Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Unlocking the Power of Reiki Healing & Chakras

Kirsty Harris

What if you could harness the power of universal energy to heal your mind, body, and soul? Join me, Kirsty Harris, as we embark on an enlightening journey through the world of Reiki healing and chakras in this episode of Find Your Inner Glow. Discover the origins of Reiki, an alternative healing practice founded by Makaiyo Yasui in the early 20th century, and learn how to tap into universal life force energy for profound physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. I’ll guide you through the essentials of proper training and attunement, ensuring you can discern qualified practitioners from scams. Moreover, you’ll get a clear understanding of the different levels of Reiki training, from personal practice to teaching, and the critical importance of verifying your Reiki teacher's lineage and qualifications.

Imagine a healing session tailored specifically to your needs, where your comfort and safety are paramount. In this episode, I share my personalized, trauma-informed approach to face-to-face Reiki healing sessions. Picture yourself fully clothed, relaxed on a massage couch with optional blankets, while I use my hands and intuition-guided crystals to align with your chakras and enhance healing. Through personal anecdotes, I illustrate how each session is a unique, calming experience designed to relieve stress, improve sleep, and provide emotional clarity. To top it off, I’m offering a special discount for listeners eager to book a session and experience the transformative power of Reiki firsthand. Tune in and uncover how you can find your inner glow!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Find your Inner Glow podcast hosted by me, kirsty Harris. I am a holistic coach and I am super passionate about helping others improve their lives by focusing on the mind, body and soul. Each week, I will be sharing my insights, experiences and advice on how to tap into your inner glow and live a more fulfilling and balanced life. So join us and let's discover how to find your innerglow together. Hello and welcome back to a cheeky bonus episode. So today we're going to be getting into Reiki.

Speaker 1:

What Reiki is, the benefits, things like that. Just because I talk about Reiki a lot on the show, so I thought it's just really good just to give you guys an overview of what it is, what it does, what the benefits are. You'll have to excuse my voice. I had my twit class yesterday, so I was shouting a lot, only because I'm like excited, not because I'm shouting at people, but yeah, when I'm shouting out instructions over the music, this is the result. So please bear with me and, yeah, what we're going to do is we'll get started with what Reiki actually is.

Speaker 1:

So Reiki is a form of alternative healing. It was developed back in the early 20th century by Makaiyo Yasui. Right, I know I'm not saying that right, I know I'm not, so if I'm offending people I'm sorry, but I'm definitely getting the Yasui right and it's based on the idea that there is, like this, universal life force, energy that flows through all living things, and it can be tapped into by a practitioner to help promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing. So Yasui developed this in the early 1900s and the term Reiki comes from the Japanese words. So there's two Japanese words and the first one is Rei, which means universal, and Ki refers to the vital life force, energy that flows through all living things, and that is why it's called Reiki. And Reiki is used all over the world in places like hospitals and hospices to complement other health treatments. So it's very good to be mindful that reiki does not cure health problems, but can help with the symptoms of health problems.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and it's a super easy technique to learn. Everybody has the ability and basically reiki is passed down from teacher to student. It's not just learned in a classroom and it shouldn't be learned like that. It should be done with somebody who is experienced, who's going to give you a small group. There are people out there that do take the mick with Reiki and just see it as a quick way to make money. So if somebody's telling you that you can do Reiki one in two in a weekend, absolutely you need to do reiki one, give it a bit of time at least, like a month or six weeks, and then do reiki two. Um, because just doing it like that is just way, way too quick and because you have to think when you're doing reiki, you're opening your energy. Like you're opening your energy, you're learning how it feels to have that new insight and to pick up on other people's energy. So to do it in two days it's just literally not good enough. But equally, you should not be teaching reiki one over 12 weeks. It does not need to be taught over 12 weeks, okay, so please be careful, because there are people that will prey on people who are vulnerable and that's unfortunate. That's just the kind of world that we live in.

Speaker 1:

But it's a really simple technique to learn and it's not based on like skills or ability, like everybody has the ability to tap into it. You just have to be attuned into it. So when loads of people say to me I want to start working my spirit, um, a really common sign is like ears ringing and that's because you're not tuned into the right frequency. And it's the same with Reiki. Like you need to have the attunement in order to be on that level, to be able to pick up that level of energy. Okay, so that's usually what happens during your Reiki training there'll be like an attunement and this allows you to give, to tap into the life force, energy to improve your health, to improve other people's health.

Speaker 1:

With Reiki one, it's all about doing Reiki on yourself and friends and family. And then Reiki two is the practitioner level. You can do Reiki three, which is a master, which means that you can teach others and attune others into Reiki. And there should always be a clear lineage from your Sui. So when you're going to do a Reiki course, always make sure that you can see the lineage of who's been passed down, like my teacher showed me a sui and then all the people that he had passed it down to, down to her, and then you know, when I become a master, I will go under her and that will be my lineage. So that's really, really important again in trying to identify those who are trying to scam you and people who are not. And when I'm talking about scammers, I'm just talking about those who are teaching and also be careful of like the practitioner you choose.

