Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Exploring Divine Feminine Energy Through Goddess Work

Kirsty Harris

Ever wondered how connecting with goddesses can illuminate your path to inner glow? Join me, Kirsty Harris, in this enlightening episode of Find Your Inner Glow, where I unravel the mysteries of goddess work. Begin your journey with the wisdom of well-known deities like Aphrodite, Artemis, and Athena. I share my personal connection with Aphrodite, revealing the careful research and respectful rituals that paved the way. From offering symbols she cherishes to casting a circle, I lay a foundation for anyone eager to embrace goddess work and align their spiritual aspirations.

The adventure doesn't stop there. I take you through my intense, transformative encounters with the goddess Kali, where deep healing and powerful visions became my reality. Discover the significance of maintaining an altar, meditating, and building a respectful relationship with such a potent deity. I'll offer practical advice on starting your goddess work journey, suggesting lighter deities before tackling darker ones like Kali. With a passion for this spiritual path, I invite you to share your stories, join our community, and explore my Divine Feminine course for a more profound connection with the goddesses. Let's embark on this transformative journey together!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Find your Inner Glow. Hosted by me, kirsty Harris, I am a manifestation coach and an intuitive healer. I am here to talk to you all about mind, body and soul and how we can find your inner glow together. So kick back, grab a cuppa and let's get into it. Hello everyone and welcome back.

Speaker 1:

Today we are talking about goddess work. Okay, so I'm going to talk about this like you don't know anything. So if you do know stuff, amazing for you, but if you don't, this will hopefully give you a bit of a foundation about what it's like to work with a goddess. So what is goddess work? Basically, it is invoking a particular type of goddess in order to work with you to achieve a goal. Okay, so there is a hierarchy in spirit and goddess, gods and goddesses are the top tier of that, which is very intense energy to help bring you closer and more into alignment with what you want to achieve. So, gods and goddesses, who are they? They are gods and goddesses out of mythology. Okay, some of the most common ones that you would hear of would probably be, like Aphrodite, goddess of love. You may have heard her in Roman mythology because, basically, venus is the goddess of love and lust. In Roman mythology, greek mythology, we have Aphrodite. You might have heard of other like really popular names like Artemis, athena, hecate is a really big one. Lilith is also a goddess you may have heard of Ashun. She's a Yoruba goddess and there are loads in like north mythology, like there's so much mythology across the world, especially like Hindu mythology oh my god, there's so so much okay which is so, so beautiful. So it means that there is an array of gods and goddesses out there who are available to work with. Now, if you want to channel more of your masculine side, you can tap into working with gods. If you want to work more on your feminine side, you can work more with female goddesses, obviously.

Speaker 1:

So my journey started with Aphrodite because she was somebody who I was always like super, super fascinated with. So I always wanted to work with her. I was always super fascinated and I loved her story as well of her and Ares, the god of war, like I absolutely loved it. I like I loved their own, the romance between them, even though Aphrodite was, you know, cheating on her husband with Ares. But this, this deep love affair, this deep love story, was actually like really beautiful to me in mythology not that I'm glamorizing, cheating, but it was just the fact of like Ares, like loved Aphrodite so much he never took a wife, he never had. You know, he never really moved on from her and I was just like, oh my god, this man like, was so committed and like he's the god of war, he's the god of chaos and destruction and endings, but he has this other side to him of like the love and the deep care for her. So it was just a beautiful, a beautiful story to me. I always really loved it and that's when I decided I wanted to work with work with a goddess work, with that goddess energy. At the time did I really know what I was doing? No, I did not, but I read a lot.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the key is to research, research, research, research. You might find that particular mythology really jumps out to you. You may find that you feel really drawn out to you. You may find that you feel really drawn to a particular place, like you may be really drawn to Egypt or India or, I don't know, south America. You may be drawn to more Native American tribes. You may be really drawn to Iceland, whatever it is. Whatever geographical location you're drawn to might mean that there is a god or goddess in there willing or ready for you to work with and understand the mythology more.

Speaker 1:

So I got into Greek mythology years ago, loved learning about it, loved listening about it. I listened to a really good podcast called let's talk about myths, baby. I did love it because I felt like the person presenting was very good at explaining the concepts and things like that. She did get on my nerves a little bit because she is like super feminist and it was just kind of belted through in every episode and it did wear thin after a while. But overall the information in the podcast was amazing and I learned so much about Greek mythology so I decided, okay, cool, I'm gonna invoke Aph. Cool, I'm going to invoke Aphrodite. I'm going to do that.

