I have. Can I have some more? It's the law of attraction.

Speaker 1:

Again, law of attraction and manifestation are very much intertwined. The law of attraction says what you are focusing on will grow. What you're focusing on is you're going to bring more in. So at the top of that triangle, it's all the good emotions, yeah, and as we come down the triangle where it gets wider at the bottom, this is where you start having sadness, anxiety, depression, and I always imagine the bottom. This is where you start having sadness, anxiety, depression, and I always imagine the bottom of the triangle being the heaviest. Okay, so that means your vibration is going to be very low. That means the things that you're focusing on is not. You know, it's not working out for you. Like you're focusing on negative things, it's really hard to feel good about yourself and when we're vibrating that low, we're not giving the vibe back to the universe that we are ready to receive more things that are good. So, yeah, the vibration scale.

Speaker 1:

Like, I always try and be at the top of the scale and I achieve elevating my vibration through many different things, like through dancing, through connecting with nature, through listening to a song oh my god, music for me is a key way to raise my vibration. I can put a song on and I can just be like, yes, this is amazing, I can put a podcast on. That makes me laugh. I can do things in my life that make me just have that moment of joy and happiness. I say affirmations out loud in the car. Like mad woman. I spend time in quiet in the car because I literally I'm driving everywhere. But these are moments that give me a chance to reflect, to feel good and to be grateful.

Speaker 1:

Hello, and yeah, raise my vibration so that when I get to my destination, when I get to what I need to do for that day, I'm in a good mindset, I'm feeling good and guess what? Things come to me very, very easily then. So, yeah, that is your vibration. And also I need to say, oh God, I feel like I'm just calling everybody out here today and I'm not sorry. I'm not sorry. Okay, sometimes you got to be told it's about the journey, not the destination. Sometimes you just have to be present and excited about how things are moving for you. When you're so hyper focused on the outcome and attached to that outcome emotionally, you're not going to be in a good space vibrationally to bring that in Also. That turns into an expectation that it's going to happen. You need to sit in the place of knowing that it's going to come to you, not expecting it to happen. Expecting it like this is a very, very good example for me. I will just share this and I'm sure I've shared this before on the podcast.

Speaker 1:

But before Christmas I wanted to manifest something very, very small, because I'd been through a lot in the last year and I was doubting my ability to manifest and to change my life and all of this stuff. So I just decided to come back and manifest something small. I wanted a free cup of coffee and I put all my manifesting efforts into it. I was like cool, I'm raising my vibration. I have a very specific manifestation of getting a free coffee from a coffee shop. Like it didn't have to be a specific coffee shop, it just had to be like a cappuccino from a coffee shop and it would be free and with no strings attached. So I was like, cool, what is going on? Like I've done the manifestation and I put the time scale on it. I was like, oh, I want this next week, within the next week.

Speaker 1:

The next week came and went. Every coffee shop I went into I was expecting to get free coffee and guess what, I didn't get one. It wasn coffee shop I went into I was expecting to get free coffee and guess what, I didn't get one. It wasn't until I went okay, cool, I'm going to get a free coffee at some point and I'm just like going to forget about it. Three weeks later, I had four free coffees in a week.

Speaker 1:

So you know, your girl got that juicy manifestation power. Sorry, I don't know why I'm like this. So I've got that juicy manifestation power. I can bring anything into existence in abundance and more. But it's not on my time scale, it's on the universe's time scale and it's about enjoying the journey, not the destination. It's about the fact that I was getting back into my manifestation. I was familiarizing myself with the methods. I was picking the things that were working for me and that were really good, and that part of the journey like really connected me to myself, into my spiritual self, after a period of time of not feeling very connected. So, yeah, it's about enjoying the journey, not the destination. Okay, and I am a key for this.

Speaker 1:

I will constantly lose my patience and be like where is it? Where is it? But you gotta just think about it. Think about your manifestation. Like an amazon order, you go online boop, boop, boop, I've got amazon prime. I know that baby is coming. I'm ordering this. You send it off. You don't constantly check like has Amazon received my order? Where is my Amazon password? Nine times out of ten. You're, you know, unless you're ordering for like a last minute event, and you're like, oh my god, where is this order? But you know that's a state of desperation and lack and you know, being desperate does not bring us or does not make us magnetic to our, to our manifestations. Okay, we want to attract our manifestation to it. We don't have to be in our masculine energy chasing it down.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, like the amazon order, send off the order, you and you just expect that it's going to show up on your, on your doorstep. You don't know when, you don't know how, you don't know how it's going to happen. Like, is it freddie who comes in a van? Is it a random guy who just kind of pops around in his car, like we don't know how it's gonna happen? Like, is it freddy who comes in a van? Is it a random guy who just kind of pops around in his car, like we don't know how that parcel is going to get to us, we don't know how that gift is coming to us. And do you know what? That's not our job, that's the universe's job. Yeah, that's the amazon's job to sort that out. I just need to get that parcel, yeah, and it's coming. Whatever means, whatever ways, whatever life journey, we have to go on. I know this is a bit dramatic for an Amazon parcel, but you know, whatever path that we go on, we just have to just accept that, yeah, it's on its way, it's going to show up and you know. You never know when it's going to show up. You can never pinpoint an exact time, even with DPD. Okay, they send you an hour slot, but they're not telling you what exact minute it's going to show up, so you just have to let it go and know that it's going to show up.

Speaker 1:

Okay, another thing oh god, there are some really big things I really want to talk about in this, and one of them is limiting beliefs. Okay, so you're like la, la la, I would love this new house, I want this new job opportunity, but do you believe that you are worth it? Let that sink in. Do you believe that you're worth it, babe? Do you say to yourself I am worthy of this opportunity, I'm worthy of this house, I'm worthy of it. Or is there a little negative voice? Is there something in your subconscious that deep down, tells you you're not worthy? Okay, you need to unearth that. Gotta bring that up to the surface and, yeah, you've got to deal with it in order to be able to not only know that you're worth it, because with any manifestation, like I just said, you know it's coming.

Speaker 1:

So if you're constantly doubting, if you're constantly beating yourself down, like if you want to be in a good mood, for example, and you are constantly doing next to yourself, talk about you, your ambitions, everything how are you going to level up? You need to start speaking very nicely to yourself. I am literally that mad woman in the car that has no music on and I will say my affirmations. I'll just say nice things to myself. I just say to myself what I feel like I need that day, and I talk about being in the car a lot because I drive a lot, but anytime you get a minute, just say nice things to yourself. Are you getting ready in the morning? Say nice things to yourself in the mirror, like affirmations don't have to be. You meditate for 30 minutes and then you say your affirmations, which are completely perfect. It doesn't have to be like that.

Speaker 1:

Affirmations are the quickest way to rewire your brain and guess what slot it into your life anywhere you can. In the morning, I'm fannying about and I gotta remember about five different bags and I've got to bring everything with me because I'm always on the road and I'm very, very busy, and that's fine. So what do I do? I create time in the car, I say my affirmations in the car, I say nice things to myself and I try and stop myself when I like something negative comes into my brain, like literally. I'm so funny like something negative will pop into my brain and I'm like whoa, excuse me honey, like who welcomed this thought. Like literally, my brain is so sassy. I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm sharing this, but my brain is very, very sassy. Okay, she is what she is. But you know, those negative self thoughts and self thoughts, self talk and thoughts and limiting beliefs do get in the way of our manifestations. Okay, like there's no joking about it, it will constantly block you until you deal with it. So just deal with it, okay.

Speaker 1:

So next up, I want to ask you a question have you forgiven yourself for your mistakes? Do you have feelings of guilt and shame? Guess what? It's time for forgiveness. Guess what? We all make mistakes and I purposely left all my mistakes in this podcast today to show you that even me. I make mistakes all the time. I make mistakes daily and I just go oh well, let's keep it moving. Sometimes we make very big mistakes and it is harder. It is hard to forgive ourselves for those things. And you know what? Sometimes we do shitty things that we're not proud of, and I've done this way too many times than I'd care to admit.

Speaker 1:

And am I a bad person? Do you listen to this podcast because I'm a bad person? Do you watch my content because I'm a bad person? No, I'm not. I do genuinely have a heart of gold and my goal out here is to really help people improve their lives, and this is why I do this podcast. I don't earn any money from this podcast. I literally spend my own time creating these podcasts to put out for you, so that you can have a free resource to improve your life.

Speaker 1:

Like I know what my core beliefs are. I know what I am as a person and sometimes I've made mistakes, and that's part of being human, and if we got things perfect all the time, we wouldn't learn the lesson. But what we need to stop doing is beating ourselves up so much about everything. Okay, we need to go back and forgive ourselves. We don't have to carry guilt and shame for things that we did before. This creates energy blocks for us and it doesn't serve us. It blocks us from our life. We are not a bad person if we make a mistake. It's literally like when we have a bad day, it doesn't mean you have a bad life.

