Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Balancing Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies

Kirsty Harris

Imagine a life where you can effectively balance the energies that drive your achievements and nurture your inner peace. In this episode of the Find Your Inner Glow podcast, we promise you'll uncover the strategies to harmonize your divine masculine and feminine energies for a more fulfilling life. Join us as we discuss the modern-day pressures women face and the historical context of gender roles that shape these expectations. Despite having more opportunities and rights than ever before, many women still report feeling deeply dissatisfied. Together, we'll explore how societal pressures impact happiness and the importance of balancing these energies for a harmonious existence.

Discover the distinct roles of divine masculine and feminine energies and why it's crucial to not only understand but also appropriately balance them. We dive into how masculine energy focuses on external action and physical achievement, while feminine energy emphasizes internal contemplation and nurturing. You'll learn about the risks of staying in masculine energy too long, such as burnout, and the necessity of embracing feminine energy for lasting personal well-being. We'll also touch on societal misconceptions surrounding these energies and advocate for an approach that marries both for true fulfillment.

Finally, we delve into the spiritual and personal benefits of connecting with goddess energy. Learn practical steps like creating and maintaining an altar to honor goddesses like the Morrigan and Aphrodite, enhancing your empathy, self-love, and creativity. This episode underscores the importance of inner work over superficial expressions of femininity and highlights the role of divine masculine energy in logic, responsibility, and action. By the end, you'll have actionable advice on how to restore harmony between these energies, catering to the unique demands of different relationships and situations in your life.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Find your Inner Glow podcast hosted by me, kirsty Harris. I am a holistic coach and I am super passionate about helping others improve their lives by focusing on the mind, body and soul. Each week, I will be sharing my insights, experiences and advice on how to tap into your inner glow and live a more fulfilling and balanced life. So join us and let's discover how to find your inner glow together. Good morning everyone, and welcome back to another episode. So today we are going to be talking all about the divine masculine, the divine feminine, how it all works and how you can balance it, how you can know when it's out of balance and how we can relate this to our normal life, basically. So I'm going to start off with a bit of context. So, when we're in society now, I feel like the biggest problem we have as women is that it's very much out of balance at the moment. So we very much have a lot of conflicting things to deal with as women because, like I've probably said a thousand times on my Instagram, on my social media, we actually have femininity coaches now and I'm very glad they exist. I'm like no shade to them. They're absolutely like brilliant and I love learning more around divine feminine and divine masculine, but the fact is that it's needed because of how we are forced into such a male driven or masculine society, like working nine to five is not feminine, like we were always supposed to just be at home looking after the children and the jobs that we used to do prior to having to go out to work and hustle and take the kids everywhere and be an outstanding mum and go on holiday five times a year and have a house that's fresh out of TikTok. Like those roles are no longer valued. So they're cooking, they're cleaning, they're doing laundry. You may share that with your partner, but actually those roles and those jobs were your job back in the day. Men would go out to work, women would stay at home, be caring, nurturing and much more in their feminine energy. And now there's even more pressure on women, more than any other time in history, to have it all together and to do everything. Because if you're not climbing that corporate ladder, if you don't have a women, more than any other time in history, to have it all together and to do everything. Because if you're not climbing that so you know that corporate ladder if you don't have a side hustle. If you don't have two kids, a husband, a car, a lovely house that is perfectly clean all of the time, that is represented in social media all of the time, then then you're failing. So no wonder why, when a survey took place in America, women said that they were the most unhappy that they've ever been. Even though right now, women have the most opportunity and rights to do anything that they want, women are really unhappy.

Speaker 1:

I would say this is because there's an imbalance in the masculine and feminine. Women are not meant to be in masculine energy all of the time. We are just not, we're not designed for it. Men designed for masculine energy more than their feminine energy, and it's vice versa with women. That is it. It doesn't matter what gender you are. You will naturally have a predisposition of being more in your masculine or more in your feminine, and that can come down to your star signs, because star signs are masculine and feminine. You.

Speaker 1:

There's so many things that come into play here, like, especially if you're a woman, the time that you should be in your masculine, feminine energy really reflects on where you are in your menstrual cycle oh gosh, you know. Or where you are in the moon. If you don't have a period or you don't menstruate for whatever reason. So there are times where we should go and there are times when we need to rest and recuperate and be in our feminine energy. Also, as women, when we are pushed into this masculine way of life, we are naturally more masculine.

Speaker 1:

So what do men? Men do? Men haven't got a bloody clue what's going on right now. Men are like oh, I don't want to meet two people. Uh, the extreme wave of feminism we don't need men. Men are feeling a bit out of the loop right now. They don't really know what they're supposed to be doing. Also, masculine does not meet masculine in a relationship. If you want to have a partner, even when you look at same-sex relationships, you will always identify somebody who is more in their masculine and somebody who is more in their feminine. Like, it doesn't matter what your, what relationship you're in, it doesn't matter what gender you are. Someone will always be the masculine and somebody will always be the feminine.

