Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Unveiling the 12 Universal Laws: Elevate Your Vibration and Transform Your Life - PART1

Kirsty Harris

Imagine a world where your thoughts and actions ripple through the web of existence, impacting everything around you. That's the promise of our latest episode, where we unravel the 12 universal laws that shape our reality, beginning with the law of oneness. We'll explore the interconnectedness of all things and how embodying compassion, love, and mindfulness can set the stage for mastering these profound principles. This foundational knowledge isn't just theoretical; it's a practical guide to transforming your life and enhancing your manifestation abilities.

Next, we elevate our discussion to the law of vibration and the law of correspondence. Ever wondered how raising your vibrational frequency can attract positive experiences? We share personal anecdotes and practical advice on how engaging in activities you love, eating nutritious foods, and practicing energy healing can elevate your frequency. As we transition into the law of correspondence, we'll help you understand how your internal state reflects your external reality, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection, relationships, and holistic healing.

Finally, we delve into the law of perpetual transmutation of energy and the law of karma. Discover how to shift negative energy into positive energy through meditation, grounding, and other holistic methods. We'll explore the significance of gratitude, visualization, and purposeful actions in achieving your goals. Plus, we'll break down the concept of karma, explaining how past-life karma, present-life actions, and future consequences interact. This episode is packed with actionable insights to guide you toward a more purposeful and harmonious existence. Join us and uncover the transformative power of these universal laws!

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Find your Inner Glow, the podcast that focuses on mind, body and soul, and I am your host, kirsty Harris. I am a spiritual transformation coach and an intuitive healer. I have been helping women for years and years and I am here just to give you the knowledge that you need to really tap into your essence and find your inner glow. So get comfortable and let's get into today's episode. Hi everyone and welcome back Today. I'm super excited to sit down and talk to you, like you're my friend, because I've just been researching about the 12 universal laws and I've known that they've been in existence for a really long time. And you know, when it's like one of those things where you're like, okay, cool, I will eventually get that and I'm gonna go through the universal laws and understand them and then when I started to actually research them, I was like, holy fuck, why have I not done this sooner? Because these are the universal laws, these are the laws in which the universe is governed, and when we start to adopt these and apply these to our lives woo, baby, oh baby then this is where things start to really kick it up a notch and we start to really become the creator of our reality, even if you start to just implement one of these, that's great. I also do have a bit of a controversial opinion about this, obviously. If you caught me on that week on Instagram where I was like I have a controversial opinion about this. Obviously, if you caught me on that week on instagram where I was like I have a controversial opinion about fucking everything yeah, I was in my leave to your face, so don't hate me, but yeah, so, uh, my controversial opinion is I constantly see coaches be like oh, I am a, I am a law of attraction specialist, or I'm the leading law of attraction specialist, or I'm an expert in law of attraction. I'm like, yeah, cool babe, that's fine, but what about the other 11 laws? And also, if you do not understand the other 11 laws, then you cannot and will not be able to manifest through the law of attraction Because, for example, did if you don't take into consideration the law of oneness, how we're all interconnected, how your experiences ripple other people and other people ripple you? Um, you may also have to think about the law of vibration. You might have to think about the law of polarity. You may have to think about the law of gender, you may have to even think about the law of relativity, like all of. To even think about the law of relativity, like all of these things will come in and factor into your manifestation. And guess what? At the end of this podcast, you're going to know the 12 universal laws and you're going to know what they mean and how to apply them.