Speaker 1:

So what did I do? Firstly, I started off with researching her. What does she like? What are the offerings that she likes? Because the fucking key thing here, guys, she's a goddess. Okay, you don't walk up to a goddess or the king or the queen and just be like yo, what's up? Okay, you, okay, you have to approach with respect and you have to create a relationship with them to open that dialogue, to open that communication with them. Okay, so I offered her the things that she would like. So I offered her rose petals, I offered her a shell, I offered her all the different things that were um symbols of her, but also offerings of her. There is so much information on google about your particular god or goddess that you'd like to work with that. You can just write down Aphrodite's offerings and things will come up. So I offered them to her. I politely asked her, like I casted a circle. I politely asked her if she would like to work with me and if she would, I'd be very, very grateful.

Speaker 1:

And then I started to just feel like lots of love around me. I started to just feel different. That was how I knew like that energy was coming into my life and how I would connect with her. I was like this was in the days when I wasn't even meditating. You know, meditating, I wasn't even doing it. This was back in the day when I was like I wasn't connected to my spirit guides. I wasn't connected to anything.

Speaker 1:

So, obviously, go in with the big guns. Yeah, let's go. Let's go, goddess, hey, um, so I would have a ritual bath on a Friday. Why? Because Friday is ruled by Venus, venus, it's also linked to Aphrodite, like I just said. And, um, I would put crystals around the bath, I would have salt baths I always have salt baths I would put rose petals in the bath rose representing love, self-love, things like that and I would ask Aphrodite to bless the water and, um, just yeah, again feel those feelings of love. I have a specific candle which I had custom made for her. You don't have to be as extra as me, you know, but you can just buy a pink candle, things like that. It's suggested to show that you're willing to work with her and keep the relationship going and invest time in her and understanding her, and she will do the same to you and reward you.

Speaker 1:

Now we do have light and dark goddesses. Light goddesses, like Aphrodite, are lighter, lighter energy, so they're focused on more of like the the things. And then we have the dark goddesses which, to be honest, never looked at the dark goddesses for a long time, because I thought dark meant evil. Dark does not mean evil, and one of like the things I've committed to myself in this lifetime is to understand the dark and to not be afraid of the dark. So that's why I research voodoo, that's why I look at Obia. That's why I look at the dark goddesses and the lessons they have to teach us, because there are lessons in the dark and we cannot have light without dark. But anyway, that's me sidetracking. So the darkness, the dark goddesses, okay, these are the ones I profoundly connect with more and also I always find like their energy way more intense because these are the goddesses are going to be linked to transformation.

Speaker 1:

Okay, one day I went over to Ireland. I saw my friend and she was like, oh, do you fancy going to this thing? We're gonna like basically give an offer, your offering to them, to the Morrigan. Now, the Morrigan is a Celtic dark goddess, okay, not to be out fucked with. I went to go see a psychic once and she was like, oh my god, there is this woman. She's all dressed in black, she's very, very fearful and she's like I don't get scared of much, but I feel frightened of this woman and I know, hands down, it was the Morrigan. Okay, and basically I went, we gave like an offering and we gave thanks to her and all of this stuff. I did not realise that was me invoking her Again. This was before like I really educated myself everything, and then the morrigans just started to follow me around. How did I know that there were crows everywhere? Oh my God, I remember climbing up Glastonbury Tor and there was like a crow like staring at me, shouting at me, and I was like, okay, hun, I'm here. Then I remember once I went to the beach and I was like like enjoying the beach. The beach was quite empty, the sea was coming in and this crow was like screaming its head off at me, looking directly at me, and there was no other crows on the beach, it was just this one crow. And I was like, oh my days.

Speaker 1:

So a little overview of the Morrigan. She's a Celtic goddess associated with war, fate and sovereignty. She is seen as a triple goddess. Okay, so she is not. So there are three forms of the goddess. You have the maiden, the mother and the crown, okay, and this obviously represents different periods of your life. When you're the maiden, it's that period of life before you become a mother, so from zero to mother, and then you become mother and then, as your children grow up and you come towards more of the end of your life, it is where you become a crone. Okay, so that is the triple goddess, and her name actually means great queen or phantom queen.