Speaker 1:

And I cannot tell you how many women who have come to me over the years and spoken to me about being like I'm sick about project managing my relationship. I'm sick of this. Why doesn't he plan anything. Why doesn't he do this, why doesn't he do that? And I'm like, babe, because you are doing it, because you are in the masculine energy and one of you has to step back in order for the relationship to work. So you can either step back into your feminine or you deal with the fact that your partner is going to be in their feminine energy and that's it For me.

Speaker 1:

I personally want a divine masculine. That's my preference. I want somebody who is going to be the person, who's the doer, who does things, who gets things done. I want that in my life because I'm pretty fed up of doing it all myself and I don't want to project, manage a relationship. I don't want to be in a relationship where I'm the person driving everything forward. That doesn't mean that you can't contribute and there will be times that your partner will go into their feminine and you take over the masculine. But the equilibrium should be that I'm in my feminine and he's in his masculine. That's how I want my, my relationship, to work, and I often find like men are very much in that feminine energy.

Speaker 1:

Right now. Men are like chase me, pay for things for me. I'm gonna take a gym selfie and, like you know, pay on my dating profile. To me that just makes me feel ill, because showing off your body and trying to be like attractive is a feminine quality. That guy is giving feminine energy. I'm like, no, I don't want that. I want a masculine man who shows me through action, and a divine masculine will always show you he's masculine. He will never tell you he's an alpha male. Men who say they're an alpha are not an alpha male, because we'll talk about this later. But there's a very fine line between confidence and arrogance, and arrogance means that you are not truly confident or you're insecure or vulnerable around something.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, there's loads to go through with this. There are books on it, there are podcasts on it, there are entire podcast channels dedicated to feminine and masculine energy. So today is really just a starting point for you to understand maybe a bit of the foundation and then go away and do a deeper dive in the right direction. That's kind of what I kind of do with the podcast. I guess I try to give an overarching theme. You know a bit of jack of all trades, master of none, but that's better than being a master of one, something like that. Anyway, I, you know, I know lots of information, surface level, about a lot of things, and then I know in depth about some topics as well. But this isn't a topic I know in depth like the back of my hand because it is so, so vast. So I'm going to do my best today to give you the overarching themes and hopefully that will help you identify where you want to go and do a deep dive. So, after my very long introduction there, we are going to just jump in.

Speaker 1:

So, regardless of your gender, like I said, we all have masculine, feminine energy. This is known as divine feminine and divine masculine. This is yin and yang. Okay, that's it. We need yin and we need yang to balance, and the relationship between the two could be considered like a battle between the heart and the head, because masculine is always about that logical, analytical thinking, being that very rational, where femininity or the divine feminine is all about the emotional, inner world and driving through emotion, intuition and creativity. You know feminine would be the heart, masculine would be the head, just in case you didn't get that.

Speaker 1:

So the divine masculine is more external. It's about the physical world, it's about conquering the physical world. When feminine is all about the inner space, it's the sun, which is masculine, and the moon, which is feminine. Okay, we've got Lady Luna. That's why we call her Lady Luna, because she's a feminine. She's all about the internal world and the subconscious world. And, yeah, the sun is about the physical world and, yeah, the daytime, the way we need to do action.

Speaker 1:

So this is all about, like, action and assertion assertion, I don't know, did I say that right? Oh god, I don't know versus contemplation and passivity. Okay, it's about being masculine with the action and being assertive, and then the action and being assertive and then contemplation and passivity, or being passive is, in that, feminine, and the balance of both means that you can reflect, you can do the actions that you need to, and it can be a really powerful dynamic that can help you create meaningful and lasting change. Here is the word honey buns lasting change. Okay, because when we word honey buns, lasting change, okay, because when we are constantly in our masculine and we are getting burnt out, that's not lasting change. How many influencers or wellness coaches do you see pop up and they are like ham, ham, ham, ham, content, content, content, stories, podcasts, da, da, da, da, da, da da, and then disappear off the face of the earth for months. Guess what? They burnt out because they were in their masculine energy for way too long, and no shade to them. I'm just saying when somebody goes like the clappers and they're constantly working, doing action, da-da-da-da-da there needs to be a time where you step into your feminine energy and you can get burnt out by being in your masculine way too much.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, we are not designed as women to be in our masculine energy all the time. We are very much there to come back into our caring and nurturing side of things if that's for ourselves or others. So let's get into divine feminine a little bit deeper. So what Google says is divine feminine is a spiritual concept that refers to feminine energy or power source that exists in the universe and in ourselves. It is a sacred, sensual and creative force that is beyond the physical world. Okie dokie. So what does that actually mean? Basically, it means that we have masculine and feminine traits within us and that when we are tapping into our feminine energy, it's very sacred. It is so sacred it's really beautiful and it's sensual, which, like in normal society, is shamed. And there is a very big difference between being sexy and being raunchy and being sensual.

