Find Your Inner Glow Podcast
Welcome to Find Your Inner Glow, the podcast where Kirsty Harris helps you navigate the wild and wacky world of spiritual enlightenment, personal growth, and mental wellness—all while keeping you entertained and laughing along the way.
In each episode, Kirsty, your fearless (and slightly quirky) guide, will dive into the mystical, the magical, and the downright bizarre. Whether you’re trying to balance your chakras, conquer your fears, or just figure out why your cat keeps staring at the wall, Kirsty’s got you covered.
Expect a rollercoaster ride of insightful tips, hilarious anecdotes, and the occasional wild adventure story. We'll explore the mysteries of the universe, tackle the trials of daily life, and maybe even discover the secret to perfect avocado toast. Spoiler: it involves good vibes and a pinch of Himalayan salt.
So, if you're ready to laugh, learn, and light up your life, tune in to Find Your Inner Glow. Because enlightenment doesn’t have to be serious—it can be seriously fun!
Find Your Inner Glow Podcast
Connecting Womb and Voice: Embracing Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Gestational Trauma, and Unleashing Self-Expression for Empowerment
Unlock the secrets of connecting your womb and throat chakra for an empowered life! Imagine harnessing the cycles of your body as a source of strength and creativity. Explore how the energetic link between the womb space and the throat chakra influences your self-expression and creativity. Gain insights into reclaiming control over your menstrual cycle by tapping into ancestral wisdom and syncing with the natural rhythms, allowing you to live authentically and manifest your intentions with clarity. We also delve into the impact of gestational trauma and maternal lineage, offering a path to transformative healing and empowerment.
Embrace your voice as a powerful tool for self-expression and boundary setting. Discover inspiring stories, like a client's journey to overcoming fear through vocal expression, illustrating the transformative power of communication. Break free from historical silence imposed on women and learn how speaking your truth can honor your ancestors and address past grievances. Unleash your passions and connect with others by sharing stories that ignite the heart. Don't miss the upcoming release of "Womb Whispers" on January 15th, 2024, where we'll guide you in cleansing past ties using the full moon's energy. Join us on this transformative journey of embracing voices and passions.
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Kirsty Harris | Inner Child Healer and Coach (@iamcoachkirsty) • Instagram photos and videos
Kirsty Harris | LinkedIn
REBORN: 3 Month Mentorship
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Lots of love,
And welcome to today's podcast. So today I am talking about the womb space, the throat, the connection and, yeah, the power of using your voice. You know, which is kind of like me. Like I started this podcast to use my voice to relay information, to tell my personal story, and actually when I'm recording podcasts I channel a load of shit and I get tons of realizations and downloads as I do it. So it just felt like a really important uh experience to to document, I guess.
Speaker 1:So why are we talking about the womb and the throat together? Like, what does it have in common? Well, my darling, I will tell you right now the womb and the throat chakra have an energetic connection. So your throat chakra that governs self-expression, communication and authenticity connects in with your womb space, where the sacral chakra is, which is your seat of creativity, emotions and life force energy. Okay, this is where there is a link, energetically activating one and balancing the other. Right, this is what we do if one is blocked, it's going to manifest in the other area as well. So if you do not speak your truth, you might get period pains or, if you have had a difficulty with intimacy, you may find it really hard to assert boundaries right the way and it twists and turns, is like, really interesting to me. And the cervix is known for holding fear of vulnerability, shame and guilt as well. So not only can that get stored in your throat which I often pick it up with my clients in the throat it can get stored in your cervix as well. So, fun fact, this is the energetic link. So this is why it's important to work with both.
Speaker 1:When we're working with opening our throat, okay, sometimes it's not about needing more confidence or needing something more. Sometimes it's more about finding the root of why you cannot use your voice. Is it in your voice? Is it in your throat? Is it in your womb space? Okay, and connecting to the womb is something that is incredibly beautiful because it is the ancestral portal. It is a profound energetic and physical space where life begins. You know, creativity flows. It has deep ancestral wisdom, don't forget.
Speaker 1:We talk about ancestral and generational trauma all the time, but there's also so much wisdom in there as well. Okay, you know from the women in your family that were plant medicine midwives. They were cunning women, whatever they were back in the day. Like this has all been passed down, the wisdom is there and it's there for you to tap into by learning to love your menstrual cycle and to becoming more in cycle with it. So, instead of dreading your period every time it comes and you're just like, oh, I'm just so done with these period pains, it's so annoying and blah, blah, blah, it's such an inconvenience, learning to almost not like, worship it, but appreciate it, because not everybody has a cycle right.
