Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Unlocking Universal Laws for Personal Growth and Harmony - PART 2

Kirsty Harris

Can the universe really reward you for your good deeds? Find out as we unpack the mysteries of the Law of Compensation and how it can influence your life in ways you've never imagined. We'll discuss practical strategies to harness this law by providing value in all your interactions, setting clear goals, and maintaining unwavering integrity. Learn why trust and ethical behavior are paramount for long-term rewards and how being solution-focused can attract the positive outcomes you seek.

Imagine seeing the world through multiple lenses and transforming your challenges into growth opportunities. Join us as we explore the Law of Perspective and Growth, shedding light on the profound impact our beliefs and experiences have on our reactions. We'll share insights on practicing empathy, gratitude, and avoiding judgment, helping you to see the good in people and steer clear of the comparison trap. Reflect on your personal growth and embrace the notion that every obstacle is a stepping stone towards a better version of yourself.

Do you ever feel out of sync with life? Discover the magic of aligning with natural cycles, such as the seasons and moon phases, and how this harmony can bring balance and growth to your life. We'll also delve into the crucial balance of masculine and feminine energies, showing you how to harness these dynamics to manifest your goals. Finally, we unveil the Inner Shift Collective, a transformative community designed to deepen your understanding of these universal laws. Don't miss this episode if you're ready to find your inner glow and navigate life's challenges with newfound wisdom.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Find your Inner Glow, the podcast that focuses on mind, body and soul, and I am your host, kirsty Harris. I am a spiritual transformation coach and an intuitive healer. I have been helping women for years and years and I am here just to give you the knowledge that you need to really tap into your essence and find your inner glow. So get comfortable and let's get into today's episode. Well, hello, my babies, we are back, and we are back with the other six laws that I literally ran out of time to cover last week, but I was very much enjoying myself going through all of the different laws and explaining how to apply them. So, yeah, if you haven't checked out last week's episode, I highly recommend you go back and check that out before this week's. And, as always, if you want to do a deep dive into any of my topics on my podcast, head over to the inner shift collective. We have a few spaces remaining and it's open, guys. At the moment it's 44 pound a month, but you get so much value for the spiritual aspects that you get in, including a deep dive into the 12 universal laws. So this is just a very brief overview of the 12 universal laws, but in the inner shift, collective, it is much deeper, much more explained, and we have live q and a's which we can ask questions. So, yeah, you can always further your learning there. Obviously, I always do my podcast in a way that is just an overview, so people can take elements that they want to learn about and learn more and also give them a little like. I'm going to give you a little taste. Give you a little taste of what's going on, okay, but anyway. So if you want to hit up the initiative collective, go to the link below. There's a three-day free trial. There is not a contract. You can cancel any fucking time, babe. So, yeah, go and check it out and I'm yeah, I'll see you in there.

Speaker 1:

But now we are going to get into the next universal law, which is the law of compensation. Amazing, the law of compensation. I'm like honey, this is what we all need to learn. Okay, so we left on the law of cause and effect, which is basically karma, and now we're moving into the law of compensation, which is the same but different. So the law of compensation basically says the universe will compensate individuals for their good deeds and contributions, whilst delivering the negative actions as well, and for those who are being negative, who are not being nice to people, they get the negative compensation. Ok, so, again, when we are doing good things, we will be rewarded. When we're doing bad things things we're not going to get rewarded. So how do we apply the law of compensation?

Speaker 1:

Okay, we focus on providing value in our interactions, our relationships and work. The more value you add, the more compensation you are likely to receive from the universe, not your employer. I'm not here to be like work harder at your job. As you know, I'm not a big work hard to you burnout kind of gal. I'm here and I'm saying to you that when you start to really pour energy and give value to your relationship, to your work, to your interactions, whatever it is, you're likely to receive that back to you. So, yeah, that's great.