Speaker 1:

Being sensual is about is about getting pleasure from the physical world. It's about indulging in the senses. It's about allowing yourself to be confident, allowing yourself to enjoy your body, enjoy the person you're with. It doesn't always have to be about the person that you're with. It could always just be about enjoying your body and it's quite hard to explain like being sensual, because it's really a feeling you cultivate within yourself and like ways that you can do that. It's about being present, being connected to your body. You know self-exploration that doesn't mean masturbation, that means just enjoying your body for the way that your body is. Go check out my body confidence podcast for more tips on how to connect with your body.

Speaker 1:

But it's, yeah, creating that sense of sensuality, which it does get shamed, and mostly shamed by other women, because it's seen as a threat. Why? Because we are constantly in our masculine energy. It's easier to say that something is wrong or something isn't right, because it makes us feel uncomfortable. And, to be honest, when I'm around like a highly sensual woman, I'm like, oh, my God, I'm in awe of her. I'm like you ooze being sensual, you ooze that attractive energy and that is in her vibration. That is her touching, her divine feminine, that is, her doing the inner work on herself to be comfortable, to be in that vibration and to be in that state. Like I always say to you, it doesn't matter what you look like.

Speaker 1:

What you do on the inside in terms of the internal work, will change your vibe and that will change your exterior like you can walk in the room right now being the most confident, almost sensual person, because you can change your vibe, you can change your mentality towards yourself. It doesn't need a rapid weight loss, it doesn't need a personality transplant. You can literally change your mind, own yourself now and give off the vibe that you want to give off. It does take a minute to come in, because whatever we do spiritually takes a minute to come down emotional, mental and then into the physical. But yeah, you can literally change your life by changing your mindset. That's ultimately it. But anyway, I'm going off on a tangent now.

Speaker 1:

So the divine feminine works in the subconscious. There's no need to be aggressive to achieve what you want in your divine feminine. It's all about attracting. It's about being magnetic. What does it mean to be magnetic? It just means that things flow to you easily. You attract the things that you want without chasing. Why? Because chasing is masculine energy. We want to be in our feminine energy, where we're nice and flowy, things come to us and when you're more in your feminine energy you will find that you will feel more rested. You will just kind of just go with the flow and really just enjoy it. Just enjoy your life because you're more present, you're more caring, you're more nurturing, you're doing the things that we are biologically designed to do or socially constructed, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, it's about how women will often be passive, resistant, so we may be a bit more manipulated and I don't feel like manipulation should be used as a bad word. Manipulation is about us avoiding heated arguments and confrontations, which is masculine energy. We do it in a softer approach. I hate the word manipulation because it has such a negative stereotype attached to it, like that manipulative woman like literally drives up the wall. But women will be more strategic in the way that they kind of, you know, present their emotions and you know, a lot of the time when we're doing manipulation is to avoid heated arguments and confrontation. So another feminine energy trait is usually to resolve conflict peacefully. That could be using manipulation. That could be being more caring and nurturing and being more led with our emotions, using using I statements I feel, I, this, I that whatever works best for you, like that's about resolving conflict peacefully.

Speaker 1:

I have noticed this in me before I would fight anyone. I would fight anyone because I was in my masculine energy. And also what I want to say to you as well is, when you're in the fight flight, fawn or freeze you're in the fight flight, phone or freeze you're in your masculine energy because you're surviving. It took me a long time to say to myself I don't need to survive anymore and I can be in my feminine energy. And that took a really long time for me to deep it, to understand it and to unlearn the things I had to unlearn in order to successfully connect to my feminine energy. So before, when I would fight everyone, now I'm definitely in a place where I'm like okay, here's the problem. How can we resolve this peacefully? How can I do this without hurting feelings? How can I do this without doing just saying horrible things? Because before I would be very savage, I wouldn't think about what I was saying, I would just be like this is what I'm saying, that's it, um, but now I'm a bit more like, I guess, more caring about the other person and more empathic about the other person when I'm trying to resolve conflict unless it's at work then I will fight you, then I'm gonna fight you all day long. And this brings me on to how to be more feminine.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you need to tune into your emotions and you need to allow yourself to feel. This is painful, this is horrible, but also you have to understand. The deeper you go with the pain and you understand and you heal means the deeper you can experience joy and happiness. When you start to feel your emotions and the intensity of the emotions, not only do you feel the bad, you also get the benefit of feeling the good. You get to feel happier, you get to feel the joy in a much deeper and more satisfying level, like I can't explain to you.

Speaker 1:

Since I started my healing journey. It was hard at the start, really hard, and you know what healing is really really hard, and I still struggle today because obviously I'm a person, I have problems and I have things I need to heal from, and what I would say is that the good times become great, they become brilliant, and then, yeah, the bad times not so great. But what I want to say to you is you will never be 100% healed, you will just have a much deeper connection to yourself. So that's really, really important. The deeper you have a connection to yourself, the deeper you feel things, the deeper you heal and the deeper you feel the really really good moments, like when I feel happy. Now I feel ecstatic Like I've never felt before. It's really helped me move, like how I see it is, I've moved a lot of the pain and the trauma out the way and it's gone back in this nice little box, lovely, and it's not trying to burst out at me anymore, so I can really truly enjoy the good times for the good times.

