Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Unexpected Connections and Self-Discovery in Rhodes, Greece!

Kirsty Harris

Ever wondered how a solo trip can lead to profound self-discovery and unexpected connections? Join me, Kirsty Harris, as I share the magical alignment of my recent journey to Rhodes, Greece. From seamless airport experiences to daily morning swims that became a soul-cleansing ritual, this episode captures the blissful essence of solo travel. Discover how I connected with another solo traveler at the Acropolis and felt an intense connection to the sun and Helios's temple. You'll hear about the simple joys that turned my holiday into a transformative experience.

Reflecting on my path to healing, I open up about past relationships, including one with a professional basketball player that blurred the lines between fantasy and reality. Listen as I recount an enlightening encounter at Notting Hill Carnival and the lessons learned about setting boundaries and recognizing unhealthy patterns. My time alone allowed me to embrace solitude and deep healing through a course on the art of receiving. Simple activities like swimming and walking became sources of immense joy, and insightful conversations made my return journey equally fulfilling.

In a poignant turn, I delve into the emotional whirlwind that followed the sudden loss of my aunt. Navigating through signs of divine protection and an intense meditation session led by Darren, I experienced a spontaneous kundalini awakening that radically transformed my energy and spiritual growth. This episode encapsulates the importance of healing, spiritual connection, and the invaluable support offered by our manifestation hub community. Join me for these heartfelt stories and discover the incredible power of solo travel and spiritual awakening.

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Kirsty Harris | Inner Child Healer and Coach (@iamcoachkirsty) • Instagram photos and videos

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Lots of love,

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Find your Inner Glow podcast hosted by me, kirsty Harris. I am a holistic coach and I am super passionate about helping others improve their lives by focusing on the mind, body and soul. Each week, I will be sharing my insights, experiences and advice on how to tap into your inner glow and live a more fulfilling and balanced life. So join us and let's discover how to find your inner glow together. Well, hello everyone. How are we doing? We're back with another episode and today I will be doing a deep dive into my trip to Rhodes, greece, which was amazing. I'm going to be talking about the things I manifested, the things I didn't, and just, yeah, what type of time I had, basically. So, yeah, grab a cuppa, let's get stuck in. So I decided to go to Rhodes a couple of months ago. I always find, like these, really good deals when I'm like universe, I need a holiday, and then this amazing deal showed up for this four-star hotel, which was gorgeous. So, on the morning, I get to the airport in plenty of time like, I walk into the silver zone car park, I hand over my keys, there's not a queue, I walk out. There's a bus there ready for me to get on and go to the airport. Get to the airport, go straight into security. I see fast, like, I see security, and I'm like people and when you fly from Bristol you can get the fast track. So I paid the seven or eight quid or whatever it is for fast track, walked straight into the line and then this guy was like excuse me, miss, would you like to come with me? And then put me to the front of a line which, like you know, started a new line at a different counter. I was like, okay, so I flew through security. I had like the best coffee on the morning because I took like an early morning flight. I always like to fly early and then fly back late, just to get the most out of my time away. And then got on the plane no delay and instead of the flight being four hours 45 or four hours 15 sorry, it was three hours 30 got off, flew through passport control, walked out the airport, a taxi was there ready to take me to my accommodation and I'm just like what I roll in and I go and I speak to the lady at the desk and I'm like, have you got any upgrades? And she was like no, no, no, sorry, we're fully booked, which I was really gutted about because I did manifest. Well, I was trying to manifest an upgrade, but this came out as something else a bit better, which I'll explain later. So I was like cool, that's great. And yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I went straight into my hotel room and I just had this like overwhelming urge just to go to Calathea Springs. So the Calathea Springs was like a 30 minute walk from the hotel and I was like you know what? I feel quite energized, I'm gonna walk. So I went and I did the walk. It was like nothing. Um, got to the springs, went in, which was like discounted at like two euros or something when it's supposed to be five. So I saved money there. So, hello, queen, we are saving our euros. Um, and I walked in and I literally just launched myself in the sea. I was like woohoo, but it's like like this spring and um, yeah, it's just beautiful. I had like the nicest lunch. It was just also like gorgeous.