Speaker 1:

Continuous learning is a really good one under the law of compensation. So as you invest in your personal and professional development, acquiring new skills, guess what the universe is going to give you a compensation for this? It's going to be like oh, you know that dream job you asked for, baby, when we are trying to implement the law of attraction. Guess what you did all this continuous learning and you invested in yourself. Here you fucking go, baby, here you go. Also, you want to like direct the universe with your goals. By the way, don't just be like. I kind of want something like this define your goals and be specific I say this all the time and be clear with your objectives, and these will help help your compensation be aligned. Okay, you may want to work with a purpose guess what. You may want to find meaning or purpose within your work or whatever you're doing. When you're passionate about what you do, the value you contribute tends to increase, leading to greater compensation. I feel like I'm one of those awful, like, oh, no win, no claim solicitors who's like oh, do you need compensation? That's what I feel like I'm doing right now. But, yeah, basically you get free compensation. Okay, the universe comes in. It's like woo, woo.

Speaker 1:

Okay, one of the big things about law of compensation, as well as integrity and ethics. So you want to uphold a good sense of integrity and ethical conduct in anything that you're doing. Okay, trust is a valuable currency. It's the most valuable thing that we have between us as humans. Okay, it's way, because you can't have trust without love and you can't have love without trust trust and being able to surrender to somebody is an absolute fucking game changer. And being able to understand that you are an ethical person, you are a person of integrity. This can really help maintain you and your law of compensation to have long-term compensation. Okay, if you are ethically sound, if you are making decisions on integrity-based morals, you will have more compensation than you can deal with. So, yeah, just be very mindful of that.

Speaker 1:

You may wanna focus on solutions. Okay, you can dwell on the problems of the past if you like, or you can focus on finding solutions. I personally, I'm a solution-focused person and I think that problem solving is such a valuable skill because, again, this overall increases your value. It will consequently, you know, give you your compensation. Okay, I feel like if I had a pound every time I say compensation in this episode, I would be a millionaire. Anyway, you should hopefully get the gist by now that if you are a person who is good, you have integrity, you have good morals, you are out there being solution focused and pouring love and passion into what you do, you will get the good things come back to you. Okay, again, what happens? This interlinks with law of attraction and law of inspired action, which we will get on to later, but we covered law of attraction in the last episode. So, yeah, go back and listen to that if you need a refresh, and let's move on.

Speaker 1:

Next up, we have got the law of relativity. Okay, everything is relative and nothing exists in isolation. This law encourages us to see things in relation to other things and to do and to understand the context in which events occur. Okay, so everything has to be relevant With this law. It emphasises that we may perceive things and understand things or relate to context different due to our personal frame of reference. What does that mean? That means your trauma, baby. That means that your trauma, your emotions, your emotional scars, your positive experiences, your negative experiences all contribute to what's known as a personal frame of reference. And this is it. It's about understanding context.

Speaker 1:

So, when we are applying this law of relativity, we need to make sure that, basically, our we're not looking at things in isolation. Okay, that any event or circumstance or behavior is based in context. Okay, so maybe somebody happens to do something really fucking horrible to us? Okay, so, say, your partner cheats on you. You need to understand the context of it. So a situation by itself is neither good or bad, but its value is relative to the experience you've had.

Speaker 1:

Now, okay, so I've just mentioned cheating, for example. That is bad, but actually, when you take all the emotions away from it, it is one person having an interaction with another person, but then we put the context around it there's deceit, there's lies, there's betrayal. This makes it a bad situation or a negative situation, and then this will show up in our perspective. Okay, but that situation on its own, in isolation, is nothing happens in isolation. It all has a context. Okay, and your perspective totally matters. Okay, and your perspective, like I said, is shaped by your beliefs, your experiences, even your cultural background as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we have to acknowledge that somebody who is having an experience may have an entirely different experience to us and how we perceive it. Something that could be really traumatic for you might not be traumatic for the person sat next to you. That person may not even bat an eyelid whilst you're in a complete heap on the floor, thinking your fucking life is ending. Honestly, I've seen it happen multiple, multiple times. I've seen people go through very similar experiences or even so, like you know, serious incidents together, and they behave totally differently because their beliefs, their trauma, their genetics, everything fundamentally comes into play in the law of relativity and our perspective totally matters.

Speaker 1:

So when we are applying this law in particular, we need to practice empathy. Guess what? That person has their own experience in trauma and they are acting out and they are behaving in a certain way. They may have treated you fucking awfully, but there's a reason behind that. People are not just bad for the sake of being bad. Okay, there's always a reason behind it.