Speaker 1:

So what I want to say to you is you have to do the forgiveness. You have to forgive yourself. How can you expect to bring more money into your life if you feel guilt, shame or you're not forgiving yourself for maybe wasting money or having negative money experiences before? You need to forgive yourself. Forgive that version of yourself and know that you are different and able and capable of change yourself. Forgive that version of yourself and know that you are different and able and capable of change.

Speaker 1:

So forgiveness is absolutely key and sometimes that means asking for help. Okay, if you're like me, you've struggled through your entire life to be super independent and to be very much like I'm going to do this and I'm going to get things right. When you've asked for help before, people may have let you down and this is why it's so important to have those positive people around you and to find your soul tribe. Okay, one of the ways that I found my soul tribe was going to a sister circle, and now I hold my own and that's how I found my soul tribe. And if you want to join, we have a sister circle in Newport and Bristol, so just come along. These people might be your soul tribe. Okay, get yourself out there, find your soul tribe, surround yourself with positive people. But also, you can ask for help.

Speaker 1:

Okay, there's nothing wrong with asking for help. We don't have to struggle to an end to our lives anymore. The minute that I said to myself which was very, very recently, by the way, only about a year ago I said to myself I don't have to survive anymore, I was like, oh my god, I don't. I don't have to hustle, I don't have to survive, I can just live my life. I can step out of that fight fright, oh god, fight, flight, fall and freeze and just enjoy being Like a big thing for me over the last 12 months, it's just being and being present and understanding that things are okay and I don't have to hustle, I don't have to be a hundred miles an hour, because I would go a hundred miles an hour, be in my masculine energy, be in fight or flight and get burnt out.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's no good for anybody. So part of that as well is asking for help. I don't ask for help often, but now I try and think about it. Who can I ask for help? And in my professional life, like my nine to five, I've had to do this as well. And when we start asking for help and we actually get genuine help and people help us, that builds our confidence in other people to be able to help us. And don't forget that's not just your friends or family. You can ask anybody for help. If that means a professional, if that is seeking help from your GP because you're not feeling great, if that is enlisting a coach because you don't know where to start with your manifestation and you want to get going like yeah, it could be going to a therapist to talk about your limiting beliefs.

Speaker 1:

We shouldn't be expected to deal with everything on our own, especially as women. We are constantly like here's another role and responsibility and you must have it all together or you're a failure as a woman. Um, it's absolutely not. You are allowed to be vulnerable. You are allowed to work on yourself. You are allowed to, you know, take steps towards your manifestation and create space in our lives where we want to focus on what we want, and that involves asking for help sometimes, or taking the time to clear our mind, clear our limiting beliefs, clear things in our life to allow manifestation to come in.

Speaker 1:

For example, this is a really, really good point. Actually, if you want to manifest your soulmate, you are busy 24-7 and you have no time for this person to slot into your life. You're not saying to the universe that you're serious. You're saying, oh yeah, I want this, but when the time's right, well, you have to create the space in your life to be able to receive that manifestation. Okay, and before we move on, I want to talk about being able to receive. Whilst we're talking about being like hyper-independent, asking for help, what I want to say as well is are you ready to receive it? Like, so it's cool it.

Speaker 1:

You're dreaming about this person or this thing. Are you ready for it to be in your life? Are you ready to receive it? Are you emotionally prepared? Are you mentally prepared? Are you spiritually prepared for this thing to come into your life? Do you feel like you're worthy enough to receive it, like? These are questions that you need to work on and you need to understand when you're doing manifestation, because sometimes it's good to be like, oh, I would love this, but what happens if you didn't materialize? How would it really feel? Are you ready? Are you ready for that? Are you ready for your soulmate to step into your life? Are you ready for the, the stretching period of what it's like to go and do your manifestation and get that dream house and then physically move all your shit into that house, like don't forget the practical elements of it, come back down to reality and be like am I ready to receive this? Am I emotionally ready to receive this? And then I've asked myself that question. I've been like no. And guess what, once I became ready, once I thought, yeah, it's coming, I'm ready and this would be my plan. If I did this, my life changed and then the manifestation would come in because I'm ready to receive it, and also like nobody talks about this whatsoever.