Speaker 1:

And then I kind of had my swim, enjoyed that, went for an explore around my hotel. When I got back, there's a beach right at the bottom of the hotel, which meant that I went swimming every single morning, which was the most deeply soul cleansing thing I think you can do. If you can do this, I am 100% jealous of you. I would love to live in a place where I could do this every single day. And don't worry, baby, I'm working on it, I'm working on it right now. But yeah, this every single day. And don't worry, baby, I'm working on it, I'm working on it right now. But yeah, so that was like day one.

Speaker 1:

And then the next day I went on a tour, um, and yeah, there was another solo traveler and she kind of like forced herself on me, like, um, I was the only like solo traveler and she was the only one. And uh, the tour guide was like, hey, sit by her because the bus is full. And yeah, she's on her own too. And then she came up to me. She's like hi, I'm blah, blah, blah and we talked like the whole time. It was super nice. But yeah, you know when, like, you're just like not very people-y without a coffee on the morning? Yeah, that was me. So I was like I'm not very peopley right now. Lovely, but no, she was very nice.

Speaker 1:

So we did a bit of roads and then we went um to the Acropolis in Rhodes, which is Helios's temple. Basically, helios is the god of sun. I literally said to myself that morning oh my god, I am so governed by the sun and I've always said this. I used to have a friend and she was like such, like a night owl. She was like always like she would light up under the moon. I'm the complete opposite. I love sunshine, I am all about the sun. But then that's me, because I'm probably my masculine energy. But the sun I feel like a little solar plant, like a solar powered, like little lamp, do you know? Like you put in the garden. I'm like, oh, this is nice. So, yeah, I love the sun, I was enjoying it.

Speaker 1:

So it was so weird that, like, I didn't like I booked this tour. I was like I'm just gonna go do a bit of sightseeing. I didn't read the itinerary, I didn't do anything, so I didn't know we were going to go to the Acropolis, which is known as, like the temple which sits above, um the the city and so like, basically, you couldn't have a god or goddess live amongst civilian people. The gods had to be up on hills. So we went up to see that and that was absolutely beautiful, um, but I just felt like so connected there. I was like, oh wow, like this is just really really bizarre. And then further alignment came when, um, we stopped by the Calathea Springs. I didn't realize we would be going back there like on the tour. Anyway, we went and I'm glad I went when I did, because it was super touristy when we went. But I had a nice coffee and I was told that Calathea Spring it was actually known for its healing water. Because of the natural minerals in the water it was known as like a deeply healing place. And I was like, oh my God, because the whole point of this holiday was for me to go away and do my own healing.

Speaker 1:

I absolutely love my job as a healer. I love tapping into my intuition, I love feeling things. I love what I see, feel, hear, touch everything. I love it. But sometimes you've got to have the time to heal yourself, which is so important. It's just so, so important. If you're with a healer that is not doing the work themselves, they'll only get you so far and they'll be very limited in what they can do for you. This is why I invest so much money in learning and why I invest so much money in my own healing and my own journey, which has kicked off something quite big for me, which I'll get to later. I'll get to later because I'm going to talk about my trip, what happened when I got home and everything, everything again all the juicy, juicy details, babe. Anyway.

Speaker 1:

So we went there to the Cathayas Spring and I found out about the healing water and I was like, oh, my god, this is just beyond a joke, like this is crazy. And as I'm talking about my ears ringing, I'm like I know it's just madness. But yeah, so I intuitively went to a place where I felt like I needed deep healing and, yeah, that was cool. Then we went down to Lindos. Lindos is this beautiful little town, um, in the south of Rhodes, and yeah, you just kind of you go there and it's beautiful, like it's just tiny little windy roads where, like, you walk, and it's the hottest village in Rhodes. Basically, when we went, it was like 30 odd degrees. It was really really hot and compact, but it was lush. I had a beautiful lunch, I had some time on my own, away from my solo travel friend who then proceeded to lose her phone, and I had to do the whole calming down thing and I was like I didn't sign up for this on my holiday, but you know, whenever you're in need, you kind of spring into action and go.

Speaker 1:

Okay, hun, it'll be fine. So we managed to sort it out and the taxi driver brought her phone to her hotel. Like, how cute is that? Like that is so cute. Anyway, that was really nice. It was really nice getting to know her. Really, I just, yeah, wasn't in a peopley mood.