Speaker 1:

So with this, we want to practice empathy, but also avoid judgment. Okay, try not to be so judgmental about situations or people. It's so easy. Being judgmental is something that is part of the human design. I truly believe that. So we need to always like, maybe confront a judgmental thought and say, okay, is this what I really believe, is this what I really think, why do I think this and what is the context? Okay, again, gratitude is your best friend. Okay, and this will help you shift your perspective. You know you wanna shift your perspective into the ability to look for the good in people, not for the bad in people.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and this one is absolutely so important under the law of relativity. Guess what? If somebody gets an opportunity that makes you feel jealous, it doesn't mean that you don't have that opportunity to avoid the comparison trap. Okay, comparison is a thief of joy. Theodore roosevelt is a very, very popular quote, and it's popular for a fucking reason. Okay, it's because we have to understand that everyone's on their own unique journey, and comparing your life to somebody else's is not an accurate assessment of your own circumstances, your achievements, your ability to be you. Okay, because, guess what? There's nobody in this fucking entire planet who looks like you, breathes like you, acts like you, has neuropathies as you, has the same fucking fingerprints as you. I know, sometimes if you have an identical twin, this might not always apply, but how common are identical twins anyway?

Speaker 1:

But, yes, what I would suggest as well when we are applying the law of relativity, is to seek multiple perspective. When we are making decisions or forming opinions, we might want to speak to different people about their experiences and what they think about our decisions. Now, there's a very fine line between this and being codependent, because when we're codependent, it means that we have to seek validation from other people for us to be able to make a decision. Now, you should already have a pre-made decision in your mind before you consult other people and be able to make that decision and weigh up the pros and cons of what people are saying to you and still ultimately make the decision, not rely on everybody else to make that decision for you. That is codependency. Well, there's more elements codependency, but this is a codependent behavior and when we are practicing the law of relativity, we are learning from challenges, but using challenges and opportunity for growth. That is literally.

Speaker 1:

One of my affirmations is that these are not challenges. These are an opportunity for me to grow and think outside of the box. Okay, we have to understand that challenges are relative and, you know, just because it rains doesn't mean it's a bad day. It's our perception of the rain that makes it a bad day, so we need to apply that to our challenges as well. Is this really a challenge? Is it going to be difficult now, or could it lead to positive outcomes in the future? Is this just a little speed bump in the whole existence of our lives that we're not even going to worry about in six months time or 12 months time? I used to always fucking hate that, by the way. I can't believe I just said that when somebody would be like, oh, you're gonna worry about this in two years time and I'd be like, well, yeah, hun, because like my perspective and this is very relative to me right now, but now I'm much better at detaching and being like, okay, well, actually, in the grand scheme of life, this isn't going to impact me forever, and look at the context around it. I'm'm going to look at what I can do and not what I can't do.

Speaker 1:

And just by explaining my own period of growth, I'm going to advise you to reflect on your growth. Guess what With your personal growth and achievements? Reflect on them, check in with yourself regularly just to see how far that you've come. Like where were you, where you are now, how far you've come Like. This reflection can really measure, measure your progress as well, and this can also contribute to you changing your perception and changing your reality. So definitely, definitely, recommend that.

Speaker 1:

And, with all that being said, let's move on to the next one, and my favourite one. This is the law of polarity. Okay, so this suggests that everything has an opposite. Okay, so we can't have light without darkness, we can't have love without fear. Everything has a polar opposite, and this is often talked about in the femininity space, about how to be, um, how to have polarity in your relationship, between masculine and feminine.

