Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Kundalini Awakening: My Journey Through Spiritual Transformation and how it turned my world upside down!

Kirsty Harris

Ever felt an explosive rush of energy that left you questioning your reality? Join me, Kirsty Harris, on the Find Your Inner Glow podcast as I recount my remarkable journey through a spontaneous kundalini awakening. During a simple healing session meant to cut cords from past trauma, I experienced an unexpected and intense release of energy at the base of my spine. It was an overwhelming blend of disbelief and pain, but with the help of my spiritual network, I navigated this transformative experience. This episode sheds light on the scarcity of specialized kundalini practitioners in South Wales and Bristol, and the risks associated with kundalini yoga teachers who may not have firsthand awakening experience. My goal is to offer comfort and understanding to those on similar spiritual paths and stress the importance of knowledgeable support.

We'll also dive into the historical significance of Kundalini across various cultures and spiritual texts, and explore the profound physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits it can bring. From heightened empathy and spiritual awareness to the emotional challenges that come with confronting resurfaced memories, I share how this unpredictable journey has deepened my self-connection and trust in my intuition. Plus, discover more about the Manifestation Hub, our women-only online community where you can join me for weekly updates and resources to support your spiritual journey. Tune in and let's navigate the transformative power of kundalini awakening together.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Find your Inner Glow podcast hosted by me, kirsty Harris. I am a holistic coach and I am super passionate about helping others improve their lives by focusing on the mind, body and soul. Each week, I will be sharing my insights, experiences and advice on how to tap into your inner glow and live a more fulfilling and balanced life. So join us and let's discover how to find your inner glow together.

Speaker 2:

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, whatever time this finds you, just hello. So today I am diving into my own personal kundalini awakening experience. This is just so that I can put my experience out there and hopefully comfort others, because I have found that there is not really a practitioner that specializes in kundalini awakening in South Wales and Bristol. Now, I may be totally wrong, I may not be looking in the right places, so disclaimer there, but this is just going to be my experience. This is going to be what's happened to me and I'm three weeks in. Okay, yeah, I'm three weeks in. I had to think that when it happens, um, okay, so I'm gonna start with what happened. So basically, you know, I always talk about whenever you go with a healer, make sure that they're receiving their own healing as well, because you want somebody who is working on themselves, because then they'll constantly be able to add to you. They'll constantly be able to like, take care of you and elevate you to new levels because they're working on themselves. So I was having healing and I was there and we were doing like a cord cutting thing. So we were looking at the heart space, the throat chakra and the solar plexus, which is just, you know, in the dip of your ribs, that's where your solar plexus is. So we were focusing on speaking truth around my heart chakra, so emotional pain and solar plexus, which is about um sense of identity and confidence. So we were just kind of tapping into that because I was cord cutting from a situation that happened last year that impacted on all of those chakras. So, like I always tell you, trauma gets stuck in the body, so sometimes we need a little help energetically to push it out. And so the whole point of this is that we were not doing anything with the root chakra, which is at the base of your spine, and whilst I was in my healing session, as I started to come out, I felt like this explosion in the bottom of my back. It was like an energetic explosion and it felt like my root chakra almost like broke. It just felt like wumpf and like the energy was pulsating, like I just I'd never felt anything like it in my life and I was like this is just very weird. Maybe it's just like a release, you know, because when you're having healing you may experience energetic releases. You may not feel anything, but I feel everything. So, yeah, I was like, okay, maybe this is just like an energetic release. So I went along with it and then I spoke to the healer afterwards and I was like, oh, I had this sensation and it was like, oh, wow, okay, um, that sounds like kundalini. And the healer didn't specialize in it and I've heard of kundalini before. So, for context, when I got attuned to reiki master which is also like when we're talking about reiki, we're talking about life force energy and when we talk about kundalini, we're talking about life force energy, so we're talking about that level of energy that we're that we're dealing with. Okay.

