Find Your Inner Glow Podcast
Welcome to Find Your Inner Glow, the podcast where Kirsty Harris helps you navigate the wild and wacky world of spiritual enlightenment, personal growth, and mental wellness—all while keeping you entertained and laughing along the way.
In each episode, Kirsty, your fearless (and slightly quirky) guide, will dive into the mystical, the magical, and the downright bizarre. Whether you’re trying to balance your chakras, conquer your fears, or just figure out why your cat keeps staring at the wall, Kirsty’s got you covered.
Expect a rollercoaster ride of insightful tips, hilarious anecdotes, and the occasional wild adventure story. We'll explore the mysteries of the universe, tackle the trials of daily life, and maybe even discover the secret to perfect avocado toast. Spoiler: it involves good vibes and a pinch of Himalayan salt.
So, if you're ready to laugh, learn, and light up your life, tune in to Find Your Inner Glow. Because enlightenment doesn’t have to be serious—it can be seriously fun!
Find Your Inner Glow Podcast
How To Set Yourself Up For The Most Successful Year Yet...
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Kirsty Harris | Inner Child Healer and Coach (@iamcoachkirsty) • Instagram photos and videos
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REBORN: 3 Month Mentorship
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Lots of love,
Hi everyone, welcome back. It is New Year's Eve and I really want to talk about this time of year. I want to be talking about, maybe, why I'm not using the word goals and more into like desires now. I want to talk about various different things about this time of year why this is such a special time of year. Also, we did have a Capricorn new moon last night, which was really powerful in terms of, like setting your intentions.
Speaker 1:But if you're like, actually, kirsty, I don't really start my new year in January because I just find it really hard. It's still in the middle of winter and I actually don't really get going in my year until April. Equally, that is fine, because we should be living with the seasons, okay. The only reason why I'm like a Duracell bunny at this time of year is because of the amount of Capricorn in my chart and I'm sun sign, capricorn, okay. So I'm literally gonna go like the fucking clappers this time of year because this is where I like, this is where I shine, and then obviously it's my birthday in like two weeks, so obviously I'm here, right, and I got lots of like earth energy and stuff, which which really is. Yeah, I wanted to come out this time of year. Anyway, I'm getting distracted Now.
Speaker 1:The whole point of our reflection, if you like, is to reflect on all the things that we succeeded in, and I also want to just remind you that on social media, there will be no whiff of the tears that people have cried. The relationships are broken down, the people that they've lost, the friendships that have not, that no longer work, the business that didn't make any money, their corporate job that drives them fucking insane. Right, you're just going to have these little one second video clips of these amazing times that they had throughout the year. Okay, but don't forget there are 365 days in the year and what you're seeing is one second out of one day. So you know, I kind of don't like to take part in this type of stuff because I kind of feel like it is a highlight reel. And for me, like some of my most amazing times this year have been when I've been completely broken and crying my eyes out and just being completely vulnerable and working through some really hard stuff, like when I went to Bali and I had a healing session like that healing session broke me. And when I went to uh, in the spotlight live in December that fucking broke me too, and these were actually the the best things to happen to me, because these were the things where my life completely fell apart. I fell apart and I was able to put myself back together better. It wasn't the concert I went to, which obviously I had so much fun, like when I did these things. It wasn't the time I went to Portugal. It wasn't the concert I went to. It wasn't all these other like highlight things. It was actually the really hard nitty-gritty stuff which was actually the biggest achievement for me.
Speaker 1:And everyone will view their achievements differently, and this is shaped from your childhood as well. So, for example, if you always had like a dad that would always expect high, high standards from you, high grades, then you will constantly be on this like treadmill of always wanting to be more. You might be this person who is like, oh, but I just need another qualification to feel worthy. I might just need to do that next thing. And as we get older, we have less opportunities to have achievements, like when we're in primary school, secondary school but primary school specifically, we have chances to have certificates weekly, to have gold stars, to have all of this stuff. In secondary school that gets reduced into letter grades and how we perform in tests. And then, you know, not everyone is designed for tests and for exams. Some people just don't function that way. Then, as we go into like university again, we have this high pressure to get all of these results to accumulate to one grade. And then we go into like university again, we we have this high pressure to get all of these results to accumulate to one grade. And then we go into the workplace, where we don't often get loads and loads of achievements right. We don't get nominated for loads of awards. You know, you might do once a year if that, if that's something that happens in your workplace.