Speaker 1:

I, I love all this stuff about polarity because I think it's so important for us to realize that we need to have both to exist. We need masculine, feminine, we need light and dark, we need love and fear. We need all of these things to fucking exist, okay. But when things start to not be so polar and they start to come together, things become very confusing very quickly. So this is why the law of polarity is there and it helps us to be, you know, help us to balance ourselves a little. And something I just I read and I loved, and this was basically the dual nature of reality. So the law of polarity suggest that the dualities are an inherent part of the fabric of existence the positive, the negative, the up, the down, the joy, the sorrow, or example of polarity in life. And I'm like I fucking love that. I fucking love it. I love it because it's just the importance of why we need to have both Okay, and we need to balance them because, like I said, when things become close, they become very confusing very quickly and it's good to embrace both sides Embrace the light, embrace the dark. Again, this shows up in the femininity space as a clear example of embracing light feminine energy, but also embracing the dark feminine energy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you may want to look at navigating challenges with positivity, so when you are looking at a negative situation, you may use it as an opportunity for growth and positive transformation. What are we doing? We're using the law of perpetual transformation. We are looking at law of attraction, we are implementing the other laws along with law of polarity. Okay, we need to realize that we can develop a deep resilience as well, and like, and we can be adaptable as well, like, in the face of challenges. We can recognize that challenging situations are only temporary and the law of polarity suggests that they will be balanced with positive experiences, whether that's today, tomorrow or further down the line, positive experiences will be coming because that's the law of polarity. You have the good with the bad. That's it. Just like the sky has the sun and and the moon. It's it's inevitable, okay.

Speaker 1:

So again, this comes back to more of like, being more positive, being more judgment, like more non-judgmental, managing your thoughts. As you can see, there is a clear theme through these, like laws of gratitude and managing your thoughts and being self-aware and not applying judgment, and appreciating diversity and in and just enjoying life in a positive. Positive way, because when you start to really implement these laws, your life becomes inherently positive. Because I was saying I've thought about this a lot recently and how negative life was for me, like how negative life has been for me. I'm not going to lie. I used to be in a resistance with the universe. I used to be in a resistance with so many things in my life. The minute I stopped to really implement these laws and I've done it without consciously looking at the lawsords, I've kind of just known about them but not really consciously implemented them when I started to do even some of these actions, my life has dramatically changed for the better.

Speaker 1:

Like I literally said to myself the other day, I don't really have bad days anymore. I literally can't remember the last bad day that I had and we've had some intense full moons and new moons. Recently I've had some shitty behavior done to me. I tense full moons and new moons. Recently I've had some shitty behavior done to me. I've had people steal my stuff. I've had oh god, I've had so fucking much stuff happen but it hasn't felt like an inherently bad day that I haven't laughed or I haven't smiled or I haven't felt a moment of happiness. That is such a fucking game changer to any existence. And guess what? I don't travel the world. I stay in my little home in newport with my cat and I'm really fucking content with everything that I do well, 90 of the stuff I do and that can be a reality for you as well.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and using these laws can just be the can just be the fucking star. I know I'm on the fuck train today because I just I feel like I'm so passionate about this I have to get all my expression out at once. So, yeah, whilst we're, whilst I'm expressing, let's move on to the next one. Let's get into the law of rhythm. So this is the ebb and flow of life, characterized by cycles, patterns, and this is all governed by this law. So this is the. So this is the idea, this is the universal principle that suggests a life, operation, cycles, patterns and rhythms. It reflects the idea that everything has a natural ebb and flow, and this is alternating between periods of expansion and contraction, growth and decline. Again, we have elements of the law polarity here but with this we have to understand that everything has its own cycle. Like, as women, we have our own cycle. The moon has a cycle, the weather has a cycle, the season has a cycle, everything has a fucking cycle. Okay, so this law just means that some things can be very predictable and repetitive in cycles, and much like changing seasons or phases of the moon, these are all part of our natural existence.

Speaker 1:

Okay, like you know, if you have regular periods, you know when your menstruation is going to come. If you look at the calendar, you know when the next full moon is going to be. These are just inevitable, they are just going to happen. Okay, if we imagine like a pendulum swing, so the pendulum will swing back and forth and as it goes forward, it suggests a period of, like, growth and expansion, and there will be then that time when there's that corresponding contraction and decline as it comes back, ready to fly forward again for that expansion. Okay, the natural flow of things is so, so important.