Speaker 1:

So time to kick back babies, because I'm going to jump in with universal law number one, which is the law of oneness. So this is a very interesting concept to get your head around, but it's just understanding that we are all interconnected. Whether we are looking at a tree, some grass, another person, we are all divinely connected and everything, or like, if we just think about people, imagine a big, big spider's web, okay, and you're just sitting there chilling on your web. You're like what's up? This is great. And then you start to think something or you start to do something and that twangs that part of your web that sends a vibration to another person on the other end of the web. And this is how we all become connected and how we can all share consciousness, okay, and how we can all experience, experience the same things. Like the law of oneness really does suggest that everything and everyone in the universe is connected and everything has an impact on everything else. So what we do inwards will impact outwards, vice versa, on other people so much. And actually, when we live in a world, a social media filled world, where everything feels very isolated, this can actually be quite comforting to know that we are all divinely connected with one another. Whether or not we are being social is another question, but we are all deeply connected to one another. So I'm talking about everything. It's beyond our senses, beyond our every thought, beyond our action, but basically everything that happens is connected to anything and everything. Now, when I first started learning this concept, I was like, oh my god, this absolutely just blows my freaking mind. Okay, it blows my fucking mind that we could all be connected. But yeah, I definitely recommend researching this a bit more.

Speaker 1:

As always with the podcast guys, I'm only here to give you an overview. It's up to you to take it away and to make it your own and to do the research yourself. So one of the things that you can do to apply this, to apply this law of oneness, is to be compassionate with others, recognizing we're all one and you know how can you show more exceptions and compassion to those you don't understand. And do you know what? Sometimes we just have to accept that we may not understand or agree with people, but sometimes we can just meet them with compassion, acceptance, love and move on. We don't need to invest energy in it, we don't need to be angry with them, we don't need to be upset with them. We just go, okay, cool, this is it, and then we keep it moving. That's it. So that's how you can look at a way of applying the law of oneness. This always leads into forgiving and letting go, extending love and kindness, practicing your own self-love and promoting unity about.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you might want to volunteer. You might want to just look at things outside of your world and serve other people. You may want to think about how your actions contribute to the greater consciousness as a whole or to like the greater life as a whole. It could, god. There's just so many things that you could do with the law of oneness. For example, you might want to practice mindfulness. These can help you stay present and connect you with everything that is around you, especially if you're in nature. Get out there and also be grateful for the people, experiences and resources that you have in your life and acknowledging that this interconnected web supports you in your life and in your existence right now. So when you start to really think about it does blow your mind. But yeah, that's the first law that we're going to talk about, which is the law of oneness.

Speaker 1:

Next up, we're talking about the law of vibration. Okay, this isn't some woo woo bullshit, this is literally a physics thing. Okay, this exists in the physics world the law of vibration. It states that everything in the universe has a constant motion and vibrates at a certain frequency. That is down to teeny, teeny, teeny, tiny atoms that vibrate. Okay, everything is vibrating the table, the chair, the headphones are on your head, whatever you're looking at has a certain vibration and frequency. And guess what you do as well? We emit a vibrational frequency. And the happier we are, the more sort of in love we are with ourself. How grateful we are with our life means that we can emit a higher frequency. Okay, but when we're in a really dark place, we're feeling down, depressed, lonely, those types of things. We vibrate at a much lower level, okay, and then this impacts what becomes attractive to us level okay, and then this impacts what becomes attracted to us.

Speaker 1:

You will notice, throughout all of these, the laws interconnect with each other. They, they are tangled within each other. So, for example, with the law of vibration, if you start to really vibrate lowly, guess what you're going to attract shit situations, that thing where you're in a negative space and one thing's one after another. Guess what? That's? Because you're basically your frequency is very low when you're up and you're in a negative space and one thing's one after another. Guess what? That's? Because you're basically, your frequency is very low when you're up and you're vibrating very high and you're high and you're grateful and you're happy and you're joyful and you feel a lot of love for yourself. You start to really attract those things that you desire and that you want.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, the law of vibration is so, so important, and how we apply the law of vibration is all about raising your frequency, so doing things that really, really make you feel like you enjoy them, you love them. You're starting to cultivate a positive mindset. You're also spending time with positive people. Okay, really, really important, because you are not in isolation. We just talked about the. You know the, the universal law of oneness. So guess what?