Speaker 1:Um, so, going through this cycle, going through the secular experience you know, really lean into the fact that in your follicular and ovulation stage, this is where you should really be in your master energy, getting things done, doing the shit, and then going into your luteal phase and into your period. This is where we go back into that flow state, into that feminine, into the relaxation, not making big decisions and resting over a period. Okay, I know it's easier said than done, especially if you work shifts or you work a job that's quite high and demanding, but rest whenever you can, like you can. You can still implement elements of this, even if your, your life isn't ideal to implement it. Okay, you can still schedule meetings a week after your period. You can push meetings back as much as you can. You can reduce your workload in the weeks that you do have your period, like, you get to take control of this and you get to take control of your cycle and make your life easier. And when I started to live in my cycle I understand where my cycle is and not book clients when I had my period, for example, or like the first two days of my period, my life dramatically changed because my energy was so different, okay, and how I was showing up was so different.
Speaker 1:So there is such a big connection in the womb space to your ancestors, okay, especially the maternal lineage. There is an energetic imprint of the maternal lineage in your womb space, okay, because this is the unbroken chain of birth. So when somebody is in the womb, they are influenced by the experiences, the emotions and energies of their mother. And now we don't talk about that anywhere near as much as we should. It's called gestational trauma, gestational experience, but indirectly, your grandmother as well, right, because the female fetus develops with all of her eggs when she's in the womb. So your mum would have grown in your grandmother's tummy with all the eggs that she was ever going to have while she was in your grandmother's womb. So you have that energetic imprint from your grandmother right and we know now.
Speaker 1:If you've been listening to my podcast, you know that I am such a nerd for epigenetics and how this is so, so important in turning different parts of our genes on. So when we are born, depending on the trauma that we experience throughout our life, we have this ability within our DNA for genes to become dormant or activated and this can really lead to our personality traits. It can lead to our emotions, how we handle things, mental health and so much more. Like our DNA is so much more than the way that we just look or our eye color. The womb is also known as a sacred creation space.
Speaker 1:Okay, because it is the hub of masculinity. It's the hub of manifestation, okay. So when you start to embrace the cycle of life, death and rebirth and you're starting to go into your cycle of your period and really locking in, you really start to get into this phase where you can manifest quite effortlessly. Why? Because you are always in this constant space of creation and female femininity is it? Well, obviously femininity, because there's only one femininity anyway. Um, you, you know what I'm saying. The femininity is is beautiful and it is the the key to manifestation, because when we are manifesting. We attract, we don't chase. Okay, chasing is masculine, attraction is feminine.
Speaker 1:So, at the center of creation as well, we are talking about the spiritual blueprints that passed on through generations, encoding in family patterns, traumas and gifts. Okay, what does that mean? We are given spiritual blueprints. Okay, if we're giving our physical DNA, which is dictating to us our physical and emotional state, we will have a spiritual imprint as well. So it's important to acknowledge that because, yeah, I don't think many people do so.
Speaker 1:So, again, coming back to this gift, this gift that you get from your ancestors okay, some people get all different types of gifts. It might be a healing modality, it might just even be a deep-seated wisdom, intuition. You may be told that you're an old soul. This can all come down to being an ancestral gift. Okay, there are many ancestral gifts, but I'm trying to keep it simple because I'm running through a lot of things and I don't want to overwhelm people today because I just spill out so much information. But, yes, the seat that you know when we're looking at the womb space, it is the seat of deep intuition and wisdom, and you'll feel intuition in your higher tummy or in your lower tummy, wherever it is. You might just get this feeling that something's not right or something feels really good, and I advise you to just acknowledge these feelings in your body.
Speaker 1:Okay, and you know it is going to be a foreign practice if you've never dropped into your body and thought how do I feel today? How do I feel, what does my body need today? Like and this is something I highly recommend to a lot of my clients I recommend sitting 10 minutes in silence and just asking what do I need today? And I have been bad at doing this lately, but I wrote it in my journal to do it from tomorrow. Well, it's meant to be for today, but we're going to do it tomorrow instead, but we're still going to do it. Okay.
Speaker 1:And I find that when I just sit down for 10 minutes with no distraction, I just sit there and I just allow myself to, to just be and to allow thoughts to fly through me and just to just to be, that then it's amazing, it's absolutely just, it's beautiful, and you really get so in touch with those subtle things, because your intuition isn't going to be like a big yellow school bus that's going to knock you over. It's going to be those subtle nudges and pulls and feelings. And if you are so in your head, you're not going to feel in your body and you're not going to feel that intuition right. And people will always say to me oh but, kirstie, but my intuition steered me wrong before and I'll be like no, no, no, no, you felt something in your intuition, your head rationalized it or logically got involved and that's what changed the, the emotion, that's what changed the feeling. The minute that you start to throw about something, you have become emotionally involved or logically evolved. And that is not your intuition.