Speaker 1:But what I'm trying to say is that, like this quest for like achievement becomes more difficult as we become older. So the best thing that you can do for yourself in 2025, or like 2024, 2025, is to look at yourself and think what does achievement actually mean to me? What does this like success mean to me? Because success will mean really different to me, as it do as it does to, and how you can measure this is think about your day, think about how you go through your day and what are the days that make you feel like, yeah, I'm a fucking badass and I'm really productive and everything feels good.
Speaker 1:So for me, like when I've had a really successful day, it's taking off loads of those little, those little jobs which I've been avoiding, or, um, making sure that my house is really, really clean, or, uh, I don't know, like just having back to my clients where we're having breakthroughs all the time. That's the stuff that really lights my soul on fire, like you know, even though it's basic, like cleaning my fucking house, like I'm not here to tell you that you need to live an Instagram or TikTok, like a life where everything is perfect, because it's not, but you get to decide what. What success means for you. Obviously like success as well as when, like, a new client signs up, when I get a pay rise, when this happens, when that happens. Of course, there are those like typical things as well, but those things are not happening every day.
Speaker 1:And what's really important is to think about how can you be successful every single day? Because when we start to think about how successful we are every day, we start to really expand our nervous system, we expand our self-esteem, our self-worth, and then this radiates um outwards, because our internal shift happens within, where we start to view ourselves completely different. So, when we go into this new year, I want you to reflect on, obviously, the good things that happened in 2024. Like, what made you fucking proud? But also, what are you proud of that you survived, that you conquered, that, you overcame, that you worked through, Like those are really really important achievements, which, like I said, for me is the most important thing. Now, if you're a one-to-one client, I'm going to say the word core values and you're just going to shrivel up into a little ball. And it's because I bang on about this so much.
Speaker 1:You need to define your core values. These are your values that are so non-negotiable that when you work out of alignment with them, they make you feel really bad as a person. These are so important because you know people will often say oh, what are your work core values and what are your personal core values? No, no, no, they need to be the fucking same. They need to be the fucking same. You're one human. You do not need to take a mask off to go into different environments. You need to work out what's really important to you.
Speaker 1:When you work out what's really important to you, it becomes very glaringly obvious the things in your life that are no longer in alignment. So, for example, if being honest and transparent is really important for you but then you work I don't know in an organization where that isn't followed through all the time and you're constantly told, oh, this has to remain a secret, we can't release this news yet, it can feel really icky and out of sorts with your core values, and this can be really difficult. So, if you're going to do any self-development work this this year, do not throw money at coaches and mentors and things like that until you fucking know what your core values are. That that's going to save you so much money because you want to find a coach that aligns with you and your core values. Because you may have spent money on I don't know like strategies and you might have spent years and years in therapy and you might have really got some great self awareness, because I think therapy is so amazing for like that level of self awareness.
Speaker 1:But I don't believe it cures trauma at its root, because I think that's a somatic experience, because we only have access to like 5% of our brain, which is our conscious brain, and then like 95% of it is in the subconscious, where we process all our beliefs, where we live, where anything that confronts us, our subconscious makes a decision based on familiarity. And you know what kept us safe before, what kept our ancestors safe before? Before we even have a conscious decision in our mind. It also determines how we feel about things. Right, and we can't access this all the time just through talking. We need to do other things, like through somatic movement with our bodies. We need to be able to do some breath work, we need to be able to do some energy work in order to release this.
Speaker 1:Okay, so, when you are looking at defining your goals and like what? Defining your desires, because that's another thing, I'm going to stop using the word goals, because I feel like it's a very logical masculine thing. Where desires we're speaking straight from the heart, where it's like, because when I think about desire, I think about when you desire something, just like, just close your eyes for a minute, unless you're driving, then fucking don't do that. But, yeah, close your eyes for a minute and just think about the word desire, like, how does it feel in your body? Like, for me, it feels super exciting. It almost feels sensual in a way. It feels magnetic, it feels just so inviting, like you almost just crave it because you desire it so fucking much, and like, how beautiful is that? And then close your eyes and think about the word goals, I feel quite cold, I feel quite masculine. I feel like I have to be my logical brain for this, so just thinking about how words that you're using like can be really, really important. So that's why I'm going to be speaking to people's desires, not their goals in 2025, and I'm literally having to train myself, as you just saw, from using the word goals.
Speaker 1:I want to be able to use the word desire, because what do you fucking desire for yourself? What is something that is just like the wild woman inside you saying, fuck me, I want this so much like. For me it's to have business success. For me, it's to have a passionate, deeply connecting relationship that sets my fucking soul on fire. Why? Because I'm intense as fuck and I and I love it. You know, I just fucking love it. Like what? What is going to give you that fire, that energy, that life force that makes you so fucking excited about your life? And it's okay if you do not know right now. If you're sat there going, kirsty, I don't know what you've been on, but I'd love a bit, and then you know you're not alone. But, yeah, just thinking about what you desire.