Speaker 1:

When you're in a collective, when you're in a group of people, your energy can either go up or go down. If you're in a group of friends who constantly gossip and say bad things about lots of different people, your vibration frequency is going to be low. And then, when you're with people who are positive, they're happy, they're happy-go-lucky, they are fun, they embrace their inner child, all of this stuff they express love and self-care for themselves, your vibration is naturally going to increase. Okay, so when we also start to align with our passion, this can be massively important. So when we are feeling like we're passionate about our purpose, the things that we do, the things that we're doing daily, when we do things that we love, our vibration will go up. Okay, eat high vibrational foods. Okay, this is fresh and nutrient, nutritionally dense food, so these are not foods that are highly processed. These will be foods from the earth and we eat, we end up vibrating. Okay, again, it affects our vibrational frequency. So when we eat unhealthy foods, this can lower our vibrational frequency.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that you can do is to do energy healing. You may want to come to me for healing, or you may want to try reiki, acupuncture, massage whatever makes you feel really, really good and practice that healing, because when you start to release things that are stuck in your aura or stuck within your body or stuck within your mental psyche, you start to release that like energy ceiling, I guess, that vibrational heat like ceiling, because, let's face it, if you're carrying around a load of trauma that you've not dealt with, that you constantly ignore, that's going to cap your vibrational frequency. So this is why, when you address it, you unpack it, you go okay, cool, you air it out and then you put it back in a nice box which doesn't plague your mind every single fucking day of the week or month or year. Then you get to enjoy life, you get to have that higher ceiling, you get to feel more happiness, you get to feel more enjoyment. So I'm always a big advocate for healing.

Speaker 1:

As you all know, or, if you don't know and this is your first episode, hi, by the way I'm on my own healing journey. I'm constantly healing. It's not because I'm obsessed with it. It's more because I know that there are things within my childhood that absolutely block me, my beliefs, and I absolutely need to clear them in order to live the life that I truly want and I'm creating generational wealth for my children. When I have children, if I decide to have children, I always go back and forth on this. I always go back and forth on this.

Speaker 1:

So, using your vibrational frequency and upping this. Another thing you can do is embrace positive affirmations. Have you ever got in the mirror and started hyping yourself up like a cheerleader? Have you, hun? Because let me tell you, that is a surefire way to up your vibrational frequency. Okay, you may want to tell yourself how much of a baddie you are, how much of a spiritual goddess you are, how fucking amazing you are, how god put you on this world, on this earth, to walk along these people so that you can shine your light. Okay, for you to be absolutely incredible. Honestly, I can keep going on, girl, but the thing is, I can tell you all of these things where you need to get yourself in that mirror and you need to hype yourself up and watch your energy and your vibrational frequency increase. You may wanna rap to your favorite song. You may wanna dance. You may wanna be like look, I'm amazing, I'm beautiful, I'm strong, I'm independent. Da, da, da, da, da. Whatever it is, just go, hype yourself up please, because, yeah, like literally put fucking pause this podcast now and go and do that and raise your frequency right now, like you need to go do it, don't don't sleep on it. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna wait for you to click pause and then when you come back, we'll carry on. So I'm guessing you're back from hyping yourself up and well done, girl. That's absolutely amazing.

Speaker 1:

