Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Connecting with Spirit Guides and Unlocking Their Wisdom

Kirsty Harris

Ever wondered how to connect with your spirit guides and unlock their wisdom? Join me, Kirsty Harris, on a captivating journey through the mystical realms as we uncover the secrets of spirit guides in this episode of the Find Your Inner Glow podcast. From the comforting presence of ancestral guides to the enigmatic wisdom of ascended masters, we explore various types of these benevolent beings and discuss powerful methods to invite and recognize their guidance in your life. I share a deeply personal story of my encounter with a temporary guide in the form of a white leopard, designed to inspire you to embark on your own spiritual exploration.

But that’s not all—travel with me to the breathtaking Antelope Canyon, where a serendipitous adventure led to a profound spiritual transformation. Despite an initial hiccup with the tour bus, the canyon's stunning beauty triggered an intense, purifying illness, followed by cryptic guidance from a wise Native American elder in my visions. Discover how these experiences, paired with Reiki practices, can deepen your spiritual connections. Packed with practical tips on journaling, meditation, and using divination tools, this episode is your comprehensive guide to connecting with the spiritual realm. Tune in to uncover the mysteries and enhance your spiritual journey!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Find your Inner Glow podcast hosted by me, kirsty Harris. I am a holistic coach and I am super passionate about helping others improve their lives by focusing on the mind, body and soul. Each week, I will be sharing my insights, experiences and advice on how to tap into your inner glow and live a more fulfilling and balanced life. So join us and let's discover how to find your inner glow together. Well, hello. If you have checked the title, you know that we are diving into exploring spirit guides. So what are spirit guides? How do we connect to them? How do we know they're near us? This is what we will be going through today. I got to be honest. I have a spirit guide who, like I will explain everything a bit later, but I'm not an expert in this. In this field, this has been my experience and my understanding. As always, guys like, this podcast is always a foundation for you to go away and research further. Like you know, you see the different topics I put out every week. It's, you know, to give you that foundation, to like, give you a little bit of confidence to dive in deeper into the areas that pique your interest. So you know I'm a master, oh no, I'm a jack of all trades or master of none. But there's another part of that. Saying that basically is like, yeah, that's just a better way to be. So yeah, I'm just rambling, here we go. We've got one of these podcasts today, guys, where I'm just gonna ramble and I'm just gonna say shit, that's kind of it. So fascinating, fascinating topic that is spirit guides. So sorry, I'm just putting my phone on silent. I'm literally not cutting anything out of the podcast today. Oh god, everything's on the go. Right, here we go.

Speaker 1:

Spirit guides these are non-physical entities that offer guidance, support and wisdom to us on our life journey. So you know, the point of today is to kind of have a little look at what they are. So what is a really common characteristic of a spirit guide? So they're non-physical, like we just said. So they're not believed to have physical bodies like humans or animals. Instead, they live in the non-physical realm, often referred to as the spiritual or astral plane. So yeah, we can usually just pick up their energy when they are close by and feel them, rather than see them, touch them, that type of stuff. They are also benevolent beings and you're like, oh, that's a big word, but basically, they are wise and positive energies that come and they surround us and they have our best interest at heart. They offer guidance and they push us into alignment with our best interests at heart. They offer guidance and they push us into alignment with our growth and well-being.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so they're non-physical, they're benevolent beings and they are assigned or chosen. Okay, so some belief systems mean that individuals are assigned a specific spirit guide at birth. Um, I kind of like to think of this as a family guide, so this could be somebody who is on the earthly plane and then they pass over and continue to walk alongside you, or they are already in the spiritual realm when you were born and they continue to walk with you through life, through pivotal moments, through those important moments. And, yeah, others believe that you can consciously connect with guides and invite certain guides into your life. That's kind of, I guess, more in like the shamanism world, I guess, and in the more spiritual world. So I've always had a fascination with spirit guides and I was like, oh, you know, I'd love to be able to connect and I have a story which I will get to. I'll get to. But I just want to make sure that we cover the foundations of what a spirit guide is. First, before I jump into my story, I'm just very excited to tell you so we know that they're benevolent beings, they're non-physical and they're assigned or chosen. You know, it's not a willy-nilly game. You don't just get thrown a spirit guide and gone, go on then, and they also have different roles, so, or like diverse forms in which they, in which they come.