Speaker 1:

Then we got back and I went on a photo shoot. Oh my God, the photo shoot was the highlight of the trip. I swear to God, I love doing photo shoots when I'm away and I always have, and I've always kind of I don't know, always felt a bit like showy, like do you know what I mean? Like I'm putting on a show or a performance. When I'm doing a photo shoot, I almost feel like, oh, this is what people do, right, but not this time.

Speaker 1:

We went to this very like stony beach, which was about a 10 minute drive from Rhodes Old Town, and we were there and we were just like Eleanor the photographer was absolutely incredible and she just made me feel like such divine feminine energy, like it was just absolutely sensational, like she made me feel so comfortable so I was able to really tap into my feminine energy and just really like, just go with it. I tried new poses. I wore something I would never normally wear. I wore a hat I never wear hats and like I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone and I cannot tell you how good it felt. It felt absolutely incredible. And then Eleanor was so sweet.

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She dropped me off at Rhodes, like old town, and I got to walk around the old town in the dark, where it was quieter and just really lush, because during the day there's just so many tourists, like because the cruise ships dock in the dock then like, yeah, there's just hundreds and hundreds of tourists during the day. So to be able to do it at night, it was beautiful and I had the most the day. So to be able to do it at night, it was beautiful and I had the most amazing dinner, went back to my hotel, had a few drinks and then conked out. That was lush. And then the next day I was like, cool, I'm just going to go on a boat trip today. This was all like pre-planned before I went. So I got to the boat trip and it was really cool. I managed to have the nicest coffee. So, like Rhodes, they do really good filter coffee, but it's really, you know, it doesn't hit the spot for me. So I really was about a cappuccino. I was like, give me a cappuccino, babes, one to one. Anyway, I had one in this most beautiful restaurant. It was absolutely stunning, loved it anyway.

Speaker 1:

Jumped on the boat trip and, oh my god, this like gorgeous South African man was the tour guide. I mean, like I'm not being funny, I was drinking strawberry daiquiris at 10am. I'm not not being funny. Um, and then, yeah, I managed to hop off the boat. We went to our first site where we hop off the boat and went for a swim and we got to swim through like these just incredible caves and as I was swimming and it was getting darker, I just didn't feel frightened at all. And I know this is going to sound so cliche, but I used to be so afraid of the dark. I used to be so afraid of the dark for so many reasons and now I'm just not afraid of the dark, um, spiritually, like I'm just not, and it's absolutely incredible. So, yeah, I went for a lovely swim, got back on the boat, had more strawberry daiquiris. Look, it was an all-inclusive like boat trip, so don't come for me, okay, don't come for me. Um, so yeah. So I had a nice drink and that was lush, um and um, and then, yeah, it was really good.

Speaker 1:

And then I got chatting to George, the handsome South African. Hello, george, I know you're never gonna listen to this, but yeah, we ended up chatting back and forth and he was incredibly forward. He was definitely like all about this energy and I was like no, because you know, I wasn't being very people-y on holiday. I really didn't want to spend time with other people. I know it sounds so bad, but I'm always around other people. I'm always like helping other people, healing other people, working for other people. You know, I'm always serving other people. So this holiday was a chance for me to serve myself, and that didn't include serving a man. Sorry, george, it just didn't babe, it just wasn't the one. So, anyway, we keep it moving. Anyway, george got my number but he's been left on read. So, yeah, sorry George, I just wasn't feeling it.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, anyway, we move on and I get back to my hotel and I have, like, this random message on my phone from a guy that I'd met earlier that week whilst I'd been in Rhodes, and he was a professional footballer. I didn't realise he was a professional footballer when I met him, literally. So I was like, oh my god, okay, so he's a professional footballer. And he was like, oh, can I take you out for a drink? I was like, sure, we went out to a very quiet bar for a drink. Um, he didn't really have a personality that I could vibe with, but he was a very nice and kind person. Literally, this was the universe being like. Here's a lesson. So, even though I just said I'm not about people, I'm not feeling people, I still said yes to the professional footballer. Yeah, I went against my intuition, went against my guide, went against everything where I should have just said no, thank you, thank you, but no thank you. But the fact is like he is a professional footballer.