Speaker 1:

And when we start to live in cycles, when we start to become aware of cycles and we start listening to our body, this can be an optic game changer. So I call it cycled living, some people call it different things, but I started to live in cycle with my menstrual cycle. So, for example, when I'm on my period, I will have time off work. I will say no, I'm not going to be seeing clients that day. Or, you know, for the first two days of my period I always block them off in my calendar. I also will have a look at what the year is doing and when I will release products, based on the year and the cycle and the seasons. So, for example, in December, everyone is starting to go inward, everyone is starting to really settle down for the end of the year, and in the beginning of the year, people are more interested in self-development and looking after themselves, so that what I'm going to offer to people in December is going to be a lot different to what I offer people in January, because that's the natural cycle of things.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we have to look at social cycles, like you know, christmas, all the impact of that but then also, like as we go through winter, people want to be more inward, people want to be inside, people want to be resting, people want to be doing maybe a little bit of learning, and then, as we come to summer, people want to just embrace, feel revived and enjoy time and have so much fun. Okay, so this is why the summer is always a really, really good time to to focus on those more uplifting activities. Also, like I've just alluded to, when we are living in sign in, sign in harmony with our cycle, we as a person, in seasons, the moon, whatever it is we can plan and prepare. So, say, for example, we are working with the moon cycles, which I I also have an episode on this, by the way on moon cycles. So if you want to learn more about manifesting with the moon or moon cycles, check out the other episodes. I'll link them below because I'm nice to you like that.

Speaker 1:

But, yeah, you may want to plan and prepare. So, for example, when I know I'm going to have my period, I'm going to plan and prepare to not book clients in on that day. Okay, so I know a full moon's coming up, I'm going to think about the things I need to let go of. Oh wait, that's a new moon. Oh hey, I'm going to see what I'm going to bring in. Okay, we're coming into winter. What am I going to offer my clients that are going to really nourish them for the way that they want to be nourished right now? It's about understanding the cycles, okay. So just to recap, the cycles that I personally look at are my menstrual cycle, the seasons, the, the moon cycle. Those are the three ones that I focus on.

Speaker 1:

But you may find out that there are just cycles in your life that will repeat and be repetitive, and then you can either continue to plan and prepare or you can do things to change that cycle. So so, for example, you may have a trigger that continuously comes up and you behave in the same way and the same thing happens and dah, dah, dah, dah, and it just feels shit. You can plan and prepare, you can look at changing that cycle. Okay, there are so many things that you can do with the law of rhythm to totally benefit your daily life. As always, my biggest life advice if somebody said to me, kristy, what would you say to yourself as a younger person, or say to any young person? I would say release any fucking resistance that you have. Okay, let it go, go with the flow of life, accept that it will both be challenging and positive experiences. Why? Because lower polarity says we can't have light without dark, and that is is a fact. That is it Okay, but these experiences contribute to overall growth and development and I think, like when we start to look at what our purpose is here on life which, by the way, I think some life coaches talk absolute fucking shit about this oh, your purpose in life will change. No, it won't. Like when you find out what you're inherently here to do, what your sole purpose is, you will not fucking waver on that. My sole purpose is here to help people. How that shows up, I'm not really sure. I'm still working it all out at the moment. The coaching and the healing is doing a fantastic fucking job of making me feel fulfilled, but also actually really helping other people to genuinely take control of their life, to become more spiritual, to release limiting beliefs, to heal it in a child whatever is that that we're working on together is actually really fucking working and I'm really really excited about that. But yeah, anyway, that's the sideline.

Speaker 1:

Let's get back to the laws. So the next one is the law of gender. Now, now, I often feel very like insecure about talking about the word gender because of how much I don't particularly understand about gender. I'm going to be honest. It's not that I don't care, it's more that I don't have that experience. So I'm not 100% in a position to say I truly understand how people feel, if they feel non-binary things like that, and I'm not going to talk shit about what I don't know. So I often feel like I don't want to say stuff about gender. That makes me sound like an idiot but also insensitive.

Speaker 1:

But this isn't me talking. I am just simply explaining the, the law of gender, which is in the universal laws, and that is a. That is a set of principles that I did not make up. It's. You know, it comes from the hermetic principles and it's um, which were the seven principles based from the cabalian, and then it got expanded into the 12. So but the law of gender is one of those things and it basically emphasizes the presence of masculine and feminine energy in everything, regardless of its actual gender. So we will have times when we are people and we are more masculine, and sometimes when we are more feminine.