Speaker 1:

So you might have ancestral guides, so this could be from ancestors who have passed away and offer guidance from the spirit realm. You could have animal guides. I love the thought of animal guides and when I speak to like other spiritual people who have animal guides, I just love it like they always have like quirky animals, um, and these are animals that symbolize certain qualities or lessons and offer insights through their symbolism. So I went through a period of my life where I had a white leopard and he was walking alongside me. He was a temporary guide, he wasn't a guide that was going to stay with me. So spirit guides can stay with us through our entire life, or they can come and go, it's yeah, and they may pop up and help us through a specific lesson in our life and then go away, or they might stay. So, yeah, nothing can be permanent with a spirit guide. He may be permanent, she may be permanent wherever it is, but they're not always designed to stay. If they've got to go on and you know, they're going to do other things as well that didn't make any sense, but what I'm trying to say is some are temporary, some are not okay.

Speaker 1:

So we also have ascended masters. This is a term that you would have like heard in Reiki. So Usui Reiki, he was an ascendant master, and these are the enlightened beings who have reached a high level of spiritual evolution. And, yeah, so Yusui, he was kind of like the founder of Reiki and and understood Reiki on a really deep level, which he taught every. You know he taught Reiki as, so he was the master and he would teach to students, who would become masters and then teach to students, and that is just the way that Reiki has continued to develop throughout the western world and it's a really, really popular with like billions of people being masters. That's without people doing Reiki level one or level two. We're talking about masters here, um, and when you're working within Reiki, you can ask for the ascendant master, you see, to come down and help you with your Reiki practice or with any blocks within your Reiki or anything like that. There are other ascendant masters, but that's just a really common one to kind of talk about.

Speaker 1:

You might have angelic beings, so these are believed to be like your angels um, oh god, that sounded really very storyline, didn't it? Your angels, um. So these angelic beings are like divine messengers or they bring messages from like the angelic realms. Again, there's loads of different realms out there. It depends on what you believe in in spirituality. Some people like to surround themselves with, with angels.

Speaker 1:

I personally am more of the ancestral guy type of person. That doesn't mean I don't have angels, but I just feel like on an ancestral level. I connect in there and that's for me. We may also have personal guides and these are beings that are specifically assigned to us to guide us through our entire life. So what I want to say about that is I would call that like a family guide.

Speaker 1:

So like, for example, my nan, I 100% believe is a family guide. So she was obviously present when I was born. It doesn't it doesn't mean like present as in like actual room. She was obviously just very present in my life. She took great care of me for a long time throughout my life, and then she passed away when I was 16, which was absolutely devastating for me. So when that happened I was just like, oh, what the hell, I felt so disconnected from her, I felt like I lost all connection. And it wasn't until I was just like, oh, what the hell, I felt so disconnected from her, I felt like I lost all connection.

Speaker 1:

And it wasn't until I was a lot older and I kind of got into spirituality that I was like, oh, actually, that like she's around me all the time. And then I met somebody like you know, I met a medium and was like, oh, your nan is really, really around you. She's really like beside you, um, and she's your family guide. And I was like, oh, okay, nan is really, really around you, she's really like beside you, um, and she's your family guide. And I was like, oh, okay, and this started to bring me like loads of comfort, because to know that she's around me, she's next to me, and then the signs that I would feel I, you know, I was seeing, I was feeling were all her. And now I'm able to kind of have a bit of a connection with her.

Speaker 1:

I communicate with her through like pendulums and things like that, or I ask her for specific things to show me if I'm on the right path, and usually, nine times out of ten, something will appear or like something will draw my attention, to indicate if I'm on the right path or not. And sometimes I do feel her energy. You know, when you're around somebody and you just feel like a vibe, sometimes I feel her vibe around me. Um, I often feel it in the car when I'm driving somewhere. So I often feel like she's probably there protecting me. Um, and yeah, I know this sounds a bit crazy, but this is just how I feel. This is it all right, that's just how we do it here. Okay, we're just being open and honest and frank. Yeah, so I feel like my nan is my family guide or personal guide. That's what. That's not my story, though. I'll get to my story in a minute but what I wanna touch on first is how you know that they're there, okay, so, like I just said, I get the vibe Like when I used to be in my nan's company.