Speaker 1:

You choose to go to if you decide to do Reiki, because it's an unregulated industry at the end of the day so you can do an online course or you can be like me, spend quite a bit of money to invest in this. Do day courses, do the attunement, do everything and do it in the proper way. You'll notice the difference because, yeah, there's nothing wrong with going to like different Reiki practitioners as well, like trying different people and their energy and what they bring for you. There's nothing wrong with that. So, yeah, just be careful who you go to. Ask to see qualifications, ask them about their course, make sure you're going to the right Reiki practitioner for you.

Speaker 1:

Reiki is something that you can't do wrong. You'll never have bad reiki. You will always have reiki that's not effective, or reiki which you know the non-effective comes from the level of training with the person. Yeah and yeah, with reiki it's all about good. It's not about bad reiki. It's not about giving bad energy. It's impossible with Reiki because it's just designed to do good things.

Speaker 1:

So what does Reiki feel like? You know when you're receiving a treatment, so it can be very, very subtle. If you're not very much in tune with your intuition and your energy on your body, you may not even feel anything. You might just be laying there going. I hope this is doing something, but I can assure you it is, and the more that you have Reiki, or the more you become interested in Reiki and connecting to your body, you know and that can be through dance, movement, whatever it is you will see the benefits and you'll see the change in your treatments. So for me, reiki is like this just lovely feeling that washes over me. I do feel like my energy move, which I know sounds very weird if you've never felt that before. Um, but I do feel like my energy move when I'm having Reiki. I can feel it just being being changed.

Speaker 1:

And Reiki is all based on our chakras, which I'll talk about in a sec, but basically it's about improving your well-being. It's about having peace and security and feeling safe with your practitioner. You will always be clothed with your practitioner as well, so wear something that is really, really comfortable for you. And yeah, like I said, even if you feel like Reiki is not doing anything, it does have a good result. So let's just quickly go through chakras, because I'll probably end up doing a bonus episode on chakras alone because they are very, very in depth. So we have thousands of chakras all over our body, but Reiki will focus on the seven main ones. So we will focus on the root, which is at the base of our spine.

Speaker 1:

This is all about grounding. When we are moving up to about two inches below your belly button, that's the sacral one, that's where your creativity is kind of stored and that's where you have your emotional expression as well. As we move up to just by your diaphragm, we have the solar plexus and this is all about your sense of self and your sense of purpose and ambition Goes without saying in the middle of our chest and a few inches in that is the heart chakra. This is love, compassion, empathy, acceptance. Any pain that you've experienced will manifest here in the heart chakra. Then we have the throat chakra, which is right in the middle of your throat, and that's all about truth, verbal expression, self-control, which, yeah, can get blocked if you're maybe not speaking your truth or saying what you mean. And then between the eyebrows and like a little bit up, is the third eye. This is your intuition, your sixth sense your imagination and at the very, very top, at the crown of your head. There is a chakra there which is called the crown chakra, and that's all about spirituality, wisdom, connection and divinity.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that's the chakras that need to be aligned in order for you to kind of have good health, to be feeling your best self. Chakras can get blocked or they can get a bit dirty or, yeah, they can move. So it's good to make sure that they're all in alignment, they're all working and energy is flowing through each chakra. And that's basically what Reiki does is to make sure that your chakras are open, they're spinning the right way, they're doing the right things that they should be doing and energy flows through them so that you are in alignment. And the deeper the issue you have like, for example, you're not gonna come in and have a Reiki session and depression is gonna disappear from you instantly. Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. The deeper the issue, the more energy work that needs to be done, and like I've. So when you come in and you're having Reiki, you're fixing that immediately, but it takes a minute to get down to the emotional, mental and into the physical body. Ok, so you have to give Reiki a chance to work as well, so it needs to come back down through those levels. So that's just a little touch on chakras.

Speaker 1:

I will be doing a workshop coming up soon which I will tell everybody about and, yeah, I will make sure to do a bonus episode, because chakras are very, very in depth. Even though we're focusing on seven of them, they all come with their own colours, crystals, foods, qualities, scents, mantras literally it's mad. So, yeah, we'll dive into that a bit more later. So I just want to take a minute now to talk about what happens during my Reiki sessions. Okay, I've had appointments with other people. I'm not going to comment on that because I really feel like it's really good to go out and get your own experience in different environments of where you get Reiki.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but for me you will come to visit me face-to-face. I really distance Reiki is a thing and it does work, but for me I like to have that face-to-face appointment. I'm just a person who likes to see people. Okay, I can't help it. So you'll come, you'll see me, we'll have a little sit down, we'll have a discussion around your health, what makes you feel comfortable, and when I talk about that, I just mean like I'll talk about the door being locked um, or like where you want me to put my hands, where you don't want me to put my hands, things like that, just to make sure you're entirely comfortable throughout. Obviously, as a trauma-informed practitioner like taking into your, into consideration, your environment is really really important for me, because I want you to feel comfortable, I want you to feel like you're in a safe space. That's ultimately what I want to achieve at the very start of the meeting and we'll talk about how throughout the session. If you want me to stop, that's fine. Just let me know and I'll explain that.