Speaker 1:

It's about the stretching period as well. So you're at point a, you say I want my manifestation, which is point b, and then you have to go through this really uncomfortable period of getting from point a to point b, which might be feeling overwhelmed, because usually that, like you will always see people say it gets worse before your manifestation comes in. Why? Because you're going through that stretching period. You are stretching to a new level. So this is why you have to be willing to be flexible and to stretch and to say I'm going to take on anything that comes in my way. Because as much as we think about the end goal, the little hurdles that we have to go over between now and the goal huge these should not be underestimated. Okay, so are you ready to receive and are you ready to stretch, is my question.

Speaker 1:

Another thing does your manifestation really align with you or is it what other people want for you? Do you really want the thing that you're asking for? Don't forget you are manifesting powerhouse. Whatever you manifest is going to come into reality. So is it really what you want? Because if you start to have that deep down feeling of, oh, is this really what I want? Guess what? It's not going to happen again it goes back to doubting that it's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

But also when other people force their view on you, and something that I'm dealing with a lot with clients at the moment is that people just don't know who they are. It's uh, it's like a really big phenomenon that I'm dealing with right now. It's um, a lot of people go in. I've lost myself, I don't know who I am and I don't know how to fix it and I'm like, oh, I got you, babe, worry, like it's. It's really amazing because I don't know if it's just the clients that are coming to me or if it's I don't know. I don't know. It just seems to be like quite a lot of people at the moment are experiencing this kind of thing where they don't really know who they are.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, I think in the future I would love to do a package about how to find out who you are and rediscover yourself. Because when I sat down a really deep day and thought about it, I was like, wow, like, as a woman, I can only talk about being a woman. I don't know what it's like to be a man, although if I was a man for a day, I'd have a great time. Anyway, we digress. So, yeah, as a woman, we have to do so much. And society standards as much as we've tried to change them, they're very much still there, or, at least for me, I still feel very much entrenched in society standards and standards and things like that. So, yeah, so when you have all that going on above you, then you have your generational trauma or your generational behaviors that you've had passed down from family member to family member. Then you have the expectation from people at work, the expectation of your friends, the expectation of social media.

Speaker 1:

How do you truly know what your authentic self is, what is important to you? Because you have all this radio noise like in the background where it's like, oh my god, what are we doing? Who am I? What do I really like? And there there is definitely a lot of like. I don't want to step outside the norm as well and be my authentic self and be different. I want to fit in. Like.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of that which is kind of ingrained from us at school, where our education system is very conformist and make us all act the same way, we all dress the same way. There's not really any room for adequate self-expression in the education curriculum. So, yeah, it's, it's quite a lot. So then, when we get to this stage, when we're like in our late 20s, early 30s or even you know what it doesn't really matter what age you're kind of thinking who am I? What's important to me. So if you don't really know who you are, manifesting something isn't going to change it. You know, manifesting something like, for example, I had a client she manifested her house and that gave her the space to be able to find out who she was Like, things like that is really, really important and now I'm very excited to go on this journey with her of finding out who she really is and being her authentic self.

Speaker 1:

And being your authentic self is the most beautiful thing that you can do in the world. Nobody wants you to be the same as everybody on instagram. Do you know? Do you want to know why? Because that's boring. That's boring like literally one of the um people I work with. He was like kirsty, you are a lot of things, but boring's not one of them, and I'm like that's such a compliment, like, and I stand out like a sore thumb in the corporate environment. I think they see me come in and go. Oh dear Lord, yoshi cams. You know I have quite an important job nine to five. So I think that, yeah, they're probably like oh God, yoshi cams, the chaos on legs that is her.

Speaker 1:

But I enjoy that because I'm just happy being me, like I am me. I am irrational, I am really loud, I am really fun. I do make inappropriate jokes. I I'm a goofball. I do what I want when I want and I hate being told otherwise. This is just me and I just embrace it. These are not brilliant traits of mine but deep down, I know what my core values are. I know that being reliable is super important to me. I know that sharing my truth and being honest with people is really important to me. I know that caring for people and doing acts of service is something I absolutely love. That's the Capricorn in me. I can't get rid of that. Good god alive. But there are things that I know that are so cool to me that nothing ever changes them, and being fair and being caring and being empathetic is one of those things.

Speaker 1:

So as much as I'm loud, obnoxious, flamboyant, I don't really fit into the wellness or holistic world in a stereotypical way. I think that's what makes me so great, because I'm just me. I'm not trying to fit into a box and you know what you like. People love people who they can see themselves in or be like. I wish I could be like that. So be that person. And I'm not saying it because I'm big-headed or because I think I'm the best person in the world? I'm absolutely not. Have you seen how many mistakes I've made on this podcast?