Speaker 1:

I would kind of maybe have like intuitional signs from her where I'd be like oh, can you tell me something, can you show me something. It may also show up in signs or synchronicities or symbolic messages to guide us on the right path. And don't forget, spirit can really communicate with us through technology. So when I'm having a really bad day, nine times out of ten I'll hear like a Ronan Keating song. So, oh my god, this was like such like a divine messenger. When I first viewed the apartment I live in now, I was driving away and I just went, nan, just show me if I'm on the right path. And all of a sudden it was like raining. The sun came out, a Ronan Keating song came on the radio and a rainbow was like really, really bright, and when we were like driving, the light was reflecting off the water on the ground which was making it look like rainbows. And I was like, okay, the universe, my nan, whoever it is, is really showing me that this is the right decision and it was 100% the right decision. So, yeah, and sometimes our intuition can actually be messages from spirit guides and that gut feeling or that inner knowing, it could just be the spirit guides communicating with us.

Speaker 1:

Another thing is connection and communication. So people may connect with their spirit guides through meditation or prayer. Um, so I've done meditations to meet my spirit guides before, or to have a conversation with them, or my higher self, higher self, is different from spirit guides, but those are the type of like guided meditations I do. You may pray to them, you may have just an intention to connect with them, and your communication could occur through thoughts, feelings, visions, dreams, or or like intuitive, intuitive messages or anything else really that's really intuitive. It's um, it's different for everyone. There's no right or wrong way to connect in is what I want to say. If you believe that you're connecting to your spirit guide, you probably are, um, so I don't want to reinforce you if you feel like you're a nutjob, but you know, if you feel like I'm connecting to a specific spirit guide and this is what they look like, they feel like, whatever you know, don't doubt it, don't doubt it. And if you can speak to somebody who's quite spiritual and see what they kind of say as well. And with spirit guides, there's always an important part to think about, which is respect and boundaries. Not all spiritual experiences are necessary interactions with spirit guides. Let's be real, okay, um, we need to have healthy boundaries in spiritual practice.

Speaker 1:

There are people who like, oh, my god, I just saw this number and it means this and it's an angel number. And I'm like, yeah, there probably are times where there are angel numbers being shown to you, but then it's actually probably a very good like chance that that angel number is just a coincidence. Like, for example, I went into a food place the other day. My food came to 555 and I was like I didn't plan it. I I didn't plan it like for it to be that much money or like do you know what I mean? And I just thought it was a coincidence. It wasn't maybe like divine being shown a number by accident. But there are some times, like where I've had clients and they've been on holiday and like they've had big angel numbers being thrown at them left, right and center.

Speaker 1:

And what I want to say as well is that if you are having conflicting messages through angel numbers, intuition, things like that you may have multiple spirit guides trying to talk to you and the best thing to do is to be like can please one person speak and send me messages? Can one person just be the nominated spirit guide to communicate with me, because you're getting confused. That's absolutely fine as well. So with spirit guides, it can vary very widely based on cultural, religious or individual perspective. Okay, you may look at it through a metaphysical lens. You might approach it with a more psychological and symbolic framework. Whatever you do, it's totally right for you. There's like there's no right way to do spirituality and sometimes I do feel like people make, make it like hard, like spirituality is hard. It's not if you're feeling it, if there's synchronicities, if it's showing up in your dream, if you're having physical sensations like your temperature change, your head tingling, like a loud noise in your left or right ear, like that could be it like do you know what I mean? It could just be somebody trying to talk to you, or it could be tinnitus. Again, we have to be rooted in reality, in whatever we do, and recognize an unusual sensation and rule out any sort of medical cause for that. So, yeah, what I want to say as well is that the concept of spirit guides, like serve such a source of guidance, comfort and connection for so many people on their spiritual journey, and I absolutely love my spirit guide. So I'm going to tell you about my spirit guide now.