Speaker 2:

But when I got attuned to Reiki master teacher, I had a warm sensation in my back and tingles. So I reckon that was probably the first time that it was kind of poked. And then, obviously, when I went through this healing, the whoosh of energy just completely just exploded in my back. And then the next day I woke up and it was just like this deep burrowing feeling in my back and it was like I felt like a ball of energy but also felt like something was burrowing in the base of my spine. It was incredibly painful and I felt like I had like a little rod in like the lower part of my spine, almost like my pelvis and spine were like fused together. It just felt incredibly painful and I was like no, no, no, no, no, no no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

It's like it cannot be happening. We cannot be having a kundalini awakening, because unfortunately, I have only ever heard of really horrible stories of kundalini awakening. So this would, for me, be classed as a spontaneous kundalini awakening, which can happen. People do go through activations to draw that energy in, but sometimes it can happen spontaneously. But it happens to you because you're able to to deal with it. That's ultimately it, like you're at a stage in your spiritual journey where where it's able to happen for you and you're able to deal with it. It may be really really hard, because it has been hard. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna sit here and be like kundalini is amazing, because it's totally one of those things where it's really kind of scary. So I started to have pain and I started to consult my spiritual friends and I was like, oh, I think this is it. And then I had multiple confirmations that sounds like a kundalini awakening and I searched high and low to speak to somebody about kundalini awakening.

Speaker 2:

Now, something that has really irritated me along this process and this is obviously like this is my platform, this is me. I'm always open and honest about it and you know I call shit out for what it is, but there are lots of kundalini yoga teachers that have actually either never had an awakening or have no idea how to deal with an awakening, which for me it feels really irresponsible and dangerous, because not only are you forcing, not forcing, but you're tapping into that energy and that energy flow. Um, you have no understanding of how to deal with awakenings. Or if you are doing yoga and you involuntary, like or accidentally, awake somebody's kundalini like happened with me you have no idea how to support that person and you are a big contribution to that person going through that experience. And when you go through this experience, you have to manage the energy very, very carefully or you can end up having symptoms which are similar to psychosis or some serious mental health issues. So for me, I just feel like that really irritated me, because everyone's like oh, kundalini yoga, kundalini yoga, yeah, amazing, love that that. But like it almost feels like appropriation because it's taking the yoga from a sacred tradition that was used to support kundalini energy, and then people that have just taken it without understanding the true roots of it um, obviously this doesn't apply to every practitioner, but to most practitioners I've spoken to they're like oh, I kind of have an experience, but I can only help you if you pay me and we have a half hour yoga session before the next yoga session.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, hang the fuck on, you are not making me feel safe at all here, like you have no idea what to suggest to me. You have no idea how to keep me safe, and then you want me to come to your class and tap into that kundal yoga. Now, obviously I'm speaking from a place of fear, because Kundalini does bring up a lot of stuff for you. It does bring up so, so much stuff which you thought that you healed. And like, being safe and feeling protected is something where I absolutely must have and I have in my daily life now. But if I'm going to go with any healing practitioner or deal with anything, I want to know that they're they're legit and they understand and they've done the research and they've done the learning. They haven't gone. Oh, that just sounds like a good idea and I'm going to do it again.

Speaker 2:

This doesn't apply to every practitioner, but some of the practitioners I've spoken to is like, okay, um, or they've been like, oh, yeah, I don't really understand much. I've been through my journey. But I don't really like understand and I'm like, well again, you're not giving me feelings of safety, you're not making me want to spend my money with you, you're not making me feel like, oh my god, like you understand this, you understand me, you're going to be able to guide me very safely. And I feel like this is the same in the world of like shamans. So I see, like so many people call themselves shamans but they're not. Um, so shamans, shamans, whatever however you pronounce it, but they're not. They have no lineage to being a shaman. They just say I'm a shaman and actually, no, you're a shamanic practitioner, because you're not a shaman, because you don't have the lineage and has not spent years and years and years in practice to become a shaman or shaman or whatever you want to pronounce it like. So I'm very like funny about this stuff, because one is appropriation.

Speaker 2:

We cannot just take things from other cultures and embody them. We can celebrate them and we can address them appropriately, like I would 100% go with somebody who tells me they're a shaman or shaman practitioner or shamanic practitioner, rather than somebody who calls themselves a shaman when they're a white man who lives in the valleys of Wales and they've never been to fucking Peru in their life. So, yeah, I'm going off on a rant now, but I just feel like this is a part of spirituality which, like people let their ego get involved and they say, oh, you know, I'm this and I'm this and I'm special, and they change their name to a different name and it's just like, like it's cool if you want to do that, but you have to honor and respect the roots in which the culture you are embarking on and celebrating and becoming a practitioner in. It's okay to become a practitioner in things. For example, I'm a twerk, a twerk instructor or, like you know, I have taught people how to twerk.

