Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Debunking Manifestation Myths and Misconceptions: The things no one is telling you!

Kirsty Harris

Ever wondered if manifesting your dreams is as difficult as it sounds? Join me, Kirsty Harris, as I unravel the myths and misunderstandings that often surround the concept of manifestation. In this enlightening episode of the Find Your Inner Glow podcast, you'll learn that manifesting is not about mastering a complicated process, but about doing the internal work and shifting your mindset. We'll also tackle the myth that a single negative thought can ruin your entire manifestation journey, and explain how maintaining a positive focus is what truly matters.

Explore the ethical nuances and complexities of attempting to manifest changes in other people. From trying to get someone to text you back to the unrealistic goal of altering someone's behavior, we'll cover why respecting free will is crucial. Learn why manifesting an ex back into your life isn't just impractical, but also against the principles of manifestation. Instead, I'll guide you on how to focus on manifesting the feelings and experiences you desire, independent of specific individuals. Get ready for clarity, practical advice, and a deeper understanding of how to effectively harness the power of manifestation.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Find your Inner Glow podcast hosted by me, kirsty Harris. I am a holistic coach and I am super passionate about helping others improve their lives by focusing on the mind, body and soul. Each week, I will be sharing my insights, experiences and advice on how to tap into your inner glow and live a more fulfilling and balanced life. So join us and let's discover how to find your inner glow together. Hello, hello, hello and welcome back. Today we are back with, basically, I'm just going to talk about manifesting myths and how they're not really true. So I'm going to talk about myths about manifesting, I'm going to debunk them and, yeah, to be honest, I'm not going to fanny around. Let's just get straight into it. With number one Manifesting is hard to learn, okay, so I have good news. I have bad news for you. The good news is that you've been manifesting your whole life. You've always thought about something and brought it into your reality and you know manifesting is sometimes good, but also you can manifest bad things too. But when we start to learn about the law of attraction, we learn that what we practice, that we attract. Um. So yeah, it's basically what we manifest on the inside, but what we think about on the inside manifests on the outside. So manifestation is hard to learn in terms of you have to change your mindset and rewire your brain so in order for you to deserve and feel like you deserve or you know, I'm worthy of your manifestation. Does that make sense? I don't know. I feel like I'm stumbling over my words right now, but basically I don't think that manifestation is easy to learn. I think it's about cracking your code. So everyone has their own unique manifestation code. This is made up of your own limiting beliefs and all these different things that come through for you that you need to just basically say okay, I need to address this in order to unlock my true potential and the power within with manifestation. Okay, so, so it's. I would say it's not hard to learn, but I think that actually, the doing the work is hard. You can learn the process and you can do the process, but unless you're committed to actually doing the work, then it's hard, then that's the hard part. So, yeah, I don't think it's hard to learn at all.

Speaker 1:

Let's jump on to number two. Number two being you cannot think of any negative thought, because you'll ruin your manifestation. This is a myth, myth, myth, myth. Like I said in my last episode about being like a jigsaw. If you didn't listen to my last episode, then go and listen, because literally it's the five biggest mistakes. And again I'm just coming from like a negative point of view right now. I guess I just kind of feel a bit fed up of seeing the same old nonsense online and I'm just out here to set the world straight. You know that's what I'm here to do.

Speaker 1:

But basically, you can think negatively about your manifestations. You can feel your manifestations and the fear and the unsettledness that it brings. That's absolutely fine. You are allowed to do that. That is okay. It will not ruin your manifestation unless you start to become obsessed with the negativity instead of pushing forward the positivity. Okay. So, literally, think about yourself and, yeah, just think about yourself. Think about your limiting beliefs. Think about doing the work and why you deserve things, not why you don't deserve things. Think about yourself, think about your limiting beliefs, think about doing the work and why you deserve things, not why you don't deserve things. Think about it from a positive perspective. But you can still have negativity, you can still have doubt, you can still have fear, but you need to feel it to let it come up, to let it go and to, yeah, just keep it moving, babe, keep it moving, let's keep this. Moving on to number three, you have to ask for what you want to manifest every single day. No, do not do this, do not do this.

Speaker 1:

Like, oh, the analogy of the personal assistant right now, like imagine the universe is your personal assistant. You're like, hey, universe, can you go get this for me please? And they're like, hey, sure, no problem. Off, they go. And then like, they get like I don't know a quarter of the way there and you're like, hey, universe, did you get the thing? And they can't hear you. So they come all the way back and they're like what did you say? And you're like the thing. And then they're like, oh, okay, I'll go get it. And then they go again and they get it like two-thirds of the way and then you're like, hey, universe, did you get me the thing? And they're like, oh, what does she want? Did you get the thing? And then they come all the way back and then they're like what? And you're like did you get the thing? And they're like I was going to go get the thing, but you keep calling me back. Okay, so, as you can tell the personal assistant, that is a universe gets really fed up after a while and thinks you know what? She obviously doesn't want it that much because if she did, she would go get her herself. I don't know the. If I was that personal assistant I would get very stroppy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you don't need to ask for what you manifest every day. This is the big thing that people get miss in manifestation. It's the biggest step I see people miss all the time and it's basically we ask the universe once, and then all the manifestation methods, all the affirmations, all of those stuff are for us. It's for our internal working, it's for us to figure out what we need to do to move out any blockages so that we are able to receive it. Okay, so you do not have to ask for what you want to manifest every day. Just the once is more than enough. Let's move on to number four. I'm literally just bashing through these guys. It's's gonna be a really short episode today, but I just wanted to just hit this like bam, bam, bam and just really just clear some of these like nonsense thoughts, pretty much. So let's hit up number four. Number four you just have to think positive thoughts and what you want will show up like magic. Oh, my God, how many of us have wanted their dream man to just come and knock on their door doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