Speaker 1:

So before I went to Las Vegas, I was like I have to go to this canyon, it's the Antelope Canyon and it's in Navajo land, which is in Utah, and it's a four hour drive from Las Vegas and a four hour drive back. But I was like I don't care, I need to do it. Um, so I like made sure that I was on that bus to go, even so. Much so I showed up on the wrong day and went for a joyride with the, with the bus driver being like oh sorry, I think you picked up the wrong person, and he's like oh my god, that's hilarious. Anyway, and the next time we met, we actually went to the Antelope Canyon and I just felt like I just felt that I was going to like something was going to change for me in the Canyon and I just felt like I just felt like I was gonna like something was gonna change for me in the canyon. It just felt like it. I couldn't explain why I couldn't pick up where it was.

Speaker 1:

But there was a couple of other things that happened on holiday which I kind of predicted. Well, no, I didn't, kind of I predicted, and it came true. Like I knew I was going to meet somebody who was going to do something very outlandish for me, which he did. Um, I knew that like it was going to be an interesting experience. I knew that. Just, I just knew a few things. I just knew I had to go to this canyon. You know that deep inner knowing where you're, like you have to go anyway.

Speaker 1:

So I go there and then we climb down into the canyon and the sun is like bouncing off these beautiful sand walls which are literally like compressed sand, and it has mica in the sand which is like a very reflective material, so when the sun hits it it makes the sand look different colors, from orange to purple, to blue, like it was to yellow. It was absolutely stunning and I put my hand on the canyon, my whole body tingled, my scalp was like crazy. I and I, just I remember that moment. Now I took a deep breath in and I put my hand on the canyon and it felt like a big heartbeat. I was like fuck, this is such a big um place of spiritual, of spiritual presence, and it it was very sacred within the Navajo land. The Navajo land is, um, one of the biggest Native American tribes that are preserved by the government, and Navajo land is one of the biggest. I think it's like the third biggest in the USA, but I could just feel this tingling the whole time I was there and as we went through the winding, the winding corridors of this canyon, I was like it's just unreal, like I've never seen anything so beautiful. And oh, even before I got to the canyon, there was a sign just before the canyon and it said two, two, two. And I was like, oh, for God's sake, that's an angel number. I was like what the hell is this about? And then I went down into the canyon and I came up and I just felt different and I was like, oh God, you've got to be making this up. Do you know what I mean? Maybe you're just tired from the four hour drive here, but no, I just really felt really, really different and I felt really spaced out.

Speaker 1:

And then I came home from Las Vegas and I was ill, babes. I was in bed for like 10 days and it took a long time for my consciousness to leave Las Vegas and come home. I had a temperature of 42. I was not with it at all. And then I was listening to like Lost Civilization with Graham Norton, which should definitely not have done that, and then, yeah, it was just. It took a while for my consciousness to come back to the UK. Like it just felt like when I was dreaming. I was dreaming about being in Las Vegas. It was a very weird, weird time, one of the most like I guess woo-woo times I've ever experienced, but also one of the most like out-of-body experiences I've ever had, and I've never been that ill coming back from a holiday. It was really really strange. Anyway, when I felt better, I'd gone through like it almost felt like a very deep cleanse and purge of like any germs or anything. I just felt like any sort of like illness that was in me was just literally released.

Speaker 1:

And then, when I was well enough to do Reiki, I got to the root chakra and all of a sudden I saw this fucking guy in my head and I was like what's going on? And I just saw like his face, like his very strong facial features, and he was very Native American and like he was very old. Sorry, I don't mean to slag you, but you were a little bit older, a little bit wrinkly. You could tell like, like, but the ring it wasn't like a bad wrinkle, it was like a this person is so full of wisdom and like he didn't really talk at first, and then, as I started to do more Reiki and tap into other people's like root chakra, he started to come forward more and more and we and I was asking what do I need to do here?

Speaker 1:

He would kind of come out in riddles to begin with or like very like traditional sayings, and I wouldn't really get what he was meaning, like what he would mean, and he like he would be like oh, she needs to walk the path, she needs to, and stuff like that. And I'd be like, well, what the fuck does that mean? Like what the fuck? I used to get really annoyed. I was like can you just help me, please, can you just help me in plain English? And then, like he would expand on that and he would like she needs to walk the path, she needs to, she can't go around the mountain, she can't go under the mountain, she can't go over the mountain, she has to go through the mountain. But at each turn there will be somebody there to help her and guide her. And I was like, oh, okay, well, that makes sense. Like, finish what you were saying please, sir. Um, and yeah, I kind of just get these messages inwards like they cut, like it's really weird because it comes into my left ear and it's it's not like I physically hear somebody, but like the information comes in from my left and the energy of that thought feels different.