Speaker 2:

That is primarily something that comes from West Africa. That is where that originates, and I don't want for one minute say, oh, I created twerking or I'm I'm the best twerker because I'm not. I learned about twerking and the original meaning of it and I loved it and that's why I wanted to celebrate and share and I learned from a black woman. Do you see what I mean? It's about being's why I wanted to celebrate and share and I learned from a black woman. Do you see what I mean? It's about being very careful in what we do around spirituality and making sure that when you go to a spiritual practitioner, you know what you're getting and you ask these questions so that you don't get ripped off. That is what I hate about the spiritual world, because there is no regulation, there is no anything really, and cultural appropriation is rife, like absolutely rife. Somebody somebody like in a western culture will go oh, I like that and I'm going to do that, which is fine if it's done in the right context and the right place. So, anyway, I'm going way off topic because it's something that's really like bothered me and I just feel like it's really important to educate people around that.

Speaker 2:

So, going back to that kundalini, I've not had an experience where I've been able to connect to somebody in the UK, but I have been able to connect the most beautiful woman in Lisbon and, honestly, the way I felt after the awakening so the day after I felt like I'd been hit by a bus and because I was in so much denial around it actually happening to me, oh my god, the pain in my back. The more like I was kind of rejecting it, um, the more pain I would feel, and the only thing that was really, really helping me was doing deep breaths, shaking it and chatting to this lovely lady in Lisbon. I'll link her Instagram below. Sophia is just beautiful, beautiful woman and she specializes in kundalini activation. So this is like this is the type of practitioner I want to be involved with, because she understands it, she like knows it back to front, she guides people through it on a regular basis. So I've been chatting back and forth to her. She's been explaining um around kundalini body work and how that can move the energy through the body very, very gently and also very safely. And this is important, which I'll get to later. But yeah, and then we've been chatting about how to release the energy, because the energy kind of like come, because it comes up my spine and then now it kind of feels stuck in my back because it travels up the chakras. So I know this, probably like oh, what is kundalini? So basically, let's talk about the origins of kundalini, okay. So first you need to understand its origins.

Speaker 2:

It's a Sanskrit term which refers to the dormant energy coiled in the base of the spine. Kundalini is also very much linked to snake energy and this is very weird for me because a long time not a long time ago, about a couple of weeks ago, before my way before, like the awakening before that burst of energy, I was like dealing. I just felt really attracted to serpent energy and I was very curious about it. I was listening to a podcast and about listening to how it was a voodoo initiation and for her to connect with serpent energy, she had to sleep on the ground without any pillows or blankets and I just thought, oh, that's really like interesting. I felt really like drawn to it and I couldn't understand why, because sleeping on the floor with no pillow or blanket does not sound, does not sound ideal to me at all. So, yeah, I um, so I felt really strongly connected to that. So the phrase kundalini is derived from the Sanskrit word kundal, which means coiled up.

Speaker 2:

This is the dormant energy in the base of your spine and it prefers to. It refers to the um triangular bone, referred to as the sacrum, and the Latin name osacrum suggests that this is a holy or sacred part of the body. Okay, this goes back to like ancient Greek, where they were aware of this and they named it the heron osteon. You know, this is basically all throughout history, guys. Like it's an ancient thing which is so beautiful and it even shows up in the holy quran, um. So prophet muhammad talks about the day of resurrection when he says that the fingers will speak. So basically, in the quran it says that that day we will set a seal on their mouths, but their fingers will communicate, communicate to us, and their hands into a witness to all that they did. When kundalini awakening happens, a flow of power inside the shape of cool vibrations from the hands is skilled and various shackles can be felt on components of the hands and fingers. So, yeah, it's kind of showing up in multiple, multiple places.

Speaker 2:

So, again, it's one of those things like so this is a phenomenon that we see in many religious textbooks, from like christianity to islam, to hinduism, to buddhism. It's, it's present in so many different religious texts. So it's just one of those things that we know that happens, but everybody wants to call it its own name, but nobody denies that it exists, which I personally love. I think that's really cool. So, since I've had, like this awakening, some of the physical symptoms I've had have been pulsating in my, in my lower back. I've had headaches, I felt really sick and nauseous, and these are all signs of, like your energy, your energy going to a new level and you calibrating with that new, that new vibration that you are dealing with, and also so weird. Moldavite is actually a really good crystal to deal with Kundalini awakening, which again represents how high this vibrational energy is.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so let's talk about the good things. I've been telling you all about the bad things about kundalini. But why is kundalini so special? Basically, it brings supernatural powers, like it allows you to connect into your third eye on a much deeper level. It also helps you to stabilize your mind, it balances you to an emotional degree and it heightens spirituality and this can alleviate pain and suffering and ache. Like. It's just such a powerful awakening, it's so beautiful. I'm still waiting for these benefits, by the way, so I am going to sell it to you because I need to be sold myself, because getting to this point takes time and when Kundalini awakens, someone may also enjoy.