Another part of manifestation is taking action. Okay, and this is a part like I really struggle with people because I'm like you have to do an action. You have to prove to the universe that you deserve it. You are doing the work, you are making the effort to get this stuff. So you have to do some of the work, okay.

Speaker 1:

And when you're doing law of attraction it means that when you put something out there, you get it back. So the work that you put in, you get back, okay. So the law of attraction means what you put out there, you get back. It's not just that you sit there and you wait for something to arrive. Okay, you have to do the action. You have to show the universe that you are committed to what you've asked for so that you can be available and able to receive. Because you have to be able to receive, you have to be ready for it. If you want that thousand pound in your bag here, are you ready for it? You ready to receive it emotionally, spiritually, physically, are you ready? You might be saying yes, but what's the block? Is something stopping you, is something saying like, oh no, well, maybe you might need to do some affirmations, maybe you might need to work on your self-belief or your self-confidence or your self-esteem. Like, literally, the law of attraction does make it seem like it's so easy, like you just have to ask and then, poof, it'll just appear. But it does not work like that. Okay, we have to do the inspired action. And inspired action is what, guys? We do the action when we feel inspired. It literally is what it says on the tin if you wake up and you feel motivated to do something, do the thing, do the thing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's head over to number five. If manifestation, if my number five oh, my god, a ball's that up, didn't I right? Number five if my manifestation doesn't happen quickly, am I doing it wrong? Oh no, this is instant gratification at its finest. This is a myth, myth, myth, myth. Literally, we can get food delivered in 30 minutes. We can get our shopping delivered. We can just get anything that we want, um, through the tip of our fingers, now and when we are working with manifesting.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't happen overnight. It does take time. You have to have to have patience. Like I said in my last episode, having patience. Patience is a virtue. And when you do get fed up and you do give up, that's the issue when your manifestation comes through, because you're less attracted not less attracted, but less focused on the emotional outcome. So, yeah, hit up the last episode because there was some really good stuff in there about that.

Speaker 1:

But basically you have to give yourself time for your manifestation to work. It has to happen when it's going to happen and it's not on your timeline, it's on the universe's timeline, it's in divine timing. When you're ready to receive that, is it okay. And you will slowly, slowly uncover like little milestones as you go. And these are the things that you need to celebrate. Sometimes it isn't always the end goal. That's the celebration. It's about enjoying the journey. Trust me, I hate that saying as well, because I'm like I want the instant gratification, gratification, I want it now. But actually there are points in the journey where you have to stop and celebrate. Like, for example, if you're manifesting a house but you've got your house deposit, celebrate that. If you are taking steps in your business and like things are becoming really good and gain momentum. Amazing. Celebrate that, celebrate the good things in your life, okay, um, and then your manifestation will come through when it's meant to, not when you want it to. Sorry, I'm just a messenger. Go tell the universe off or I don't know, scream at the moon, do something, just don't come for me right.

Speaker 1:

Move on to number six, another myth will crystals help you manifest things? Now, I love the energy of crystals, I absolutely love it. Okay, but like you cannot buy a chunk of crystal and go, right, my manifestations are gonna come through now, I don't have to do the work, I don't have to do anything. Doesn't work like that, doesn't work like that. But the crystal will help with your vibration and for help you becoming a vibrational match for your manifestation. So, for example, if you want to manifest love and you want to feel feelings of love and you buy rose quartz, that is the best way to use it. Don't just buy a crystal and go, oh, I bought some rose quartz and now the love of my life is going to show up. Because, trust me, darling, if that was the case, I'd have plenty of loves of my life with the amount of rose quartz I got in this house. All right. So, yeah, the manifestation helps you calibrate your vibration and contributes to your vibration and helping you feel the feelings of what your manifestation would be like, but they do not, on their own, bring manifestations to you.

Speaker 1:

Next, number seven you can manifest for other people or you can change other people. Oh, I love this one because I love it. We always get the well, the well, well-hearted I was going to say no the warm hearted mum that really wants to help improve their child's life. We are. That is the most typical one. I see.

Speaker 1:

Guess what Free will is a thing. We cannot just go around manifesting changes in other people. You want that guy to text you back? Do you really want him to text you back? If you made him text you? Do you really want your child's success to be built on something that you created for them, not something that they truly, truly wanted? Okay, all we can do is send out love and healing to those people who are in our life who need that extra support, but we cannot manifest for them. We cannot manifest on behalf of them. Their free will is ultimately key and we cannot interfere with that.