Speaker 1:

She was a shapeshifter. She can turn into any animal form and she would often appear as a raven or a crow. She was also involved in the life cycle of life and death, could tell when her enemies were coming, when they were going to die, like she was not somebody to fuck with, okay. So when you invoke her, she comes with, like this fearless mother, energy. Like she. She deeply loves you, but she is not taking any shit. She is taking away what no longer serves you. Okay, she is ripping it away. It is not, um, it is not happening for you. Okay, if it needs to go, it needs to go. I do find that she's not maybe as intense as the next goddess I worked with. She was intense though it was. I felt like things were gradually ripped away when that was not the case when I started to work with Kalima.

Speaker 1:

So Kalima is a Hindu goddess of war, destruction and creation change power. She is just one of the most badass like goddesses you'll ever see, because, even to look at her picture, she has four arms. In one of her hands she's holding a head, in another arm she's holding the like a bowl for blood and then she also has like a weapon with her as well. She has her long tongue out to like basically lap up any blood from bloodshed. She is also stood on her husband because, basically in the mythology, when she like won against this demon, she started a dance which was making the earth, um like tremble. So her husband laid down and she danced on him. But it just makes the photo, the artist, um artist interpretation of her look incredibly fearful. Okay, so she is not to be fucked with. Okay, she will destroy evil in order to defend the innocent. Okay, she is going to rip away from you anything that no longer serves you, and I mean she will rip it away.

Speaker 1:

So last year I worked with her briefly and, um, she took away my best friend. She was like, no, this is not a good relationship for you anymore. So she took her away. Well, we ended up arguing, but I knew it was because of her and I knew, god, I knew as soon as I invoked her I was like, oh, things are gonna go peak tongue, and they did, and I ended up arguing with that friend. But the reason that friend was taken out of my life was because I was relying on her and I was being too codependent about what she thought of things. So I would say, oh, what do you think of this? And then if she had like a negative view on it, it would get in my way of doing something which massively got in my way of doing like Reiki and progressing with Reiki. And then, yeah, when I moved her out the way, yeah, I started to be more independent, think and value my own thoughts and realize, okay, this is why she's been taken away.

Speaker 1:

I escalated in my Reiki journey and now the healing I do is just absolutely incredible. Like, not only am I able to heal chakras, I heal aura, I do aura cleanses, I do all the different levels of healing, I do inner child healing on an energetic level. There's just so much I offer in my healing sessions. Now, that was always within me, but because of that friend, one person, I wasn't willing to tap into that. So this is why she's here now.

Speaker 1:

The reason this beautiful, fearful goddess came into my life was because I had a tarot reading and I was told you need to invoke a goddess. That is like next level. It was like the stuff that you're doing now is good, but it's not enough to take you away to where you need to be. And I was going through such a difficult time with my ex so it wasn't last year, it was the year before going through such a difficult time with my ex and I couldn't break the chain, I couldn't get away from him. So I asked her to come forward and that's when she started to take things from me and they were the things. I absolutely didn't need band-aid and did it fucking hurt? Yes, it did, but am I so much better now? Absolutely, because her task is to empower people. She gets behind that ego and she just destroys that ego that you have and the change is really uncomfortable. Okay, she really wants us to be that raw, wild, weird and authentic person. Okay, speaking our truth, this is what she's here to do. This is what Halima is here to do. Okay, and you cannot disrespect this goddess. Okay, I was speaking to somebody who massively disrespected her and, like she fucked their life up, like literally. She is very, very precious, precious. She is a fucking goddess. We need to, like, approach them with respect, offer respect.

Speaker 1:

I personally have an altar where I have offerings to Callie. I have her picture and I often just kind of revisit it. Make sure it's clean, make sure, like I, refresh the ingredients or the offerings every now and again. I often give her thanks and don't forget when you start to do goddess work. It needs to be a relationship. Now I'm like really into meditation. I'm here with my guides. I often will take my guides into meditation and I will see her. I've had a really vivid meditation before where I've met her and she came towards me and she cut off my head like, and then I just kind of like burst out of this beautiful white light and this was my transformation. And then I really feel like last, not last year, the year before. This was my. This was my taster session for what I'm going through right now.