Speaker 1:

But there's also different things in life which is masculine and feminine, and what this means is that to create, we need to balance the masculine and feminine aspects. Okay, when we are creating life, when we're creating children, guess what? We need to balance the masculine and feminine. The feminine needs to be um ovulating at the time. The man needs to be able to have semen that can penetrate the egg and, you know, make the egg fertilized and that's how we have a baby, okay. So it's basically like thinking of it like that. So, when we are implementing the law of gender, it recognizes, harmonizing the masculine, feminine qualities within ourselves, but also within the aspects of life. Okay, and how we can do this is we can look at self-reflection. Okay, what are our masculine qualities, what are our feminine qualities, and have we been in more of my masculine energy or my feminine energy? That's a really good way to look.

Speaker 1:

Um, we may want to look at the awareness of energy dynamics because, for example, you will have masculine, feminine in your relationships, your work, your daily interactions. Okay, because it's yin and yang. Okay, when a masculine meets another masculine head-on, there's conflict. When a man, so a masculine, needs to push the other energy into the feminine or to the yin, um, in order for there to be balance and harmony, okay. So, for example, when we are trying to manifest money, money is feminine energy, so it needs to be attracted, not chased.

Speaker 1:

Okay, when we're applying the law of attraction, the law of correspondence, we're attracting all this stuff. We wanna be aligned to be able to be that magnet to have that energy attracted to us. Okay, we don't wanna chase it because that energy attracted to us. Okay, we don't want to chase it because we just chase it away, okay. So this can also mean we need to cultivate both qualities of masculine and feminine within us. We may need to develop being more assertive and have drive and focus with our masculine side, but we may need to also tap into our intuition and our nurturing feminine side as well. We might need to be very boundaried in our business. We may need to set rules in place to make sure that we are kept safe, but also people around us are kept safe, and this is balancing our masculine, feminine energy. You may have to do this when we're making a decision. We may have to have a balanced decision between the logical and the intuitive and emotional aspects in order to make a well-rounded choice. So finally, guys, you're going to be glad to hear we have finally reached the last law, which is the law of inspired action.

Speaker 1:

This often gets wrapped up into the law of attraction, but it's actually a law in its own set, in its own right. Some people say it is, some people isn't. This comes under the 12 laws, of the universal laws. So we're going to talk about it also. I should have probably done like a huge disclaimer at the start of like this episode and the one before. These are totally up for debate. People say the 12 are very different, like, for example, sometimes the 12 universal laws like it will include the law of mentalism. But for me, the law of mentalism actually really corresponds closely with the law of oneness. But again, the hermetic principles, which are seven principles from the cabalian, do get mixed in with the 12 universal laws and there is some confusion out there. These are the 12 universal laws as I see them and I implement them in my life and I've not had any trouble so far. So this works for me, this works for me. You have to see if it works for you, okay.

Speaker 1:

So, law of inspired action we need to kind of be very clear on what our goals are and then we need to take the inspired action to get there. So it's not just doing action for the sake of doing action. It's doing it because you have the passion and drive to do it. Okay, this is about aligning your intentions with purposeful and inspired actions. Okay, this is beyond wishful thinking. It's about actively participating in the manifestation process. Okay, we need to combine visualization and action. Okay, visualization alone is not efficient on its own. Okay, we need to be able to visualize and then start to set little goals. Okay, visualizing your goals allows your energy to tap into that. But sometimes we need that real world, reality check and be like okay, universe, I'm doing xyz, please hold your side, your side of the bargain.

Speaker 1:

Okay, listen to your intuition. If you feel like getting up one day and recording a fucking podcast, guess what? Get up and record that fucking podcast because your intuition is going to give you the subtle nudges, ideas, insights that you need to guide you to take the right steps. And the inspired action. This is what your inspired action is. Okay, you need to work on being present in the moment. That might be connecting with nature, meditating some deep breaths, whatever it is to allow for your intuition to come in. Okay, you can't just go. Oh, yeah, I'm just going to be present and not do the work. You need to make sure that when you are, you are creating space in your life for your intuition to talk to you. So that's some of the elements that you can do to implement the law of inspired action. But here are just a few fucking things that you can do.