And now we're gonna head into the law of correspondence. Oh my god, this episode is gonna be a long episode, guys, I hope you strapped in because we're gonna be here talking for a while. So the law of correspondence okay, I want you to think as above so below, as below, so above as within, as without, as without, as within. What are we, what you're like? What the fuck does that even mean? I'm like, basically, we reflect outwards our environment, and that gets reflected inwards. But we also get reflected from, like, what's going on astronomically, like astronomy, excuse me, in astrology as well. Okay, so what is happening up there in the cosmos reflects down here on the earth and you know, what we do ultimately affects our environment, how we think affects our environment, and this takes place across the spiritual, mental and physical plane.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's not just one thing. So, for example, I know, so let's think about a snowflake. Okay, let's think about the pattern the snowflake might make. This could correspond to a structure of a mineral, which, in turn, might correspond to the structure of a galaxy. Okay, this is what we're seeing happening above, that is happening below. Okay, what we're seeing is when we start to think things, it starts to happen outwardly. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So how do we actually apply this law? Number one self-reflection. Understand your inner world will correspond with the outer world. Okay. So your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions Understand your inner world will correspond with your outer world. Okay. So your thoughts, your beliefs, your emotions, everything will create patterns in your life. So, if you are not happy with something, you're probably best off starting with some self-reflection. Okay, so we've also got the macrocosm and the microcosm. Okay, this means recognizing that patterns and principles observed on the grand scale the macrocosm, so, in the cosmos may be found on a similar may be found on a smaller scale, microcosm, and vice versa. Okay. So this can be applied to various fields like science, philosophy and spirituality. Okay, so it's just to be aware that things can be mirrored across, really big things and really small things in our universe, our entire universe.

Speaker 1:

And you may want to look at your relationships. Like, if you are having challenges in your relationships, there might be corresponding challenges in your self-perception or personal growth. So, for example, you might get really annoyed at somebody for something and you might just be like, oh, they're such a dickhead because they do X, y, that might actually be a behavior that you do that you find less desirable about yourself. And, yes, that is the law of correspondence, not me calling you out on your shit. Okay, so when we're looking at holistic healing and well-being, the law of correspondence can be applied by addressing the root causes of physical issues, recognizing the connection between the mental and physical world.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So, for example, you come and you have energy healing, you are corresponding. Say, you have a physical problem? Okay, you have a physical problem. You know that this is because of your emotions around a particular situation and that has affected you spiritually. Okay, you have to understand these all correspond with one another. So, if one of them is off, imagine a triangle. And if a corner is missing, it's no longer a triangle. Yeah, that's why they all need to be in it. You know they all need to be paid attention to and understood that sometimes they need to have that extra care. And again, it's that law of correspondence. Okay, it's by acknowledging, we know that our mental thoughts or beliefs or experiences have shown up in our body in a particular way, and the law of correspondence can be applied to goals. Okay, we want to start acting like we want to. It's basically, like People call this a law of attraction, but it's a law of correspondence.

Speaker 1:

It's basically cultivating positive thoughts and behaviors that will correspond with the intention that you want to attract. Okay, that's what's really important. Oh, my cat is up, sorry everyone, um, but yeah, that's it. That's the correspondence. Okay, you have to do the work to do the correspondence, um, but yeah, people do call that the law of attraction.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of which, let's talk about the law of attraction. Okay, so the law of attraction is a popular belief that basically, like attracts, like positive thoughts, actions will attract positive outcomes, while negative thoughts and actions will attract negativity. Okay, so, when we talk about manifestation, we are, we are literally taking all of these laws into consideration. We're not just taking the law of attraction. Okay, so you want to be like a big magnet emitting the frequency. You want to know that your intentions will affect other people and be okay with that. You want to know that the goals that you're setting are, you know, are aligned and corresponding with the outcome that you want. So the law of attraction is basically being like a magnet and you need all these other laws to be able to implement it. Okay, and with the law of attraction, you need to clarify your desires, you need to visualize your goal, you need to maintain that positive thought, use positive affirmations, raise your vibration, practice your gratitude, set intention, believe in the possibility. Yeah, you need to believe it can be possible for you, because if you don't believe it, guess what? It's not going to happen. We are not going to attract it, we're not going to correspond with it. The law of oneness is not going to help us, it's not going to support us in our view of getting that thing okay.

Speaker 1:

Next up, we are going to talk about the law of perpetual transmutation of energy. Okay, this is the biggest mouthful of the laws, but basically this is that energy can never be like deleted. There's no like delete. It doesn't work like that. Energy is always in the state of change and flux and it can be transformed from one thing to another. So you may take some negative energy that you feel within you and change it into a positive vibration.