Speaker 1:

Another thing is to develop your intuition. This connects with us in so many different ways and it sends clues through our senses, so through our ears. You might find that your ears ring your mouth, your stomach, your skin, you know other places in your body. Everyone is so individual with how your intuition like taps in um. It may be that you get images that may flash and or be like a video clip, or you might have that feeling in your stomach, or you might have a sudden thought or hear words, which you know the hearing words thing is hard because sometimes you have to decipher is that me or is that like my intuition? What is it? Um? But yeah, it will just come into contact with us in so many different ways. You just have to be in a place where you're in your feminine energy, where you're being present, you're being calm, you're being caring and nurturing in order to cure it. Other common examples are like the hair on the back of your neck, goosebumps, um, like a distinct taste in your mouth, an unfamiliar smell, suddenly feeling uneasy or unhappy, or you might feel the opposite, feeling like super, super happy, but you don't know what it is. It's all relating to your intuition and how you develop.

Speaker 1:

Your intuition is spending time in nature. You're creating peace and quiet for you to be able to connect. If that is connect with nature, if that is meditation, if that is just sitting in the quiet for a bit, it's just about tuning into you and what your tummy is telling you, what your intuition is telling you. And, like I just said, being present is so important because this puts us in our feminine energy. Like masculine is all about the doing. Feminine is all about slowing down, living in the moment, being open to enjoying the little things like having a coffee in bed on a Sunday morning or being grateful, writing your gratitude list, putting little things in place that make your life a bit easier. Keeping a gratitude journal is up there as well. I don't do it as much as I should, and I really should, and you can express your gratitude in words and drawings, because being creative is also part of the feminine, or divine feminine.

Speaker 1:

Practicing self-love is an integral part of connecting with your divine feminine. You know we are our own worst critics in life and we focus on our failures in our relationships, our careers and everything that we lack thereof, but really, what we need to do is oh, my squeaky chair is off again what. What we need to do is focus on what we're grateful for. What do we love about ourselves? Focus on the good things, focus on the things that we have achieved through being in our masculine. We appreciate it in our feminine.

Speaker 1:

What I want to say as well is that if you are spiritual, like super spiritual, especially like I think this will resonate with those who are maybe pagan is to find a goddess and that you connect with. So, for example, I connect with the Morrigan more that she connects with me. Hey girl. So the Morrigan is a Celtic goddess and she is the goddess of war, but she is also a fearless mother archetype. So as much as she is about death and destruction, she is incredibly caring and nurturing. She has a very good balance of masculine and feminine energy and she, you know, also helps me tap into my inner warrior, which I will explain a little bit more later.

Speaker 1:

You know, I don't really know too much about connecting in with goddesses and things like that, but all I know is that I have some crystals, a candle and certain other things dedicated to her which I keep in a particular place, so that would be called an altar, and that's just kind of what my offering of respect is for her. I guess, because I've had a medium tell me that she's around me. She's quite a fear, like a fearful woman, like when you see her, like you literally crap your pants because she is not a force to be reckoned with. So for her she really like connected with me, and I think that's because when I first started on my journey I was really looking at Aphrodite, who is a Greek goddess. She is all about lust and love and fertility and she's just absolutely gorgeous and she is radiate pink, like she radiates pink, um, in everything that you see her she's just this most beautiful goddess and that was very soft and that was very feminine.

Speaker 1:

And then you'll find, like you might find, different goddesses that come out to you. And yeah, the morrigan kind of we're stuck together now and I don't I'm not complaining about it but yeah, if you're quite spiritual and you want to connect to like goddess energy research, a goddess research, things that really make you I don't know excited. So Greek mythology always resonated with me and then I started reading about Roman mythology, then I started reading about Nordic mythology and then Celtic mythology. So, like I said, the Morrigan is a Celtic goddess and I, oh my God, yeah, there's Yoruba mythology as well. So there's loads of different things that you can tap into as a goddess.

Speaker 1:

And also, like, when you kind of start working with that goddess energy, you're like, okay, it helps with the self-love, it helps with your boundaries, because you start thinking like, oh well, you know, when you approach a goddess, you should always make an offering. And it's like, okay, that's how you need to embody your divine, feminine energy. What are you offering? You know, are you offering me a netflix and chill day? Or are you offering me a dinner date? Or are you offering me a chance to go and have a drink with you? But you're booking a table, like you know. Just just you know. Think about it.

Speaker 1:

So let's get into the benefits of being in touch with your feminine energy. There are literally so many benefits. So, for example, you have stronger feelings of empathy and compassion for yourself and others. You have a strong desire to connect with other females more. You feel drawn more to creative expression. So, yeah, creative expression is just absolutely fantastic. I just love it.