Speaker 1:But don't forget, like I've gone into this period of hibernation where, probably from the second week of December to now, I've not done anything on my business. I've not done anything. All I've done is prioritize my well-being like I haven't. I've had, like my one-to-one clients, obviously, but I've spent so much time nurturing and loving myself and eating good food and going to the gym and doing all of these really good things for myself because it's really important for me to do that and to recharge myself. I'm a projector as well, in human design. So if you're a projector, you you get it like you just know that I'm not built for working long hours. I'm not. I haven't got the energy, um, to do that. Like I prioritize. I need to prioritize my energy where it goes and the investment of the relationships I put in.
Speaker 1:And there's been a lot of like memories coming up for me which I have to stay behind in 2024, 2024, um, freudian slip, 2014, significant year for me, um, but yeah, I, uh, I've had all of these memories come up to the surface which my brain is obviously unblocked. So when we are thinking about memories, our brain sometimes will hide memories from us because it's really good at protecting us and making sure that we are kept safe. So now that I'm in a space where I can process those memories, they come to the surface. But this is why, like sometimes, we don't have the full experience of releasing our trauma through talking therapy, because we, our body, doesn't remember it. Our body remembers it, but our brain doesn't allow us to remember it.
Speaker 1:Ok, so I've gone off on so many tangents today and I just I'm just going to keep going with it. I just feel like I'm having these mini downloads right now where I just need to, like, share this stuff, and this was not what I came on here to talk about. I was really going to be talking about how to really tap into those desires within you, um, but I feel like this information just needs to come out in whatever way it needed to. So if this is for you, then please do let me know. Not that I'm just like a babbling crazy woman on my podcast that is making no sense jumping from topic to topic, but yeah, I want you to think about your core values.
Speaker 1:What is really important to you. What do you fucking desire? What is your heart screaming for? What does your body crave? And this can be such a foreign practice if you're not used to dropping into your body. I will be releasing something new in the new year which is going to really help people to drop into their body as like a morning routine. So do keep an eye out for that because, yeah, it's going to be really, really beautiful, just this morning practice of you just getting into it. It's going to take five to 10 minutes of your day to drop into your body and to really start to connect with it.
Speaker 1:And when you start to connect with your body, you connect to your intuition on a much deeper level and your intuition and your heart are so deeply connected like your soul, and your intuition and your heart are like a trifecta. And when you connect to like your body, you access this trifecta where you're able to just really live from a place of authenticity from up and I fucking hate using this word. It really triggers me because everybody fucking use it. I'll leave you most authentic self. I'm like, if you do not know what it's like to live your authentic self like you, don't get this like valuable word that is authentic, when you can just show up in a room and you don't have to put a mask on, you're not putting your head down, you're not worried about what you say, you're showing up and you're just saying what you say and you're not giving two fucks about it. You're not being a mean person either, like we're not mean girls okay, we're not mean girls, but we can just show up and we can just say what we want to say without worrying about other people's feelings all the time. Why? Because we value ourselves so fucking much that we are here to advocate for ourselves. Why because nobody else is going to do that for you.
Speaker 1:Like this has been a pattern in our ancestors for so long. As women, we have been oppressed for so fucking long, and especially in the culture that you live in. I work with a lot of women from America, from Ireland, even in Scotland, and there is just like a very different culture, even though, especially as part of the UK, we have Ireland, scotland, england, wales, like there's different cultures, like massively different cultures. So being able to understand that and to really show up in that is is a really big and brave thing to do. Right, because I've spoken a lot about Christian guilt with clients. I've spoken a lot about Christian guilt with clients. I've spoken a lot about Catholic guilt with clients, or religious guilt, or, you know, dealing with families who have come from a long line of poverty, right, you know, and obviously my family is a long line of poverty, which I found out through doing my Ancestry, which I've been doing in December, which has been really interesting, which I cannot wait to talk about.
Speaker 1:One of my new mini-minds that are coming coming out, because I've just got the wildest fucking story to go with it, but that's for 2025. But everyone, oh god, yeah, it's gonna be so exciting, it's gonna launch in March, I think. But yeah, the whole, it's all there, it's all ready to go. I'm just waiting for the right time to come out and talk about it. But if you follow me on social media, you're gonna have a good idea what the fuck it's gonna be about in the next few months, because I'm gonna be talking about it. So, yeah, keep an eye on that.