Speaker 1:

So the last time I went on holiday by myself, I went on a date with a professional basketball player and at that time time I just thought he was like it. I thought he was lush, I thought he was beautiful, I thought like his personality was amazing, when he didn't really have much of a personality and he actually wasn't really that good looking, but at the time I was just so like caught up in a fantasy, and this is what I do a lot, guys. I'm not gonna lie, when it comes to like romance, I am the era of the Disney princess and I do kind of get caught up in the fantasy of romance and love and what it means. Like I, like I fucking love love, guys, I love love. So when I have the chance to feel love or to, like you know, feel affection and stuff, I absolutely love it.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, I'm more boundaried now as I've gotten older and I understand where that comes from. But even though like that could be rooted in trauma, what I want to say is just like, I just love love, I love the idea of love, I love being in love with somebody. I'm just a love slut, okay, I just love it. I just love love, that feeling of unconditional love. And the biggest lesson I've really had to learn is that I can cultivate those feelings within myself. I don't need to have somebody else to cultivate them for me. That's been such a big game changer and since I did that, my vibration has totally changed and when I was on holiday, it just gave me a chance to like reflect on things. So I like I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I talk really openly on the podcast. Do you know what I mean? Like it's, it's me, it's my life, it is where it is. I hope to look back on this one day and maybe even my kids will listen to this one day and just know the trials and tribulations that your mum went through. Okay, but yeah, I, um, I had like a kind of obviously everybody knows, if you listen to the podcast, you know I had an awful relationship last year and it's taking a long time to really cut the cord from him, which I'm going to give you an update about. That Can't wait Because, yeah, madness, yeah, basically I had some healing and now that person is really well and truly gone.

Speaker 1:

But I had moved on. I, I thought I had, and I actually met somebody at Notting Hill Carnival. We had an experience where, like, we spent some time together and I manifested the same exact person. It was just that relationship in a different person with a different heritage. I was like what the fuck? So I repeated the same message. So the universe is done being clever with me. Now the universe is done being clever with me. The universe is testing me to see if I'm done with the same lesson. So, anyway, I put my boundaries in place and I let that person go, um, because I realized what was happening. So I let that person go.

Speaker 1:

Then, obviously, the same situation again about being caught up in the fantasy with this professional footballer. The same situation yeah, he is good looking and his personality isn't for me, but I thought he was lovely. But really I listened to my intuition. I was like he's not the person for you and he cannot provide what you need on a like, emotional, physical, spiritual level, like, and that's what I need I, that's what I need to be able to be to connect. So I like cut the cord. I was like, hey, sorry, um had a great time, but not for me, and cut the date quite short. Actually, I was like bye, and again, it's not about wasting time, is it? But you know it was good.

Speaker 1:

And then, from then on, I didn't even like, yeah, I didn't even bother about um men on the holiday. I just or speaking to anybody, I was just very, quite happy to be isolated and swimming in the sea and eating lunch and going for walks, like on my last day there I walked two hours and I listened to a book around um, it's called Anchored and it's about the nervous system, so that's what I was listening to. And, yeah, I was able to just really start to relax into the holiday and I, oh my god, I did some like deep healing as well. I bought a new course from Nicole I can't say her last name, I'll link her below um from Nicole and I did her art of receiving and I was like, oh my god, it brought up so much stuff for me. It brought up so much stuff for me.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't even like I couldn't even grasp what happened, um, in that hotel room because, like, so much just kind of came up. I let go and I managed to cry, which I've not been able to cry properly for ages. Sorry, let me just readjust. There we go. I feel like I'll explain why my back is in bloody bits in a minute now, um, but yeah, I just felt like it was absolutely amazing and it really unlocked something really deep inside me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because this was the first time I really had chance to do deep healing for a while, um, and as much as like it's one of those things where I really want to create space for it and do it, but life just takes over sometimes and it's been really hard to to catch up with it all. So, yeah, and when I came home, equally as smooth, straight to the airport, straight through security, had lunch, had dinner, had a drink, like sat on a plane next to a really nice woman who kept feeding me sweeties. She was like, do you want a sweetie? The whole way home, and I was like, yeah, so I chatted to her and another 70 year old woman like there was two, two of them in their 70s and yeah, we were just chatting and they made the flight go a bit quicker, drove straight home.

Speaker 1:

And then, yeah, that morning after I was back in work and leave pastures, so I was getting up and I was getting ready and I was in the shower and then this is when some memories that I had blacked out became unblocked, um, which was not very nice. Um, I'm not going to go into depth about the memories because, um, trigger warnings and all of those things, but also some parts of your healing deserve to be private and this is one of those things. But I was in the shower and I just started having these really awful, awful thoughts and I was like, why the hell would I ever think about this? And then it just kind of it looked very strange in my mind's eye, if it's like almost almost, like the vision cleared and I realised it was happening to me. And it happened to me when I was about eight and I was like, oh, okay, this is what happened to me. Wow, that's crazy. So I was kind of like processing that.