Speaker 1:

Sorry, you kind of don't feel like you need to compete against others. You don't really judge others. Why? Because you're very solid in yourself. You understand the true power that comes through self-love and self-care. You have increased unconditional love and acceptance for yourself and others as well. You're, like there are loads of different archetypes in the feminine energy, like and that one says to me proper mother energy. There's loads of different feminine archetypes, which I do recommend reading, and, yeah, other things. You have a deeper connection with your higher self. If you don't know about the higher self, you need to get to know and you, like I said earlier, in depth. You have much more, increased feelings of happiness and joy, and you have a deeper connection with your body and sensuality.

Speaker 1:

Who doesn't want to be more sensual? Who doesn't want to be magnetic? Who doesn't want things to come to them? Huh, I do. I do. Hands up me, pick me. And what I want to say to you is don't fall into the fake femininity trap. Okay, wearing a dress does not make you feminine. It might make you feel feminine, but the minute you open your mouth, wearing a dress does not make you feminine. It might make you feel feminine, but the minute you open your mouth, you everyone's going to know you're a masculine. If you are not doing the work, you are not going to come across as a feminine woman. You're going to come across as a masculine woman in a dress. I know that sounds terrible, but you get what I mean. Well, I hope you do.

Speaker 1:

You need to do the inner work and let it shine out. You need to change the vibration you're in. You need to change the vibe that you give. You need to change the whole mindset. Your mindset dictates your vibe and your vibe will just speak for you. You don't have to do things the hard way. Well, doing the inner work is hard.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, let's move on to divine masculine. So what is google saying? Divine masculine is like these. These descriptions are really out there, but here we go. Divine masculine is a term that refers to male or father energy within and around the universe. It is a universal, universal, universal archetype energy that represents the earthly side connected to labour, money, strategy and self-restraint, as well as the spiritual, psychological and restorative aspects of masculine expression and manifestation. So that's a really good point. When we are manifesting, we are in masculine energy. When we are taking inspired action, we are in masculine energy. When we are taking inspired action, we are in our masculine energy for more manifestation.

Speaker 1:

Go back into the directory and find out my manifestation podcast. I talk all about manifestation there. Okay, so, as feminine, our feminine brain is on the right side. Our masculine represents the left side of the brain, which is connected to logic, purpose, strength, responsibility and leadership. That is the I'm going to get shit done energy. Okay, masculine energy thrives on action and knowing what it wants and springing into action to get it first.

Speaker 1:

It is that competition element, it is that let's go, let's get it done. It's the motivation. Motivation and masculine energy loves a challenge. It's competitive, it loves winning. It's the acknowledgement of its achievements. And, yeah, it's about seeking the adventure. And I guess it's all about using words rather than showing emotions. It's all about sitting in the logical side of yourself. It's that total go-getter attitude, and I feel like that is just way more simple than explaining what Divine Feminine is. But basically, it's the get up and go, it's the I'm going to get it done. It's the manifestation, it's the inspired action, it's the chasing of things. It's the manifestation, it's the inspired action, it's the chasing of things. It's, yeah, how do we tap into divine masculine?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we need to look at healing wounds Although you know, we would kind of like look at that in femininity because we're dealing with emotions. We need to explore the relationships that we've had with men and heal any wounds. This is super painful and it's actually really crucial to our growth and maturity. You know, we need to really ask ourselves about our relationship with men. So, for example, you know, when you think about your father, uncle, boyfriend, previous partner, whatever, were these relationships supportive, abusive or both? Another one were you raised in a single parent household? Are you trying to fill the gap of an absent father or an absent mum? You know and how did you feel and how did you cope? These are really like sensitive things that you need to explore and understand in order to heal your relationship with that father or that divine masculine energy.

Speaker 1:

If you're being very unsuccessful in relationships where you are in abusive relationships or you're in relationships which are not good for you or they do kind of you feel like you're I want to say desperate, but you're just so desperate for approval from that person, this is all linked to issues with your father. So it's good to go back and ask these questions, and this would also fall under the category of shadow work. Shadow work is the side of ourselves which kind of holds all our trauma and things that we don't like to look at, and this might be a really difficult thing to go through. Dealing with parental difficulties or issues, you may need to have a coach or have a therapist or counselor or whatever. You need to help you through this transition and understanding this part of yourself, because the more you ignore it, the louder it will get. It will show up in every relationship you have with a man. So do yourself a favor and start healing now. And this leads me perfectly on to if you have daddy issues.

Speaker 1:

The father is a universal archetype that we all carry inside us, regardless of our gender, okay, so connecting with our inner father is a powerful way to awaken the divine masculine. So what is the inner father? It's the kind and compassionate relationship that you have with him. It it's the way that you show yourself. It's the way that you can show yourself. You can father yourself.