Speaker 1:And I don't know where I was going with that. I was, oh yeah, I was talking about, like, the culture. I was talking about all this stuff that keeps us small. But when you just walk into that room and you're just so authentically you and you can just be in this flow state. You're not in that masculine energy of being logical thinking, hyper analyzing every single fucking thing, every interaction, all of that stuff. You're not doing that, you're just being you and you're just being. You're not overthinking, your mind isn't racing, you're just sat there and you're so fucking comfortable in your skin. Even if you're not happy in the body that you're in, you can still be so comfortable with like who you are. And this is just why like being authentic, is so important, and I feel like the word gets banded around on social media like so much that it's lost its meaning. It's lost its true magic. So, anyway, I'm gonna go back to the original thing, which is what is your desires? Figure out your core values, what are your desires? What are the actions are you taking? Okay, you know, have an action that is not fucking unreal.
Speaker 1:You know, we want to look at a one percent shift. Guys, we want one percent shift. Master it. One percent shift. It's like if you want to lose weight, I want to lose 10 kilos. No, you want to lose one and repeat it. This is how we go. Go from like, oh, I want to set this really, really big goal, down to like, oh, I'm giving up because it feels so far away. What we need is to look at the wider goal and then break it down into small, manageable chunks. So, like I said, I want to lose 10 kilos. Well, actually, what I'm going to do is I'm going to lose one kilo and repeat it. I want to earn 10k. What I'm going to do is I'm going to launch a program that is this much money and I'm going to do everything I can to make it work, and then I'm going to, you know, learn, rinse, repeat, make it a signature program.
Speaker 1:I want to attract a partner?
Speaker 1:Okay, well, what sort of qualities do you want to attract in a partner, and are you embodying them yourself? If you want somebody who's honest but you're lying to people, then ah, that's not great, it's not going to work, is it? So you need to embody the, the person that you want to attract. So there are so many different things that you can do in terms of your goals, um, and obviously, if you work one-to-one with me, well, no bloody goals desires, um, there's so many things you can do and obviously, when we work together on a one-to-one with me. Well, no bloody girls desires um, there's so many things you can do and obviously, when we work together on a one-to-one basis, like we go through this, we go through what your desires are, what you want to do, how you want to get there, and we do that through clearing your and you know your ancestral trauma, your inner child trauma, your mother, your father, and like we come to this state of like evolution, which is so beautiful because you get to rebuild yourself. And this is the exciting part, right, we pull the fucking plaster off and we look at the wound and we sort that out and then we get to put like a brand new, sparkly little like like bow on this wound, which is so beautiful, and it gets to be you.
Speaker 1:And some of the things like I really love to do in terms of like being in this state of attraction is, uh, vision boards. So I have vision boards. I have multiple vision boards, so I have, like my main vision board, which has like bits of everything. Then I have a relationship vision board. How do I want my relationship to look like and how do I want it to feel?
Speaker 1:I often pick pictures on how they make me feel okay. So, for example, on my vision board there is a picture of Coco Cabana Beach and I absolutely love Brazil and I really want to go back to Brazil in 2025 and I'm just like I'm looking at the walkway and I always like I would spend ages just like walking down this walkway when I went last time and I would just take in the beauty of the individual cut stones, because that's what they did and you'll see it in Portugal as well but they have individual like cut stones and then they place them one by one in this significant masterpiece that we walk on when you're in Brazil, in Coco Cabana right or in in Pinheira. So, like, when I look at that, I just it just reminds me of that feeling of oh, that's so fucking lush, that's so beautiful, like how much effort's been put into that, like that's incredible. And then, in another picture I have, um, a picture of a coffee shop, because all I really want to do is to move to a new location where there's an independent coffee shop, where people know my name, they know my order and I get to be really comfortable there and I get to take my laptop and chill out there. Like that's what I really really would like to do like in the new year is to move house and have that and I just kind of think about, like what does this coffee shop look like? It's big, it's airy.