Speaker 1:

And then I called my mum on the way to work and she told me my aunt had passed away, which was expected. She had cancer and she was really ill for a really long. She was ill for years. And you know, I think when you're on this spiritual journey, you become sad that they've left this earthly plane. But you know where they're going. They're not going to be in pain and they're not going to struggle and actually the way that my family has been dying off, she'll be around a lot of people and also she'll be reunited with her husband, who also died of cancer. So there's a lot of like positivity there for me. Um, but obviously watching my family be really, really upset and like it's really hard when you grasp something and people around you don't like I feel quite content that she's gone, I feel like a relief.

Speaker 1:

I feel like she's not gone forever. She's gone. I feel like a relief. I feel like she's not gone forever. Um, and I can, and I can talk to her whenever I want. If I wanted to, I can tap in. You know, obviously she's going to be in her like spiritual world at the moment, getting to grips with it coming. It's like going to a new country. You're getting used to it. Also, she might have to go through her healing phase as well before we, before we, have access. But she's not gone forever. She's literally there. I just feel like it's almost like she's almost on the other side of the wall. You know, that's how it feels like. So people are never truly gone from us. They can hear us and we just can't hear them sometimes. Um, so, yeah, I don't feel sad about it. I feel quite glad.

Speaker 1:

But the news was a bit of a shock and the way that mum delivered it was not maybe the way I would have wanted it to be delivered. Let's just say that. And um, yeah, like I see, I was driving, I got to the car and I burst out crying. I went into work and I just kind of like kept making silly mistakes. My brain just really really wasn't with it. And then we got to the end of the day. I was like what the fuck? I had left my keys in my ignition in a public car park all day and my car was still there. I do not know how that happened. There must have been something divine protecting me, because where I live is a bit rough, you know, somebody would have happily got me, got in my car and drove off. And how would I even explain that to my insurance? Like, oh hey, I left my keys in my ignition and my car is stolen. You're just giving it away, aren't you? So yeah, so I feel so incredibly grateful and blessed that my car was still there. And then, to top it off, when I got home, I had the speeding ticket. I was like wow, like wow. So yeah, if that wasn't enough, I was like, cool, I've got my you know, a day of clients tomorrow that will really light me up. And it did like I wasn't. The next, it was the day after. So I had another day in New Pastures, which went fine, and then I didn't leave my keys in the ignition.

Speaker 1:

And then on the Sunday, I was like cool, I've got my clients and I've got my own healing went through all the clients who were absolutely stunning I always just get the best people come to me like I'm sure, like it's a vibrational thing, like the people I just vibe with just find me and I absolutely love them to bits. They're gorgeous. And then, yeah, I was um getting ready for my healing. You know I like to have my healing um, and I set up the room and then, yeah, darren come in. Um, he sat down and he went, we're going to do a cord cutting tonight. And I was like, oh, are we? Because I had talked about like a cord cutting ceremony before between me and my ex-partner Because, no matter what, he like really got stuck in my energy and I just couldn't get him out. So we thought about doing a cord cutting. He's like, no, we're just going to do like a guided thing and you're going to let go. And I'm like, cool, there we go. So he called you know, we call in all our people, we, you know, I'm there in a really deep state of relaxation and I go into this meditation, which has been the most vivid meditation I've ever had in my entire life, and I walked into a cave, um, so Darren was initially going to take me into a forest, but he didn't.

Speaker 1:

He walked me into a cave, and a cave of water and sand, that's me, that is me. So I was like, okay, that's, that's weird that that's been picked as my, as my, space. I went in to this cave and around me were five spirit guides. I sat in the middle and during this time I like had to let go of, like children I had miscarried or whatever, and then I had to let go of like little versions of me as well, and I wasn't okay up until I saw them over, like over the other side, in spirit, like I was shown like a brief thing of them, with my family and everything. And it was just so, so real, like it didn't feel like a meditation. It felt so, so real. And then, as I came back down, my base chakra so there's the chakra, your root chakra at the base of your spine went nuts. It felt like it exploded. It felt like like a big whoosh of energy and then pulsing energy, just pushing energy, pushing energy out but also up my spine, and it was very like intense and painful.