Speaker 1:

If you're into witchcraft, if you're into, like obia, voodoo, that type of stuff, then, yeah, you can totally mess with free will. Um, also, obia, witchcraft, voodoo they're all very different things. They were just the three things that pop to mind. They're not bad things, they're just different things that people from different cultures use. And yeah, that could you know. And what I would say is when you start to enter a mess with free will of other people's or bring harm to others, karma is karma and karma is a wheel that is always, always turning. So what I would say is just go careful when we're interfering with free will.

Speaker 1:

And when it comes to manifestation, you cannot change them, you cannot make them text you back, you cannot get your son to have a job that he deserves, I don't know. Like, you can't manifest somebody falling in love with you. You can't manifest somebody changing their toxic behavior believe me, I've tried, it didn't work. Um. And you can't make somebody be anything else other than what they already are, and I know that's difficult to hear, especially when you can feel like manifesting would help somebody. So, so much, but you cannot do it, darling, it just doesn't work. It's not the way of the universe, it's not the way of the world.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, with all that being said, let's go to the next one, which is number eight. So number eight is all about can I manifest some things, but not others? Now take a minute. What do you think I'm gonna say? What do you think I'm gonna say, babe? I'm gonna say you can manifest anything you put your mind to that is physically possible. And it's the same vibe for money, relationship, job, career, house, whatever it is. Some things you'll find that you can manifest it really easily and some things you'll find it feels impossible. And guess what? The impossible is your limiting beliefs. Talking it's not you. Talking it's the limiting beliefs around you.

Speaker 1:

Emma Mumford said in her book Positively Wealthy that there's abundance all around us. We just create the limitations. And I mean that spoke to me like a punch in the chest. I was like oh my God, emma, why are you calling me out like this? So I'm calling you out with the same thing. Some people will find it really easy to make money. Some people will also really struggle to have healthy relationships. But you know, some people might be in really deep loving relationships and struggle daily with money. Whatever it is, everybody is is different and the reason why your manifestations may not be coming true in a particular area of your life is due to limiting beliefs which you need to unblock or to move forward.

Speaker 1:

But, baby, you can manifest anything that is physically possible for you. And what I want to tell you as well is, if it's your desire, the blueprint for it is already inside you. All the things that people have told you, all the things that have maybe gone wrong in your life, all the trauma, all the experiences that have shaped you to think that you cannot do this or not manifest. This is a fucking lie. Okay, you need to work on getting it out, getting it out. So let's move on to the last and final myth. I'm gonna debunk this one and then I'm out of here. I'm out of here.

Speaker 1:

We've got a short, short lesson today, guys, I'm literally throwing so much information at you and I'm loving it. I'm loving this. Like fire round. I'm like give me more questions. Um, okay, so number nine oh, I love one.

Speaker 1:

Can I get my ex back with manifestation? No, think about everything I just said. Think about it, think about it. No, no, no, no, no. You cannot manifest a person to change their decision, their behavior, who they are, to come back into your life. You just can't do it, that's it, sorry. No, I'm not even going to go into detail about this because it's stupid. It's not stupid. You want your ex back, but you know, if you listen to everything else and then now you're like, hey girl, like can I get my ex back? No, like there is a reason. Like. We have people in our lives for a multitude of reasons. It might be for a season, it might be for reasons. It might be for a season, it might be for a lifetime, it might be for a reason. Whatever, it is like we have them for a specific purpose and then we have to let them go and move on. It's okay to be sad about your ex leaving, it's okay for all of that, but you cannot manifest that person back into your life.

Speaker 1:

So what I would say is, if this ex made you feel like a particular type of way, manifest feeling that way again, so you may not directly manifest that person, that partner, that best friend, but focus on how you want to feel and how you want the people in your life to make you feel, and guess what? The universe knows what you need better than what you do and will likely bring you a better option. So, yeah, focus on what you want to feel, not what you, what you need better than what you do and will likely bring you a better option. So, yeah, focus on what you want to feel, not what you want, not what you don't want to feel. Focus on what you want to feel. Don't focus on that person specifically. Just focus on, maybe, the feelings of love, safety, protection, the sexual chemistry, whatever it is for you. Focus on those feelings, but not the person at hand, and then you'll start to manifest those feelings. Do manifest those people who can provide those feelings for you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that has been my quick fire nine myths busting, not not messing around my no shit answers. This is me just telling it, as it is speaking really direct and frank about manifesting. I think it leads really well on from the episode I just did. What I want to say as well, guys, is do not forget, we have the manifestation call, which is online, which is on the 22nd of November. If you missed it, get in touch with me. I will send you the replay because it it's juicy it's going to be so, so juicy talking about all the principles of manifesting and you get a chance to talk to me and ask me any questions you want. So yeah, um, sending you loads of love today. I'm gonna get out of here now and, yeah, just loads of love for you. Thank you so much for listening. Leave a review. Yay bye, yay Bye.