Speaker 1:

So say, for example I don't know, you have an unexpected that really pisses you off, but then you go in ground and you might do a bit of meditation, you may get your Palo Santo on the go and you might have a little dance and shake it off and then you might go do you know what? That bill isn't so bad. I can cope with that bill. I can pay the bill. It's annoying, but annoying. But then you start to change that negative into a positive. You might start to think, well, I'm really grateful I got money to pay this bill. Or I don't have the money right now, but I'm grateful that that money is coming to me. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

You may want to just change that energy from a negative into a positive, but it's basically the law of you cannot delete energy. Energy doesn't, doesn't go away, it just changes from one thing to another. So, how we apply this law, we need to look at our thoughts, our emotions, our overall energy throughout the day, okay. And we need to look at being very conscious with our thoughts. Our thoughts create our feelings, create everything else. Okay. Again, as we've talked about positive thinking, positive thinking look at the bright side, your cup. Your cup is half full, babe. All right, got the emotional regulation. Okay, you want to make sure that you are transmuting that positive energy, or even just like not transmuting the positive energy. You want to radiate the positive energy so that you can transmute the negative into positive words, so you can impact your overall energy.

Speaker 1:

Gratitude is a great way to do this and you know what gratitude and visualization will constantly come up in these laws. Why? Because they are good fucking tools. Okay, don't tell me, oh, gratitude doesn't work for me or visualization doesn't work for me. Well, learn. Okay. Do you know what?

Speaker 1:

I work with a client and she says to me Kirsty, I can't visualize cool, you can't visualize. You can't see a picture in your mind that's cool. So many people can't. But you need to keep trying one to train your clair so that you can see that clairvoyance, that that ability to see, but also tap into how it feels. You may not be able to see, but you might be able to feel how it feels to do that visualization of positivity. You may be like, oh, what would it feel like to feel good about this situation, or to be positive, or for this thing to happen. How would it feel? Tap into the feeling. That is my big, big trick when it comes to people who say they can't visualize another thing, which will also link in with the law of inspired action, but to act with a purpose.

Speaker 1:

Okay, take purposeful actions towards your goal. Okay, transmute that energy. Bring your desires into the physical by pouring energy into them. Okay, you may want to surround yourself with positive people. You want to let go of resistance, because resistance is your biggest cock block all the time and that will act as a major, major block between you and your manifestations or your goals. And you can transmute this energy and similar to what we just talked about about holistic healing. You may want to have healing with me, somebody else, I don't care. Do whatever you want to do, I really don't care.

Speaker 1:

But getting your healing on by lifting your vibration, by clearing shit out of your aura, then that's a really, really good way of transmuting negative into positive, because reiki absolutely does that. Reiki chain like takes the negativity and changes it into a positive. Reiki is just a small bit of my healing now, which used to be like my fundamental bit of healing, but my healing is so much deeper now. Like just side note, I often just listen to what my spirit guides tell me to do throughout the healing. So people are getting guided meditations, they may get tuning forks, they may get crystals, they may get all sorts of different things. Um, but I just go with what I'm told to do now and it's been working a treat and it's been a really, really incredible and deeply nourishing experience, especially when spirit come in, when spirit guides, so that it's is one of my favorite things to fucking do. Man, it's so cool, so, so cool. But yeah, so basically, the law of transmutation is to change the negative into the positive and go from there. Okay, so we're on to law number six and I've decided that I'm going to split this podcast in two because I literally will be here for an hour. So we're going to go through number six and then we're going to come back next week and do the final six.