Speaker 1:

So we talk about how we can mother ourselves and reparent ourselves. This is doing it from a male perspective and you can achieve this through different forms. So this could be through being creative, artistic, keeping a journal, writing so just free-flowing, writing to get it all out, drawing, using tarot to you know, interact with your inner father, ask what he wants you to share and his wisdom with you. So there's, it's in there. It's just about tapping into it and understanding it, but also understanding you can reparent yourself. If you didn't have a father that was around, or you had a father that was less than that's okay, because you have the chance to reparent yourself. You don't have to be a victim of your circumstance. You can change it.

Speaker 1:

So I would definitely look at the father archetype, if this applies to you, and do a deep dive on this. If again it applies to you and this leads, perfect. Wow, this is so in sync for the divine masculine. But it's about taking responsibility, so you can take responsibility for yourself, your actions, and that will awaken the divine masculine in you. You need to be mature, you need to respect yourself, you need to take care of yourself, emotionally and physically, okay, and because this dictates to you the decisions you make. So taking responsibility for yourself is absolutely key.

Speaker 1:

So I touched on this earlier, but it's about connecting to your inner warrior. So, just like the inner father, it's another expression of divine masculine, it's another archetype. Yeah, your inner warrior is all about dominating, fighting, killing, war. It's all that defense is. Yeah, you need to be the protector. You need to protect yourself vigorously and see through lies, see through people's bullshit, and the inner warrior embodies truth, courage and inner strength. Okay, by bullshit, and the inner warrior embodies truth, courage and inner strength. Okay, by connecting to the inner warrior, we are connecting to just such a deep divine masculine and getting to know our inner warrior is it creates such a strong connection. We discover that personality, what it feels like, what he's doing and how it already appears in our life. Okay. So practicing martial art, boxing, vigorous exercise, artistic expression, guided visualization, yang yoga, becoming an activist are just some of the ways that you can really connect with your inner warrior.

Speaker 1:

So another thing as well is about figuring out who you are. It's important to know who you are, what your core values are, because this is going to dictate your decision making. You need to understand what is important to you and what you're willing to fight for. That is where your inner warrior can come out. Another thing is working on your confidence. Why divine masculines are confident in themselves. They're not arrogant, they are confident. Okay, go back. Look at my confidence 101 podcast to help with confidence. Look at the body confidence episode as well, because there's elements in there about increasing confidence.

Speaker 1:

Divine masculine are confident. They are logical, they are grounded, they are very much proud of themselves, but not arrogant and they're not aggressive with it. They're just subtle confidence. They understand what they, what they're about and who they are. And finally, taking action towards your goals. Knowing what they are, knowing what makes you happy. It's about turning our dreams into reality. This is about manifesting. It's not just sitting there dreaming going oh, lovely, lovely, lovely, this will come up. No, it's about taking inspired action. It's about working towards the goals. It's not about waiting for others. It's about being the initiator, it's about being the leader and it's about being the giver in life generally and in our close relationships. So that's really important. When it comes to manifesting, we need to breathe our dreams into reality and that only can happen through inspired action and taking action towards our goals.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what are the benefits of being in our divine masculine? Our divine masculine is naturally competitive in whatever they do, enjoys winning, wants to improve skills. The divine masculine acknowledges his insecurities, his shortcomings, and will work to improve the behavior and inner self continuously. It's that self-work. And when I talk about he, I'm talking about you, I'm talking about the male side of yourself. You know the divine masculine is vulnerable and insecure sometimes, and the shadow masculine, so the opposite of divine would suppress with arrogance and aggression and being overly confident when there's yeah, when it just perceives as like arrogance or whatever. But when you are in your divine masculine, he knows, or you will know, how to turn your insecurities into strengths by recognizing triggers and you rise above them and you kind of accept that they're there, you're going to work on them and that is fine, and when your side of you that is ready in the divine masculine, he will gift the vulnerability to the divine feminine for safekeeping, where you work on yourself emotionally, where you care and give yourself that compassion.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and other benefits include that there's log, you know. There's logic, there's solid decision making, you're able to pull together a plan and follow it through. Your subconscious may be triggered by behavior patterns, but you got. You got it under wraps. You can handle it. You can bring your manifestations into reality and you understand the purpose of your life. And if you're not really sure, because some of us may not have found our purpose yet, you're determined to find it. So that will give you such a good experience about life when you find out what your purpose is and you find out what truly makes you happy. That is what your divine masculine is going to help you with. And don't get me wrong, we're going to mess up all along the way. Okay, we all make mistakes. Oh god, look how many mistakes I've made on this podcast. Come on, we're all making mistakes, but the divine masculine doesn't give up and will continue to grow and will continue to fight for the better version of themselves and to find the right path. And when you start doing this and you start growing and getting stronger, the vibration, just as you know, just escalates.