Speaker 1:

That's how I know it's not my thought and I'm like, cool. And then it comes in and it lands. I'm like, okay, that's not me. And then things like when I'm struggling will pop into my head, and usually how I know it's not me is because I will hear an unusual saying or I will say something that's not something I would just like my choice of words. So I'd be like, okay, cool. So then we started to build a relationship. So I would thank him, I would give thanks to him, and then he went away for a period of time whilst I did my Reiki master teachers. But now I just know that he is in my circle. He's just taking a step back because he's helped me through the part of my life that I needed. But he hasn't gone away way, he's just stepped back.

Speaker 1:

At the moment I do really feel like my spirit guides, my spirit team, whatever you want to call them, are all taking a step back because I need to do some painful learning and painful transformation. It's not that they're not there to catch me or to support me. It's more that they have to give me space to learn and to grow and to figure these things out. So your spirit guide is not always going to be the knight in shining armor to rush in and give you. Give you, like, the support that you need when you exactly need it. There will be a, you know, a phase about you standing on your own two, two feet that their goal is to empower you, not disenable you. So sometimes, like you may feel like you're really alone and isolated, but they are there and they are supporting you. They're just supporting you in a way to make you stand on your own two feet. Um, and that's what I'm going through right now.

Speaker 1:

Like I know, when I do reiki and and I'm really struggling, like when I do Reiki it's almost like a problem solving game. It's like a puzzle. I'm like I can see things. I'm like, okay, how do we work it together? How do we put it together and how do we make the chakra work again? And then sometimes I'm like, right, I've tried all these different methods and I can call them in, call my, my spirit guide in. I call him Chief, he didn't really have a name. He didn't really tell me his name, but I just called him Chief. Um, that was just kind of the name that came to mind. So, yeah, me and Chief get, get together. We have a little like, you know, chin wag, go. How can I fix this then? Um, because, yeah, I get really frustrated because I like to, I like things to work and I like things to work and I like things to be put back together.

Speaker 1:

And I'm really terrible with Reiki because, like, I'm a terrible businesswoman, because every time like I fix something and I put things in alignment, I will Reiki that person to continue healing from that. So, literally, this like people don't come back to me for the same issue. They may come back to me for a similar issue, or if it's something really deep-rooted, then they do come back, but nine times out of ten I often see different forms of healing that need to take place with my Reiki clients because I literally put Reiki on them to continue healing from that, from whatever we've done for the next couple of days or until they are healed in that respect, and that usually pushes them into the next stage of healing or into the next sort of phase of like what needs to be healed next, remember, we're not always going to be healed. We will never be 100% healed, but we will. You know, we can have a much deeper and more meaningful connection to ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so for me, I connected to my guide through Reiki. Um, even when I go into meditation, and when I go into meditation now, I can see him. But it wasn't. It was literally when I got to somebody's root chakra and I was like, oh, maybe it's their spirit guide. And then when I kept coming to the root chakra and seeing the same guide, I was like, oh, no, he's mine, um, and then I could meditate and engage with him there.

Speaker 1:

But you know, you know, if you're wanting to do a spirit guide meditation, a guided meditation to kind of bring you into contact with them, that's a really good way, also like journaling. So keep a document of your thoughts, your feelings, any intuitive messages you receive, or track, you know, and this will help you track any patterns or insights over time. Automatic writing is one of my favorite things. So like literally first thing in the morning, getting up writing whatever comes to you. It doesn't matter if it makes sense, it doesn't matter if it's any any good, but, yeah, without conscious, or allow your guides to channel through you and communicate through your pen. Another one could be using tarot oracle cards. You can ask your spirit guides to come in and ask for guidance, um that.

Speaker 1:

And you can use other forms of divination as well, like through your pendulum, things like that or there's tea, there's bone throwing, there's tea leaf reading, there's coffee ground reading, there's there's so many tools of divination that it's absolutely amazing. Like I know a lady who just uses a regular pack of playing cards and she's able to like, literally give readings. So you know you, you gotta just find your thing. I love tarot, I love reiki, that, I love crystals. That is my, that's my bag. I use my pendulum. Personally, I do use a pendulum in reiki. Sometimes, if I'm struggling with a chakra that needs to open, I do use it then, um, but yeah, otherwise, those are the like divination things that I use. I don't dive in deeper to other things.