Speaker 1:

Basically, throughout the session I'm quite quiet. We'll have some nice relaxing music on in the background and then, as the session comes towards an end, I'll start to talk to you about what I'm feeling and we can have a little discussion about what's going on. You lay on a massage couch where you are fully clothed. You can have blankets. I'll either place my hands over you or on you. As a person, I'm a really hands-on person, but if you're not comfortable with that, that's absolutely fine. It still works all the same.

Speaker 1:

So when I'm doing the Reiki session, I'm thinking about what's blocked, what's flowing well, what's feeling, what am I feeling? I and I know that just sounds weird, but I'll just pick up on the energy and I'll pick up on what you're feeling, how things are in your body. If you have any physical pain, I'll be pick up on the energy and I'll pick up on what you're feeling, how things are in your body. If you have any physical pain, I'll be looking to move that, because physical pain is just like a buildup of energy in one particular part of the body. So, for example, I always suffer with my right shoulder, so I will do Reiki on myself to balance it out with the left, and usually I get instant pain relief. I'm not saying that happens for everyone, but there is a possibility for that to happen.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's really a non-invasive and gentle form of healing and it's often described as a relaxing and calming experience, because that's where it is. You're just laying there and for me, I use crystals. Like Reiki and crystal healing come together. I can't do one without the other. Crystal healing is basically using crystals that may be in alignment with the chakras or what you need, and placing them on your body as well. So we have the added benefit of crystal healing, because I can't do Reiki on its own. I feel like you need the extra oomph of the crystals or I like to give the extra oomph because I just feel like it is healing. And also crystals are like precious gems or stones which have, you know, properties within them that are meant to help with healing.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes you might go into a crystal shop and you might go, oh, I really like that, and then you'll pick it up and you'll be like, oh, this is what it means and I just feel totally called out because that literally what happens to me all the time. Like I literally had this story the other day where this was absolutely wild to me. I'm just going to tell you this quickly. So I never buy crystals online. I always like to go into the shop and like, pick it up, have a feel of it, see if it's for me anyway.

Speaker 1:

This crystal came up and I was like, like it's not a crystal I would normally pick, like it's not something like I would normally pick at all, and I don't know. I was just like, oh, I guess I really need that, I really need it, and I just had this overwhelming urge to buy it. So I bought it. Obviously, if it's a crystal, I'm buying it. So then the crystal arrived and then, like literally a day or two later, I who needed this crystal, so I picked an emerald, which emerald like never appealed to me before and still doesn't, but now I know why I have it.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, emeralds are really linked to foresight, and this person came to me because they were feeling guilty about the lack of foresight they had in a situation and I was like, great, so the crystal's green, which is the same color as your heart chakra, which is currently blocked, and it's all linked to foresight. I was like, wow, like how did I know that I was going to need that? So like, yeah, energy and your intuition absolutely goes off the scale when you start doing Reiki. But yeah, it was just a crazy story for me. So that's literally what happens during a session with me. I like to make it as comfortable as possible. Sessions are about an hour and if you hear this pod and you decide you want to book a Reiki session with me, I'm going to offer you 25% off. Just put in a glow pod in on my website on a Reiki treatment and you will get 25% off. So, yeah, you are welcome. So, as we go on to the next part of the episode.

Speaker 1:

It's all about the benefits. Okay, so the benefits of Reiki are stress relief and relaxation. If you're laying down and relaxing for an hour, that's probably going to have a good impact on your well-being, okay, it helps your overall well-being, it helps your sleep, it helps enable emotional clarity and growth. Like I said, when we are building things up in an area, we just need to balance that energy out so it can help with inflammation and pain. It can help with anxiety and depression by helping mood change or understanding, like, what's going on, like just providing that deeper insight. Also, we know now from lots of research that stress really contributes to mental cramps and period pain, so it does help with those as well, conditions that reiki helps with.

Speaker 1:

So again, reiki is not going to cure you, okay, reiki is not going to cure you of cancer, but it can help with the symptoms. So some of the symptoms of illnesses that we can work with are tiredness, sickness, all that type of stuff, and some of the conditions that Reiki is being used to help, like worldwide in hospitals and things like that are cancer, heart disease, anxiety, depression, chronic pain, infertility, divergent disorders, so neurodivergent disorders. Sorry I've been watching that film divergent way too much um autism, crohn's disease and obviously fatigue, like I mentioned. And reiki should never take the place of proper medical treatment. It is only there to assist. Okay, that's super, super important. So that is like the quickest whistle stop. Tour of Reiki and what it is and the benefits and, yeah, all that type of stuff.

Speaker 1:

I will be doing another bonus episode on chakras because literally there's so much stuff to cover in that and yeah, you know the drill by now. Guys, join us on our socials. Thank you so much for listening. Don't forget you can get 25 off any reiki treatment with me with the, the discount code inner glow pod. So, yeah, inner glow pod is your discount. So book in and I will see you soon. Thanks so much for listening.