Speaker 1:

So, okay, we kind of talked very much in detail about divine feminine the benefits, the divine masculine the benefits. So let's like talk about the signs that you are struggling to balance these. Okay, so, number one feeling stuck or stagnant. You're feeling stuck in your life, you're unable to make progress towards your goals, you don't really know what you want and, yeah, you are really out of balance because you are probably fighting with your head and your heart. You might feel a bit discombobulated, is what I want to say, but discombobulated. So this might be that you're a bit too much in your feminine, just going with the flow. It might be time to come back to a different type of rest, which I'm currently doing now, which is more in my masculine energy, which is about planning actions, goal setting and just, yeah, being in that planning stage can really help you kind of balance, that that kind of feeling of I don't really know what I'm doing with my life. And don't get me wrong, if you can't think about what you want to do in the next five years, think about what you want to do in the next week, the next month, the next month, the next six months, the next year, until you get to a point where you're like, okay, I have a bit more of a clear direction. Because sometimes saying to somebody, hey, this is a five-year plan might be like really daunting. I don't know what I want to do in five years, but do I want to know what I want to do tomorrow? Hell yeah, do I know what I want to do next week? Maybe not, but this is where you can start building that plan.

Speaker 1:

If you are feeling stuck or stagnant Another one number two feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Oh, if you're stressed out all the time and you're just feeling like you're running around like a headless chicken, your feminine energy is off. Babe, you need to come back to your feminine energy. You need to do the self-love, the self-nurture. You need to look at what you're lacking in this area and, yeah, it just might be a sign that you need to focus more on your feminine energy, just to help with that stress release more than anything, and to give yourself that self-love. And don't forget when we're starting to feel overwhelmed and anxious and we ignore that feeling and we just carry on and we carry on and we carry on. We get to burnout. And when we get to burnout, I'm telling you burnout is incredibly serious. Incredibly serious because it takes so long to come back from that. Another one it's like a DJ Kelly song.

Speaker 1:

Another one, number three struggling with relationships. Do you find that you have difficult difficulty connecting with other relationships? Do you find that you have difficult difficulty connecting with other people? Do you find that you're experiencing conflict? Do you find that you can't find the right person for you, like where is mr or miss right or whoever right is out there for you? Can you not find them? It's probably because your masculine feminine is out of whack. Now, after everything I've told you, hopefully you can identify which is out of whack. Now, after everything I've told you, hopefully you can identify which is out of whack and which isn't.

Speaker 1:

Where do you want to be in your relationship? This is a good time to explore where you want to be in your relationships. I want to be in my feminine energy with my romantic partner, but nine times out of 10, I'm probably going to be in my masculine energy with my friends. Why? Because I want to get things done and I want to get things organized. I'm that person in the group and I'm fine with that. You can be masculine in one relationship and feminine in another. You don't have to blanket it. You don't have to be like, oh, I'm going to be feminine only because different relationships need different things. Like your job may need you to be in your masculine energy, but actually when you come home you want to be in your feminine, it's okay. You don't have to be one or the other. You can flip between the two. Okay and lack of creativity or inspiration. Are we number four now? I think so.

Speaker 1:

If you feel like you're uninspired, you're lacking in creativity, it might be that your feminine energy is off balance. You might need to just go back and just try and connect with your intuition. Do some free flow writing. It might just be about carving that time out to be creative or to have space to be inspired. Inspiration and creativity comes through having space. That could be mental space, physical space. I always find that I'm most creative or inspired when I'm by the beach. So taking yourself that, doing yourself a little solo date where you go and you have a coffee in a coffee shop and you just come up with an idea. That's what I did the other day and I was like, oh my God, I had like all of these massive downloads of areas I needed to work on and things for my business and I was like I really just needed that, that space, and that's okay.

Speaker 1:

So another thing might be like a lack of focus or direction. We kind of touched on this already, but you might feel like you're not really focused on anything. So your masculine energy isn't balanced and, like I said earlier, it's about planning, it's about being more in your masculine, it's about goal setting. It's about sitting down and imagining your dream life and then working backwards to figure out what your goals are. So, yeah, if you're feeling like a little bit of lack of focus or direction, like I said earlier, just do the thing that I said, where you kind of figure out what you want to do tomorrow or next week, next month, six months. Start small and make bigger. That's how you're going to get your focus and direction. Now, how do we balance it all? So when I'm saying, tap into your masculine energy, what am I saying? I'm saying connect you in a warrior.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this is a really good way to create if you're missing the masculine out of your life and you need to be more in your masculine energy, which is, like again, associated with strength, courage, action. You can look at taking small action, like small steps towards your goals. Okay, you can practice self-discipline and focus. You might set a little goal of going to the gym three times a week and you might discipline yourself in order to achieve that. You might engage in physical activity that helps with your body, such as martial arts or weightlifting, like it's very physical. Like I said at the start, masculine is very physical world. It might be just writing a to-do list and ticking off. Okay, it is about coming into that strength and courage and putting your body through a little bit of discomfort. Maybe that might be a really good way to connect with your masculine energy and to connect with your feminine energy. I've talked about this a lot Quiet spaces, connection with nature, doing things that make you feel good, being creative, everything I talked about. That is how you connect with your feminine energy.