Speaker 1:I realized lately I love really big, open spaces, um, which probably really fits in my human design. By the way, this all fits with my human design of being out of vision, so like I can internally visualize stuff. But like for me, out of vision and seeing things and tapping into the feeling is really good. So if you're not really up to date with like what your human design is, I highly recommend that you do. And if you'd like to get in contact with me, I could highly recommend somebody who is simply incredible. She takes the most complicated human design and makes it super fucking easy. And, yeah, I cannot recommend it enough because it taught me so much about myself and who I am and the different things that I'm prone to and the different things that, like I always thought that was wrong with me was actually not really wrong with me whatsoever.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, I just wanted to just say like vision boards are really significant for me and tapping into the feeling, so like describing like how I'm feeling like and doing like a sensory experience, and so I want you to like, think about something that you want. But what we're going to do is I'm going like a sensory experience, and so I want you to like, think about something that you want, but what we're going to do is I'm going to do a little, a little test with you all, right, about how, how the brain can really create sensation in the body, right? So if you've ever eaten an orange before, I want you to think about holding this beautiful plump orange, which is so juicy and so firm and ready to be bitten. And then I want you to start to peel back the skin. I want you to smell the citrus, I want you to smell that beautiful orange scent, as it's just so strong and lovely. Now I want you to peel back the skin and I want you to squeeze the orange gently into your mouth and I want you to think about how good that that orange juice feels in your mouth, like the taste of the orange juice in your mouth, like how does it feel, how does it smell, how does it taste. And I want you to just take a moment, just to enjoy this for a second and with this like sensory experience.
Speaker 1:This shows us that our brain can. We can tap into anything that we want to in our brain. Okay, and you know we do have lots of stored memories, but this is where we get to be really creative. For example, if you want to earn a fucking load of money, imagine yourself holding a big wad of cash and just what is it like to flick through the bills? What's it like to smell it? What's it like to hold it in your hand? How heavy does it feel? Maybe you kind of want to go on I don't know a fucking safari and see an elephant and you're like how does it feel to be in the, in the car? Is it rattling? Is it like really bumpy? Are you kind of feeling that breeze on your face, like the more that you get into? Like understanding, like the different senses and understanding, like how you get into, like understanding like the different senses and understanding like how you can truly like transport your body into that feeling. That's where we start to really manifest and bring things in.
Speaker 1:So vision boards going through a sensory experience are probably my top two. That I do because I'm lazy as fuck. Other things you can do is you can write down letters to your future self, you can do scripting, you can journal from your future self, you can do all of the regular manifestation stuff. I personally think pick one or two and stick with them. Don't try and do everything like what you see on manifestation and I'm sorry, but there are some manifestation coaches out there that absolutely talk bollocks as well.
Speaker 1:Like somebody told me, oh, you should never have your vision board on your phone. And I'm like, oh God, of course you need to have your vision board on your phone, on your laptop. You need it everywhere because your subconscious needs to get used to seeing those images. Your subconscious will start to program those images and start to look for opportunities for those images, right? So, for example, I have a particular car on my vision board. Guess what I put on my vision board? I fucking see this car everywhere. Right, it's because our subconscious will constantly try to find evidence for these photos for us. So we're working with our mind, we're working with psychology. Okay, we're not working with somebody's fucking bullshit method of stuff where they just obviously are not talking very well.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, obviously I'm being a bitch now and I'm slagging off this person, but there are so many fake people out there, and this is why it's so important to go back to your core values before you invest in anybody else and you want to make sure that you understand what their core values are. If you're not really sure about them, ask them who their core value, what their core values are. Ask to speak to a previous client as well, like if anybody came to me. It's like can I speak to a previous client? I was like I'd be like fuck, yeah, of course you can. Here's 10. Do you know what I mean? Because I am.
Speaker 1:I'm happy for that to happen, but I think we live in a world now where people are just getting so fed up of like all of these, like charlatans, coaches who have done a 20 pound life coaching certificate with no real life experience, calling themselves a life coach, mentor, healer, whatever, when they actually have no experience and are actually not very good, and people are throwing lots of money away. So I feel like now you need to be more savvy with how you're spending your cash and how you're engaging with people who are going to help you on this journey. I know I am and I will literally like go to somebody, I will stick to them because I'm like, right, I've found you and I'm gonna stick with you. I'm not saying I have to be that person for you, but what I'm saying is, like I highly recommend everybody goes on a personal development journey, because happiness is is key. Like what else are we living for if we're not living for happiness, right?
Speaker 1:So that was a very bitty all over the fucking place podcast. I hope that you took some value from it. I'm sure you did, because that was probably fucking gold, just a bit all over the place and not you know, and a bit unstructured, but I felt like the stuff that came out was actually really gold. And I'm gonna leave it there for now and I'm just gonna wish you the most happiest, healthiest, richest, sexiest, fucking 2025. There is. Be audacious. What version of yourself are you showing up in 2025? I already hinted to what I am my richest, most abundant, my sexiest, healthiest, fittest self in 2025, and I will see you in 2025 sending you loads of love.