Speaker 1:

So we've covered in detail about the different ways that they will try and communicate with you, so let's talk about the different clairs, um, so this is usually talked about in the psychic, um, in the psychic realm, but we can link this in with spirit guides Because they will communicate with us in the same way as maybe spirit will. So clairvoyance Some people may receive visual images or visions in their mind's eye that provide guidance or information. You may get like pictures that flash in. You may get like mini videos, like little films. That's what clairvoyance is. That's seeing.

Speaker 1:

When we have clairaudience, we may hear messages or words in the inner ear which can form communication from their guides. Okay, so I've told you about this before on the podcast where, like, I was falling asleep and somebody talked over my thoughts and now thoughts don't overtalk thoughts. Okay, so that's when I kind of clocked on that I was clairaudience and a lot of the stuff I hear is in my voice but will be in different phrases or using different language that I'm not familiar with. So that is what clairaudience is. Clairsentience this involves feeling or sensing the presence of emotion of your spirit guide. So, like you know, how I said earlier, when I feel my nan, it's a vibe. You might feel a vibe of a spirit guide behind you, you might feel warm, you might feel cold, you might feel tingle, you might feel a touch, you might. You know, it's loads of different things, but clairsentience as well, is about like that feeling in your tummy, that like gut feeling as well. So that is, it's like the sensation of feeling.

Speaker 1:

And then the last one I'm going to talk about is dreams. So spirit guides can communicate more directly in dreams, providing symbolic or direct messages. So if you wake up from a dream which is like very different or very unusual or something that you really remember, they may communicate with you then because you know, when you go to sleep, your third eye, your crown chakra, is wide open and you kind of lose all your ego, and ego is a big blocker in between you and spirit and you and spirit guides. So you kind of lose all ego, you relax, you're not worried about a thousand things and then, obviously, when you go into your dream state, you're wide open for spirit guides to come in and communicate with you. So, with all that being said, we open for spirit guides to come in and communicate with you. So, with all that being said, we have covered spirit guides in a little bit of detail.

Speaker 1:

What I would say is that, if you're interested, like my top things I would do would be, I would write your dream journal, like if you have a little book next to your bed and you try and write down your dreams every day. This could be a sign for you to really get more, more into your dreams and to see what messages are being portrayed to you that way. You know, I would kind of take time to see how you're feeling. Um, practice some divination if that feels right for you, or you can try some automatic writing. I really love that and, yeah, like, if you like Reiki, why not try some Reiki and try and connect with the intention of of meeting your spirit guide? Or using tarot cards to connect with your spirit guides? There are loads of different ways which you can connect and I hope that this podcast has inspired you just to dive in a bit deeper to find out who is in your spirit team and who is around you.

Speaker 1:

You are not alone, and I think one of the biggest things that's made me feel a lot more relaxed about life and dying and all of this stuff is that you are never alone, even though there's a saying that says, oh, you come into this world alone, you die alone. You absolutely don't. You come into this world with love and you leave with love, and you know, when you die, people come to get you from the other side, and when you're born, you're born into a lot of love here. So it just made me feel less isolated and less alone when I was kind of thinking about that type of stuff. So yeah, on that really cheery note, we're going to bring this podcast to an end. Thank you so very much for joining me.

Speaker 1:

As you know, subscribe, like, leave a review, do the thing know. Subscribe like, leave a review, do the thing makes me happy. I like to know if I'm doing a good job and let me know if I'm not. Say it with your full chest, I don't mind, but I want honesty, I don't want just bullshit. Okay, just honest, honest reviews. And you know, if you wanna like chat to me, send me an email at holisticcoachkirstie at gmailcom, um, or you can just go to my website, wwwholisticcoachkirstiecouk, or catch me on socials. I'm mainly on instagram. I love instagram. I do have other social platforms, but I just love instagram, so just catch me there. But yeah, thank you so much for joining me this week guys. I hope it's been useful, I hope it's been interesting, I hope I've managed to explain it in a way that actually makes any fucking sense, and I will catch you next week. Have a great week.