Speaker 1:

So you need to clarify your goals, get specific, visualize your success, listen to your intuition, set actionable steps, create a plan, put stuff in your diary to hold you accountable, to deadlines. Stay open to opportunities. Stop procrastinating and do and do the fucking thing. Okay, just do the fucking thing. The more you procrastinate, the more you're just wasting your energy. Okay, stay positive and focused, even in the sight of like setbacks. Remember, rejection is just redirection and you want to reflect on what you're doing and adjust if it's not giving you the results that you need. But make sure you're giving time.

Speaker 1:

Patience is absolutely key with the law of inspired action. Okay, when you're feeling passionate, do the action. Then, while the energy will continue through your actions, and stay persistent. Staying persistent is so, so, so important, because you need to have that momentum to continue. Motivation isn't enough at this point, babe, when we want a big goal, like we want a fucking house, guess what the universe has got to move families around so that this house can become available for you. Guess what your finances need to be in order for this to become available. There are so many different things that need to be in order in order for you to have that house. Okay, imagine you want to meet your soulmate, the person that's going to be with you for the rest of your fucking life. That's a really big ask. So you need to do the inspired action. You need to do the work on yourself. Why law of compensation? Guess what? You started doing the work, you start investing in yourself, you're going to be compensated a lot quicker than if you just sit around going, oh where's my partner? This is all a load of bullshit, okay, and you want to basically collaborate, seek support.

Speaker 1:

It does get hard sometimes to stay persistent. I'm not saying that. You know we need to have this tough love all the time, but we can't unpack and live there. Okay, sometimes I, before I sat down to do this podcast, actually I was feeling a bit deflated and I was like you know what? I just kind of want to sit down and chat to my pod friends. So I'm gonna do that and that lights me up and makes me feel good. And now I'm in a much better and high vibrational state because I took the inspired action of following my intuition, of hopping on you and recording the this episode for you okay and celebrate your progress okay. Inspired action, the small victories along the way, that gives you the encouragement to continue more. And you know that positive reinforcement we need there. We need to. We're human, of course. We need to have that positive, that positive progress recognized by others.

Speaker 1:

There was this time in the gym where I really didn't want to fucking go to the gym. But I went to the gym and the guy was like, oh hey, you weren't in yesterday and we were giving out free coffees. And I was like, oh no, he was like I was waiting for you, I was expecting you, and I was like, oh yeah, I uh took the day off yesterday and he was like, oh no, worries, here's your free coffee. He had one notice me for going out of my way and doing whatever and then also give me a free coffee. So people are watching, babe, people are watching. And I celebrated that day. I fucking celebrated because I was like this is amazing, I'm so happy with it.

Speaker 1:

But anyway, that has been the 12 laws of the universe, the universal laws. Let me know what you think and how you're gonna implement them. For you, this has been a whirlwind tour and, as always, if you want to do a deeper dive. There is Google and things like that. But if you wanna dive into the Inner Shift Collective, there are still some spaces available for you to jump in and to dive into 12 universal laws but also 30 other spiritual topics, all geared towards helping you develop your spiritual self, to help heal yourself. We've got inner child healing, cord cutting, ritual practice. We've got so many fucking things in this hub of beautiful knowledge, honestly.

Speaker 1:

So for just a few quid a month, you get a three-day free pass to check it out to see if it's for you. You also get the opportunity to cancel at any time if it no longer works for you. You get live calls with me. We do q and a's. We're deciding on what we're going to do with the other hour, if it's going to be hot seat coaching or intention setting circles. I've got so much to give in this space which, yeah, has a beautiful community of women.

Speaker 1:

So check out the Inner Shift Collective, hit the link below and I'm going to leave it there for today. Guys, thank you so very much for joining me. I am so freaking excited to have done this episode, because this is something that has been on my mind for a really, really long time and I had the time to dive in, divulge and regurgitate all this information to you, so I hope that you enjoyed. Let me know what you think of the podcast. As always, leave me a review or subscribe, you know. Whatever I don't know, just do something. Even message me on Instagram, let me know what you think, sending you loads of love. Uh, I'm off now. See you later. Bye.