Speaker 1:

So for this one, the law of cause and effect okay, we are talking about karma. Okay, and we're not talking about karma as in, what goes around comes around, because that, to an extent, is true. But when you look at karma, it actually gets split into three categories. So karma looks at one the past life, like karma that you have. So, however you behaved in your past life, your karma is being sent to you here for you to live out your karmic debt. So if you were a bastard in your previous life, oh, you're gonna have a hard time here, but you can change it and you will have your karma. That is day to day. So your actions from your past life or from previous life experience, on this lifetime you will have your karma, which will unfold day by day, unfolding before you, and then all the actions and everything you do today will impact you in the future. So we are dealing with the past now and that's unfolding before us in the present tense, and then what we do in the present will impact our future. So that is quite confusing to get your head around, but basically it is that the consequences of your actions will come back to you in some form. So how do we apply this law? We understand that we are met with challenges and that sometimes we are met with the same situation over and over and over again, because we continue the same karmic patterns. So we need to change our behavior, we need to change our perspective on these things that continuously come back to us time and time again.

Speaker 1:

Next thing be fucking kind to people. Just go out of your way to be nice for people. To just give money to a homeless person, to do that thing that you don't want to do for your friend or your family member, or whatever it is like. Yeah, that's it. You need to just absolutely put yourself out there and do things with a good cause, like and karma is about doing things for good without an expectation of a return. Okay, I'm gonna say that again, karma is doing good without the expectation of it being okay. I'm going to say that again, karma is doing good without the expectation of it being returned. Okay, you're just going to grow out here and just be nice to people. You're going to be kind to people. You're going to show empathy, compassion. You're going to help people out. You might want to help the little nana across the road. You might want to pick up something that somebody dropped. You may want to return I don't know something to somebody that you've borrowed for way too long. Whatever it is, just make sure that you are acting in the best possible way to ensure that your karma is tip top.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you're like Kirsty, I need to know these other six laws, honey, like you cannot cut me off here. Well, babe, I'm going to cut you off here, but we are going to come back next week. And we are going to come back next week and we are going to be doing the next six universal laws and how to apply them. So we will be looking at the law of compensation, the law of relativity, the law of polarity, which I fucking love the law of polarity is one of my favorite laws and we will be looking at the law of rhythm, gender and inspired action. Okay, so these will be the last couple of laws that we will go through and, yeah, if you're like I can't wait, I need to know what these laws are now, because I'm desperate to start applying them, then you need to join the inner shift. Okay, this is my membership.

Speaker 1:

This is my online platform, which I have poured 12 years of knowledge into, and there are so many different spaces guided meditations, ebooks, workshops, courses. Everything that you could ever want to know about spirituality is all in this one place, at the touch of your fingers. This comes in an app, baby. It comes in a fucking app. Like it's so cool and not to mention like all the learning that you get just for 44 pound a month. You get an amazing community of women who are like super happy and really chasing their purpose and alignment and literally the other day I was talking to one of them and she was like Kirsty. This platform has completely changed my life.

Speaker 1:

At the moment, there is a three free day trial. There are only 15 spaces available left. There were 20, but five are sold out, so now there's 15 places left in order for you. Well, this is at the time of recording. So, yeah, there may be less, but there's 15 spaces to keep calls small, to be able to engage with you, to be able to get in through the door and have that one-to-one time with me, which is like at an affordable cost, which means that you can fully develop yourself as a spiritual person, and so much more. So, yeah, if you're ready, head over to the link below the inner shift collective. Try your three days free trial. Babe, get in there, have a little look around and we'll go from there. So, yeah, I'm going to head off now, guys it's literally been like nearly half hour and I'm going to rest my voice and come back with you with part two.

Speaker 1:

On this one. I'm very excited. I've not really done a series, so part two is going to be next week. So sending you loads and loads of fucking love. Baby, just wanted to swear a lot today, feeling really high vibration. To be honest, it's that new moon that we had recently that just supercharged me, um, at the time I'm recording this. So sending you loads of love, babes, hope you're having a wonderful day and I will catch you next week with the other six lords. Bye, catch you next week with the other six laws. Bye.