Speaker 1:

But being unapologetically your authentic self is something so incredibly beautiful, and people connect with people like that, not people who are just going along with it, pretending that they are just getting it together and also like having time to figure out who you are. It takes a lot of time, it takes effort, it takes you to really sit down and understand what is important to you. If, like, if, you had to change, what would you change and what do you do now? That is really good about yourself and it's acknowledging the good side and the not so good side of us. And guess what? The not so good side needs to become part of the good side because you are perfect just as you are, without any need to change, without any. Yeah, you're just perfect as you are. I don't need, I don't need to expand on that any further. You're just perfect as you are and you just need to show up as your authentic self.

Speaker 1:

And that went into a really long um tangent there. So sorry about that, sorry, not sorry, because, yeah, you know what I'm like I get on my little passionate rants and I'm like, oh, just be yourself, babies, it's so much better. So I'm just gonna end with you know a few more things. Um so, trying to control everything. We've said about that with the Amazon order, remember, we don't control how the Amazon order gets issued, how it gets picked in the warehouse, how it gets on the van and the van gets here. We don't worry about that. That's the universe's job. So stop trying to control everything, just let it come to you and don't resist the change.

Speaker 1:

When you're asking for a manifestation, you're stretching, you're moving up a level. Don't resist the change. Don't resist it. Okay, don't resist it, just go with it. You have to be in a state of like flow, like how I like to kind of visualize.

Speaker 1:

Manifestation is in the beginning. We're in our masculine energy. Yeah, we are going. I want this. This is the logical reason why I want it. This is how it's going to make me feel like this is it that's divine, masculine, all the way through. Then we step into our feminine energy and we go cool, I'm just gonna be present, I'm gonna be creative, I'm gonna enjoy the ride, I'm just gonna go with it and I'm just going to be present, I'm going to be creative, I'm going to enjoy the ride, I'm just going to go with it and I'm just going to go with the flow. And that's manifesting. We go masculine into our feminine, so you need to be able to step into both. And guess what? I have a podcast on that as well. The podcast is called Balancing your Masculine and Feminine Energy. So go check that one out as well.

Speaker 1:

Oh gosh, you've got so much homework today. You've got the manifesting one, you've got the money mindset one, and no balance in the masculine and feminine. But honestly, this is a free resource. Guys. Like make the most of it, enjoy it, get as much knowledge as you can from it, and like use it to change your life. This is what I want the podcast to be and, to be honest, I have talked a lot today. I've given you such a lot of information in a very short period of time, so I'm not going to go any further with that.

Speaker 1:

These are just some of the key things that can really get in the way of our manifestations. This is the way that we can troubleshoot our manifestation. So what I want to say to you is embrace it, okay, just go with it. And here are some manifesting affirmations that I really, really love. Okay, so, number one I am deeply connected to my inner wisdom and intuition guiding me towards my desires. Abundance flows effortlessly into my life in miraculous ways. And my last, last, favorite one I am a powerful creator and I manifest my desires with ease.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you are a manifesting powerhouse, baby. You just have to believe it. You just have to believe in what you're manifesting and just take the time to let go and enjoy the process. It's not about the destination, babe. It's about the journey. That is life. Do you know what I mean? Because you know what the destination in life is you die.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, sorry, I don't know why I'm like this, but it is, though, isn't it? You start off as a baby. You go for a journey, then you die, okay, so do you like? This is why you have to enjoy the journey. You have to enjoy the ups, the downs, the everything in between. So, yeah, sorry, I've creased myself now, but yeah, not the best way to end the podcast. Not the best way to end the podcast. Oh god, my squeaky chair is off now. Right, sorry, I am being a bit silly today. I'm just in a really good mood. But yeah, anyway, I hope that helped.

Speaker 1:

Don't forget, you've got the Manifestation Handbook. You've got all the episodes here. There is no excuse for you to up your manifesting game and for things to be getting in your way when it comes to manifestation. If you need help, just book a 20 minute free consultation with me and let me see how I can help you. I do coaching online, I do tarot readings online. I do everything in person as well, in Newport. So, yeah, just get in contact with me and let me see how I can help you. And, with all that being said, guys, let me know what you think. Leave a comment, leave me some feedback, subscribe, like the episode. I don't know, I don't know how this works really, but you know, just do the things that you're supposed to do when you're listening to a podcast, or just come find me on social media TikTok, instagram, facebook, all that, all wherever the social media you can find me, and I hope you have the most wonderful day and happy manifesting. Thank you.