Speaker 1:Talking, your intuition is a monotone feeling that does not wave or change. Okay, if it's something that feels uncomfortable, then it's just going to feel uncomfortable. You start to rationalize it or logically come to a conclusion in your brain guess what, you're going to go along with the thing, and then you're going to fucking regret it. But then you're going to blame your intuition and be like oh, you know, it didn't stir me out the way, but I actually tried to. So, yeah, I'm not calling you out, because I have literally been there before and sometimes I'm not going to lie it does get the better of me. I'm not gonna lie, it does get the better of me. So, yes, what else do I want to say on that? Um, okay, cool, cool.
Speaker 1:So the womb can also be really, really good at tapping into memories, not only of your life, but experiences of your generational, emotions and traumas passed down through your DNA and through your energy field. I think I kind of covered that, but I just wanted it to be super, super clear. So, yes, also, I love this point that I'm about to make because it's so, so incredible and beautiful. But the womb space is a portal between the physical and spiritual realm. Why? Because spirit enters the body of the fears and then it's met through the world, like through the vagina, right, it's born into the world, it's birthed from the womb all the way through and it creates a sacred bridge between the ancestral past and the ancestral future. So you have so much within this womb space that you can really really tap into. And, for example, this is not something that is new, this is something that we are returning to do, which has lived in ancient civilization for ages. So the womb is seen as a vessel of divine feminine power connecting with earth, the cosmos ancestors. So, for example, in every indigenous tribe you will probably see, the womb is often seen as mirroring the earth's womb. So, for example, caves, rivers, sacred sites where life emerges, ancestors are honored. They all represent like a womb space or even look like a vagina. If you look at Mary Magdalene's cave in France, it's just a. It's just a big vagina. That's a big vagina.
Speaker 1:And also, yes, the moon as well is so important because the moon communicates with you about your cycle as well. I have done a cycled living experience uh podcast. I have talked about moon cycles and how it impacts your period before, but, for example, on the new moon, it's about you resting On the full moon. It's about you being very bold and shining your light. Okay, so the moon communicates with you the phase that you really need to embody right now as well, which is beautiful, so I highly recommend, if you don't know anything about that, going, looking at it. Okay. So now, if I have not expressed enough how important the womb space is to connect your ancestors, to clear the ancestral trauma, to clear the patterns, now I want to talk about how this links into using your voice. Okay, so, when we are balancing both, we need to be working with the throat and the womb space.
Speaker 1:Like I said at the beginning, it's about self-expression, connection, transformation, authenticity, using voice. It's not just about speaking. It's about embodying our truth, asserting our presence, taking up space, contributing your unique energy to the world. You are not here by accident, okay. You did not choose to come to this lifetime for a fucking reason. Okay, I truly believe in soul contracts. I do believe that we agree to come here to learn our lessons and also to contribute something to the world. The world needs you right now and this is why your voice is really important, okay, even if you don't think it is. But your voice is your identity, okay, your voice reflects your true self, your inner self, your thoughts, your feelings, your values. It uses authenticity to help you align with who you are by communicating that outwards.
Speaker 1:And silence can be stifling, like when you suppress your voice. You may feel disconnected from your truth, from who you are. You may feel like a fraud Imposter syndrome will come up all the freaking time for you. You may feel frustrated or you may lose yourself a seam in your self-belief. Why? Because you're not talking about it. You're're not doing it and when we're using our voice, we're taking up space. Okay, I'm talking like elbows out. Holy fuck, I'm here in the room.
Speaker 1:Okay, we are using our voice to assert where we are. We are asserting that we deserve to be here we are. You know that we exist fully, that we are absolutely incredible without boundary settings. So speaking your truth will help you establish healthy boundaries, protecting your energy and fostering relationships that are respectful, enjoyable, long-lasting and loving. Okay, setting your boundaries from the get-go is really really important, and you do that through your voice.
Speaker 1:Okay, and obviously, if you do not assert your boundaries properly, you can leave yourself really vulnerable and that can also impact you in in various different ways. That can be very unpleasant, right, so that can also get stored as shame and grief which will live in your throat and live in your in your cervix, like we talked about. Okay, and when we are overcoming fear, I had one client who is just one of the most beautiful clients and I got to witness her pushing through and using her voice, and her voice would croak and crack, but she still continued to talk to me about the thing that she wanted to say and this helped her overcome fear Over fear of judgment, rejection, conflict, whatever it was that she was kind of subconsciously worrying about. She was able to push through that by speaking very out loud, which I absolutely love to see. You know we're talking about building bridges. It helps us to build relationships. It helps us to foster understanding, healthy relationships, speaking up, speaking about difficult topics, we to repair relationships or to transform relationships by understanding and addressing misunderstandings or grievances or things that have been really upsetting.