Speaker 2:

Like that they're a bit more empathic, they have so much more empathy. Like they become so sensitive to other people's energy. It's almost like telepathic, because you can read people's minds, not like you can physically read people's mind, but you can feel that energy and that aura and everything a minute they step in the room, how they're feeling, why they're feeling. Now, I'm pretty good at that anyway. I always have been like, when people step in the room for Reiki, I'm like, okay, this is where we are today, that's without the person even saying anything. Um, so this will deepen that, that connection for me.

Speaker 2:

And when, when kundalini awakens someone may also, um, have a heightened sense of awareness, memory, like you start to just become really aware of your surroundings and be able to recall memories. I've had lots of memories unlocked for me recently which I haven't been able to tap into or didn't want to tap into, but obviously they've come up for a reason for me to acknowledge, to sit with and to close that energy loop on that. Um. So with kundalini as well, it does radiate you with positivity and weak thoughts kind of disappear. And when I say weak thoughts, um, I guess I feel like the more negative side of things does disappear.

Speaker 2:

But what I'm finding is Kundalini does bring up a lot of things that you thought you dealt with and it's bringing those feelings back to the surface. So I'm feeling feelings that I've not felt in years around fear, around not being good enough. All of this stuff has really come back up to the surface where I thought that it. It was like yeah, I thought it was going to be dealt with and packed away, but obviously for some reason I've not fully let go or fully dealt with it. So it is coming back up to the surface. But with kundalini awakenings it does all come up at once, so you kind of don't know if you're coming or going and I the only way I could describe like some of the days I felt has been in complete anguish of like I just can't cope with like the level of emotion going on. Um, but I know this is for the better, because you do reach that point where you are inherently positive and negative thoughts seem to fall away a lot easier.

Speaker 2:

So the kundalini energy will also help you link into your higher power. This gives you your divine purpose. So our ego constantly fights with our higher self. Our higher self is like our spiritual brain. It. It is that thing that is there and it has no attachment to ego or emotions or anything. It just knows the right thing for us. It knows our divine path, and our ego will get in the way of doubting it or pushing it to the side because we feel like we know better.

Speaker 2:

That is ego. Everyone has ego. It's not yeah, it's not a bad thing to have ego. It's just when it's out of control, that's when it's not such a good thing. So with kundalini, it literally gives you pleasure in every moment. Also, it really awakens like your sexual energy as well, your, your sensuality. This is why it's so closely linked to tantra. Um other things that it can do it can boost your iq, it can give you a better experience of sound, color and sight. It gives you a feeling of purification. Your psychic abilities are increased. You have extra compassion. You um just be able to be in your creative energy a lot more.

Speaker 2:

The kundalini energy is divine, feminine energy awakening in you. So, yeah, you can be more magnetic and appeal to different humans or different conditions or different situations much more. And yeah, I have found, since I've started having my awakening, I have met two other people who are also having awakenings that did not know anything about Kundalini. So this kind of spiritual ascension is really beautiful. But obviously, with anything beautiful, it's a bit like the lotus flower it has to grow from the darkness. It has to grow from the darkness within. So this is the process I'm going through right now.

Speaker 2:

This is something that I am just navigating myself at the moment because if I could get on a plane and go to Lisbon, I absolutely would to do some body work and to do the kundalini awakening side of things Not to like go through an awakening because I don't need more energy, but to understand it on a much more deeper level. I'm on a course at the morning, at the morning at the moment, learning all about kundalini energy and how to dive in deep and how to understand it and how to raise the energy safely, because when you don't, there can be some severe side effects, like seeing things that are not there, um, feeling really tired, being sick, headaches, like it really can incapacitate you, um, there's, yeah, so there are things as well that compare to psychosis. So, where you start hearing things, where you start seeing things are not there, um, you can also have involuntary body shaking, where your body starts to shake and that is the energy being released and surging around your body, in which that you can't control, you know. So these things can be quite scary, especially if you live on your own or or things like that. So, yeah, my advice is that this isn't an easy process to go through, but the benefits will definitely outweigh any of the negatives and actually to go through this process. I'm having to really rely on my intuition. I'm having to really rely on my intuition. I'm having this deeper, deeper connection to my intuition. I'm connecting to myself on a much deeper level and the trust within myself has grown massively. And I'm only three weeks in Kundalini.