Speaker 1:

And, yeah, this was actually a start of a kundalini awakening. Now, in hinduism, kundalini is basically a coiled snake in the base chakra and when you open that, or when it gets opened, it can be basically an ascension of energy you go to. You basically have a radical transformation. So looks like I'm on the path of a gradual kundalini awakening and I'm not making this up. I've literally spoken to one, two, three. I've spoken to five different people about my experience and they're like, yeah, that looks like a spontaneous kundalini awakening which is gradually working its way through your body. So I'm like, oh my god, so I had the traumatic memories I had left my keys in my car, I had lost my aunt. I've had a kundalini awakening.

Speaker 1:

I had to go through deep, deep meditation which I let go of loads and loads of trauma, which was incredible and I absolutely loved that we did that. But it was so, so intense and, yeah, like Darren said, he could see my ex-partner in the hallway and had to walk him out of the walk, walk him out and put extra protection around my place to try and keep him away. So it's been like a wild couple of days. I got back Friday and I'm recording this on Tuesday.

Speaker 1:

This is how much has happened in the last few days and I just yeah, I don't know how to deal with it, apart from my back is absolutely in agony. So I feel like something is really burrowed deep into the base of my spine and it's really sore. And I've got pain about one third the base of my spine and it's really sore, and I've got pain about one third of my back as well, and it's not easy. No matter what I do, it doesn't bloody ease at all. So, yeah, so that's the start of my Kundalini awakening. So yeah, it's been a wild ride.

Speaker 1:

That is literally my life update. I think I'm just going to stop it there because I think, if you're like me, I probably sat in shock. So, yeah, and sorry, I've been so restless throughout the podcast because I've had to move every time my back gets sore, and which is all of the time. Um, and also it radiates so much heat now, like from the base of my spine, so much heat I feel sick, get headaches. I never really get headaches.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's just so much that comes along with the kundalini awakening, and with a kundalini awakening it's not all bad. Like you have just a much deeper sense of intuition, connection to spirituality, feelings of joy, bliss, it, all of it. But there's also a really dark side of like involuntary shaking, seeing things are not there, hallucinating like you're on drugs, um, like when you're not on drugs. So there are. There is a dark side to it as well. So I've just really asked my guides to protect me as I go through this and help me stay grounded, because I do kind of fear like the involuntary shaking. Like if I start shaking and I can't stop, I haven't got anybody here in my house with me to like look after me or to pull me out of it or any of that. So we're just gonna, we're just gonna ride this out. We're gonna see what happens.

Speaker 1:

Um, I'm keeping everything up to date on the membership as well, by the way, and if you don't know about the membership, then get to know. It is the manifestation hub. You can pick it up in the link in my bio and basically it's a hub of manifestation. It's not just manifestation, though. It's literally everything mind, body, spirit that you can use to elevate and restore your vibration, to take you to the next level, to get that dream life, to cultivate feelings of happiness, whatever you want to achieve. Like, the manifestation hub can help you, and I'm literally just dropping my new divine feminine course on on the site on Wednesday.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is coming out on Monday. Coming out Wednesday, the 1st of November. There will be an entire course about divine feminine, which is linking to goddess work, what is sacred feminine, how to be feminine in today's society, linking into femininity and relationships and dating. Oh my god, there's just so much content in this course Like I'm not being funny, it's just so so much.

Speaker 1:

And you don't have to do every unit. You can literally just do the units that really stand out to you. You can do manifesting with your divine feminine. Oh, there's just so much in there, guys. And you get all of this, including like 22 or more spaces which have like different things in them. So we've got essential oils, um, confidence and self-esteem coming. We have, um a collective tarot reading every week.

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Honestly, I cannot tell you the value of this stuff. Okay, it's just beyond. It's hundreds and hundreds of pounds worth of stuff that you get for just 22 pound a month. So if you do want to sign up and join the community, then just head over to the manifestation hub. I'll link it below and, yeah, that's kind of all my news for now. Um, I will keep you with a bit of a life update and we will go from there, but thank you so much for joining me on my trip to Rhodes and all the chaos that has happened since I got back and just wishing you a wonderful, wonderful rest of your day and sending loads of love. Bye you.