Speaker 1:Our voice and our words are spells. They are our spells, they are our manifestation. The words shape your reality. Your voice carries the power of intention. What you speak can influence your mindset and shape your entire world. So using your voice can just be this sense of power and beautifulness in your chest and in your heart and in your throat, opening it up. And you may want to do vocal manifestation as well. So, chanting, using your voice, speak out loud, being like, wouldn't it be nice universe if blah, blah, blah One of my favorite methods is wouldn't it be nice universe if I was gifted a Charlotte Tilbury love frequency perfume. Thank you, universe, thank you Love you Live. Manifestation. Right there, guys, okay. So again I digress.
Speaker 1:Healing and releasing energy. Releasing energy, okay. Why do you think to use? Women has have screamed during childbirth. It is to release energy, is to release pain, is to release emotions, and the voice is that channel for liberation. Also, when you are looking at chakra balances, connecting it to the sacral, the heart and your throat, we can balance our chakras just by using our words. Like this is how powerful your voice is. Like, don't you know? Like don't you know? Like, honestly, I feel like I talk about, like using your voice. But coming into this podcast, I feel like I am so energized about using your voice. You know you're speaking for justice. You're empowering others. You're using your voice as a sacred instrument to chant, to pray, to sing, to connect with the divine, to use this as a healing frequency to help heal yourself and to heal others.
Speaker 1:You're breaking the generational silence. Now there have been women exactly in my family or in people, or like clients, families, where they have totally stayed silent for way too long. I can't speak out, I can't embrace my spiritual gifts, I can't say what I mean. The witch wound is around and does exist. Everyone. The fear of, if we speak out, if I stand out, that I will be persecuted, I will be judged, I may be tried for something I didn't commit. So it's best for me to keep quiet. This is what the witch trial aimed for us to do and the reason why the witch trials were so important and so pinnacle in history is because it was based on fear and the fear that the the local, like law enforcement at the time had over the people. They made people feel like they couldn't use their voice and they took the control and obviously, hello patriarchy. This is where it kind of started, right, um.
Speaker 1:So you get to break generational silence, you get to change your pattern of communication, you get to honor your ancestors by speaking your truth and talk about the struggles, about those who came before you who couldn't speak freely, like I'll talk about my nan and her violent relationship up until, like you know, like his, my grandfather's dying day. He harassed my nan to death like literally wouldn't leave her the fuck alone and, you know, she ended up in another relationship with a man again who didn't meet her needs. And then I could see that past tense with my mother and when I look at my great-grandmother, oh, I can see patterns of that. And there are so many things in terms of speaking out truth and speaking out and learning the lessons and sharing the lessons with others and healing the conscious, collective Okay, and freedom, expression, singing, storytelling, simply just speaking, joyfully cracking a joke. I absolutely love comedians. I love it. You know you get to celebrate your life through laughter and share joy with the world by using your voice.
Speaker 1:And I just want to just say one last time is you have a unique contribution. You are not put on this earth for no reason. You're not here to bundle along in life. You have a purpose. Whether you find it or you don't, that is probably up to your soul contract. You don't have to believe in soul contract. It's just what I believe. But nobody else can express what you can in the way that you do. Your voice adds to, doesn't take away from anything. It adds to the diversity and the richness of the human collective expression.
Speaker 1:How much do you think that you inspire others when you tell your stories or you share something that is so hot on your heart or passionate for you? Like when I talk about this stuff, it really lights me up and it makes me feel so passionate in every fucking cell of my body and it might be inspiring to you to go. I'm gonna look into this or maybe I'm just going to find something I feel so fucking passionate about. Okay, it doesn't have to be ancestors and using your voice and working with the womb space. It can literally just be this. It can just literally be like I'm going to find something that is so fucking passionate that makes me feel like I'm on fire, and you know I'm somebody who's a very passionate person. You may not want to feel like you're on fire and you know I'm somebody who's a very passionate person. You may not want to feel like you're on fire. You might just be like, oh, I wouldn't mind, like a little flame burning for something that really I really enjoy.
Speaker 1:So, yes, I'm gonna end the podcast there. I'm gonna just remind you about Womb Whispers, which is our 2024 release on the 15th, which is Sunday. The link is below Go there, book on to Womb Whispers. We are doing a big cleanse of our womb. We are using the final full moon of the year to let go of what has come before us, what we're doing and I absolutely cannot wait for this one, honestly, I we are releasing ancestor stuff, we are releasing stuff from 2024, we are releasing relationships from 2024 that no longer serve us and we are just really embodying, using our voice throughout the session. So I cannot wait. I absolutely cannot wait. So I will see you there, my love and I will catch you very soon for yet another episode. Sending you so much love.