Speaker 1:

What I would say is explore universal archetypes as well, like dive into that world and figure out which archetype really does resonate with you. There's loads on the internet about divine feminine and divine masculine, and when you kind of look at them. You'll be able to look at various aspects of yourself and how they're associated and how you kind of look at them. You'll be able to look at various aspects of yourself and how they're associated and how you work, because everybody is so, so different and I would highly recommend reading books. Look online, like are you the hero or are you the lover? Like, in terms of masculine energy, there's loads. There's loads out there guys, and yeah, I really wouldn't be able to cover it in this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Another way you can balance everything is look at the roles that you play in your life, such as parent, partner, professional, a random reiki healer hello and consider how the archetypes apply to them, but also what roles are they. Are they masculine or they're feminine? You can even write them out, like where are your relationships calling you to be? Are you happy to be there? Are you happy in those relationships? Because you might be in your masculine with your friendship all the time, but actually you might need to switch it up and be in your feminine sometimes as well. That might include certain boundaries, which is masculine you know certain boundaries but emotionally feminine, communicating how you feel when you're the person who's organizing all the time something like that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and what about meditation? I know I know everyone says to me oh, I can't meditate, I can't meditate. Well, guess what? There are loads of guided meditations about feminine energy or masculine energy online on YouTube. If you cannot sit there and connect yourself with just quiet meditation, then just literally go for it with guided meditations. I do guided meditations all the time because my brain is literally like loop-de-loo. So, yeah, and try doing this before bed, because I always find that meditation makes me feel good. I would recommend doing healing meditation like earlier in the day, because you don't want to be going through like healing meditations just before you go sleep. You always want to kind of go to sleep on a good thing. So reading your gratitude list, good meditations, that type of things before bed will really help you as well, because that is going to be the last thing that goes into your subconscious before you go to sleep.

Speaker 1:

Another thing is to notice when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed and to take moments or to put things in place. Don't ignore this. I'm going to say it again don't ignore it, because it will just get louder, it will turn into something much bigger and uglier. So you need to kind of recognise that. Okay, I'm feeling stressed, I'm feeling overwhelmed. What do I need to do in this moment?

Speaker 1:

It's about coming back into your masculine, maybe writing that to-do list it might be in your feminine and having a cry, whatever it is. Just take a few moments to acknowledge it and ask yourself what do I need right now? Because running around stressed and overwhelmed as much as society tells us, is not normal, it's not good for us. It pushes us into fight or flight Again. Masculine energy, and that's where we get burnt out. That's where our adrenals get burnt out, it's where our body really takes a hammering and that's when we start to get ill and start to have physical ailments, which, yeah, isn't really not what we want. So, and finally, get grounded. Walk in nature, put your feet in the ground, put your feet in the sea, get grounded. And another thing that you could do would be yoga, and this is stuff that's going to help you feel more present. Do the things that make you feel more present.

Speaker 1:

Okay, embrace your feminine side. So, yeah, just embrace your feminine side. You're a beautiful feminine person. Listen to your intuition, get creative and allow yourself to be vulnerable and express your emotions in a healthy way. Surround yourself with beauty and engaging creativity that inspires you, cultivate supportive relationships with other women. Women connecting with other women is amazing. It's why I have the sister circle, which happens once a month in newport. It's because it's so, so amazing to find a group of women who can really connect to each other and that will help you feel more connected to your feminine energy, and you can. You know, if you can't come to mine, you can have a look on meetup. There are sister circles or siren circles or, I don't know, goddess circles or whatever, everywhere. There are so many things out there and it's just about finding the right one for you. Embody your masculine energy. You could just be tapping into the power of your sacred masculine energy. You could be doing the actions that you've put off for a while. You could be doing the self-discipline and holding yourself accountable for stuff. You might be able to engage in physical activities that make you feel more connected with your body and your inner strength. Okay, so that's how you embody your masculine energy and those are my top tips for how you balance your feminine masculine, divine masculine, what it is, divine feminine where it is.

Speaker 1:

It's been a really long podcast and I've tried to give as much information as possible and try to make it like make sense, because some things out there don't always make sense. But the key takeaways are you need to get to know yourself, first and foremost. You need to know yourself. You need to look at your relationships. You need to see if you fit more in a masculine and more in a feminine way in your life and are you happy with that? Are you happy with it? So, yeah, there's loads to take in there and if you do have any questions, do let me know. I'm going to leave it there for now. And if you want to chat to me, you know where I am. I'm Holistic Coach Kirstie on all social media. So Instagram, tiktok, Facebook, so you know where to find me. And, yeah, I'm going to leave it there for today. Guys, thank you so much for listening. If you do have any questions about this pod, just send me them. You can email me, social media, me, whatever, and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.