Speaker 2:

Awakenings can last for a very long time. They can last for like years. They can last for years and years if, especially if, you're having a gradual awakening. So yeah, it could be like an intense, involuntary rapid awakening. It could be a involuntary, gradual awakening. There's no right or wrong speed for you and I guess, like I've kind of asked spirit or asked spirit guides to help guide me through this process.

Speaker 2:

I know, like for me at the moment, I really had my spiritual path really mapped out for me. I had it mapped out totally in terms of like where I was going, what the next thing for me was, what I wanted to do. Like I really wanted to get more into plant medicine, which I still am, but in a different way. Now I'm dealing with all of this different stuff where, yeah, it's, it's just really different, um and my, I feel like the rug's been pulled from under me because this was not something I planned, not something I wanted and the like the feeling of fear has come up massively for me, like I constantly would feel in fear, um, and just kind of be in that fight or flight stage all the time, and it was very draining, like when it first happened I was sleeping literally all the time. I'm finding like social media really difficult as well. Like it's very hard for me to be on socials right now. It just feels like too much energy just racing around and doing stuff.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, this is my kundalini awakening. This is all about kundalini energy. Um, I hope it's been somewhat interesting or insightful. Um, you do get weird things happen, like the other night I was asleep and I woke up and my third eye, or like my brow chakra, was vibrating and tingling, like to the point it woke me up. So, yeah, I just feel like I really felt drawn to talk about it this morning, because I'm recording this in the morning and it's beautifully sunny outside, I've just had a lovely coffee and I'm having a slow, moving morning and I just really wanted to communicate my journey around this and what kundalini is.

Speaker 2:

I don't think anybody should be afraid of kundalini. I know I've sat here being like I'm afraid and this happens and this could happen and it's unpredictable. But kundalini energy is beautiful and I can already start to feel some of the benefits. Like, I do feel a lot like comfortable in myself, the connection to myself, the trust in myself, like these things are priceless. Guys like these things are absolutely priceless.

Speaker 2:

To have this deep sense of trust in yourself and to connect to your intuition and just know what is meant for you is not going to go past you is absolutely incredible and I feel like I almost needed this. I needed to be drawn off the path I was on and put on a different path because, even though I can't, I felt like I was in the driver's seat with my spiritual journey and now I'm not. I'm in the one that is in the state of receiving and having to surrender, which again, is feminine energy. It's connecting to that feminine side of you. It's it's that divine, feminine energy in which that we, we just embody and go along with. But yeah, I'm gonna stop it there for today, because I will just sit here and be like.

Speaker 2:

Kundalini energy is amazing and it's scary, but it's lush and it's really good and all of this stuff. I'll just repeat the same thing over and over. But yes, if you're interested in my Kundalini awakening in the Manifestation Hub, which is my platform online, where it's an online community where like-minded women can join it's a women-only space and there is so much teaching in there about all things spirituality and manifestation. So, within the Manifestation Hub, I have a channel that's dedicated to Kundalini Awakening and I'm doing weekly updates about what's happening. One because I want to document it, but two, also, I want to share with other people to raise awareness around Kundalini awakenings and how they feel, how to navigate them, how to cope, because I do think this will be something I will reflect on in six months, a year time, and I don't want to forget the details. So, yeah, if you want to stay up to date, you can join the membership for just £22 a month and you get so much in there, guys like you get your weekly tarot reading, you get weekly tasks, you get updates in all the different channels all the time. At the start of the month, new channels get released, all about different information that is there to educate you for you to take charge of your spiritual journey and find the things that you're really curious and interested in. So if that one is for you, you can click the link below and join the manifestation hub today, and I'd love to see you in there. It would literally be amazing.

Speaker 2:

And with all that being said, I'm going to say goodbye now. Thank you so much for listening and listening to me chat about Kundalini. I hope it's been interesting for you and, if it has been, let me know. Reach out to me on Instagram, facebook, wherever you feel comfortable, send me an email, I don't know, just do it. Let's keep the conversation going and, yeah, I will leave it there, and thank you so very much for listening. Subscribe, leave a review, do the thing, and I will see you soon. Have a wonderful week.