Speaker 1:

As you know, guys, I'm always really open about what I'm going through, but absolutely at the moment we are in the middle of January when I'm recording this and my foundations are being shook. I mean personal, professional every element of my life is being shook right now. If my life was a card in tarot, it would be the tower card. It looks like everything is getting shaken up and it absolutely needs to for in order for me to embody my future self, to embody the person I want to be, to be able to deliver the healing I want to, to be able to drag people through the stuff that I need to it's absolutely fine in order to be able to do that. Like it has to happen.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't mean, though, I don't cry a lot, and it's really sad, but because people are like, oh, healing it's lovely, I'm like, is it fuck, healing's hard. This is why we can never force people to heal. Okay, because healing is so, so difficult and it's not for the faint-hearted, it is for people who are incredibly strong, who are really trying to be the best version of themselves. And you know what? Some people just can't hack it. And that isn't me being a bitch, that isn't ego, that isn't anything. That is an absolute fact. Because this is hard. This is really hard when we go through those deep healing and we pull out and we poke at wounds and we heal them.

Speaker 1:

But what we're doing, and what you're doing, if you're here listening to this podcast, is you're breaking generational patterns, you're breaking the ancestral chain, you're breaking different things in your life. You're here for a reason. Apparently, we have soul contracts before we come to the earth, and I can tell you now I did not read the fine print on mine, obviously jesus christ, but yeah, anyway, that's beside the point, I'm getting off topic. But yeah, kalima, very, very intense goddess. Okay, this is why, when you invoke somebody, you need to know how to put them back as well. You need to be able to say to them thank you so very much for your help and support. I no longer need it, in a very respectful way.

Speaker 1:

So this has just been my experience of working with goddesses. It's about working with that divine feminine energy and embodying it. And don't forget like we are working when we look at these dark goddesses. They embody masculine and feminine energy within them. Kalima is a goddess of war. She's a goddess of being strategic and like bloodshed, and then, in that, she is a deep, caring, motherly figure. She is actually a crone in the goddess, in the triple goddess. So she's a crone and she is here to walk us through the ending of something and for transformation. She is the death and rebirth, and that's absolutely what's happening to me right now.

Speaker 1:

And all of this should not scare you. Okay, this isn't to be scared of, this isn't to um shy away from, because you know what it's going to happen anyway. If this is your path, it's going to happen anyway. If this is your path, it's going to happen anyway. So you might as well get a goddess on board who's going to make it a lot quicker and get you through. Okay, because it just it's just common sense for me, like, okay, also, like there is this like connotation associated with Callie about, um, how she drinks the pain for you, which kind of I don't know why, it just brings me some sort of comfort. I'm like, okay, drink up the pain, hun, because it's a lot. So that's been like my personal experiences.

Speaker 1:

Um, you may want to dive into your own goddess work. You may want to have your own connection with a goddess. I would recommend a light goddess first, just to get used to, to understand that type of energy coming into your life, what it feels like, and before you dive into the dark goddess stuff, always research, always approach with an offering. Make sure that you do all the stuff that you need to. I actually have a huge course around this in my membership at the moment. It's the divine feminine course which walks you through different goddesses from different, um so, different popular goddesses from different mythology which are really well known. You also have how, like have an idea of how to embody them, how to bring them in, how to channel their energy. There is so much in that divine feminine course. So, yeah, also check the link below, because you're not going to want to miss it. It's absolutely amazing. I love the course myself and it really gives you a chance to dive in deeper to goddess work, and you can't find this anywhere else. You can just find this in my exclusive hub. So, yeah, check out the link in the in the notes below.

Speaker 1:

I am also opening spaces for my coaching clients again in February. Um, it is an application only thing, because I can't work with everybody. I want to make sure that the people I work with I actually can help, not just take your money. So if you're interested in that, head over to my website and click like, click the application and let's get working together if you are wanting to embody this transformational change, because transformation is hard, but you know that person at the end of it when you get there. It's so incredible, so incredible to get through this, to live in a happier life, to have the things you've always wanted. Like. It doesn't come easy and it doesn't and it isn't for everyone. Like I said, the healing journey isn't for everyone, but this is a really like beautiful thing to do, a really beautiful thing to do for yourself, and not only for yourself, but for your children or for those who come after you.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, I could sit here all day and talk about goddess and goddess work. I'm gonna stop there because I just wanna. I just wanna stop there because I will be here all day and your girl got things to do. She's got a nice cup of tea here. She's gonna be drinking that and yeah, thank you so very much for joining me. I really love talking about my experience today. If anything resonates with you or if you've had an experience with a goddess, like let me know, let's talk about it. I'm really, really excited to hear your own stories and, as always, guys like subscribe, leave a review, do the things, shoot me a message on instagram if you think I talk a load of shit. I want to hear from you and I'm gonna leave it there. Okay, bye now, thank you.