Find Your Inner Glow Podcast

Overcoming Barriers to Manifestation: When you've tried everything and need some help!

Kirsty Harris

Are you ready to master the art of manifestation and unlock your full potential? In this episode, we take you on a transformative journey through the ins and outs of manifesting your dreams, beginning with a free manifesting workshop that will elevate your skills no matter where you are on your journey. By embracing the full spectrum of your emotions and understanding their role in your progress, you'll learn how occasional negative thoughts are simply part of the bigger picture, just like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. We dive deep into building a solid foundation and tackling those pesky limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

Next, we explore the power of specificity in your manifestation techniques. It's not just about visualizing your desires but understanding the feelings and qualities you want in all aspects of your life, from relationships to career goals. Through personal anecdotes, we illustrate the importance of setting clear intentions and overcoming limiting beliefs. You'll also discover the crucial step of detaching from the outcome and trusting your intuition, which works in harmony to guide you towards your manifestations. 

Finally, we uncover the importance of letting go and having faith in the universe. Much like placing an order online, you need to trust that your desires will manifest while continuing to take inspired action. You'll learn how to differentiate between mere action and inspired action, ensuring that your efforts are motivated and intentional. Plus, we'll introduce you to the benefits of joining the Manifestation Hub community, where for just 22 pounds, you can access valuable content and a supportive network to enhance your manifesting journey. Tune in and transform your life by aligning your vibrations with your dreams and trusting the process!

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Kirsty Harris | Inner Child Healer and Coach (@iamcoachkirsty) • Instagram photos and videos

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Find your Inner Glow podcast hosted by me, kirsty Harris. I am a holistic coach and I am super passionate about helping others improve their lives by focusing on the mind, body and soul. Each week, I will be sharing my insights, experiences and advice on how to tap into your inner glow and live a more fulfilling and balanced life. So join us and let's discover how to find your innerglow together. Hello, hello everyone, and welcome back. Today I'm going to call you out on your shit and you are so welcome because I want you to be the manifesting queen of your dreams, or like the manifesting king or the manifesting person, whatever you know, you know what I'm trying to say. I want you to the to be the master of your manifestation. But before we get into that, guys, I need you to head over to my website and book on the free and I mean free, like no, no money free manifesting workshop that I have on the 21st of November it's at seven o'clock. If you can't make it, you'll get the recording and I will be going through the key principles of manifesting. And even if you think you are the manifesting god or goddess, well, honey, I've got some news for you. I have some new little like nuggets of information which I've gathered through recent training experiences, client experiences which I'm pulling together, recent training experiences, client experiences which I'm putting together to give you for free. So you know, even if you know it all, I'm sure you will find something. So, yeah, head to my website, sign up for the free, free manifestation masterclass, because, yeah, you're gonna, you're just gonna elevate, I promise you. Anyway, today I'm going to get into my five biggest mistakes I see with clients all the time. So if these are you, then you're welcome, because I'm going to identify the mistake and I'm going to tell you how you fix it.

Speaker 1:

Ok, so, number one, being afraid to feel when we're manifesting. We are manifesting big things or we're manifesting small things. I think of manifestation as like two roads. I think one road is the road that we have, where we manifest things that are really really good for us and like they're really small things, like a free coffee, a free bunch of flowers, a good car parking space, these things that give us, like, that element of a soft life, that allow us to be a bit more relaxed and to be happier in our environment. Like this is what I'm talking about when I'm talking about soft life, it's not about having to do everything that's really hard all the time, not having to graft for things all of the time. It's about relaxing and just taking things and being able to receive. And and this puts us in the feel good cycle because you manifest something small, it comes through, you feel good, that raises your vibration, you manifest again and it's just this feel good circle that goes round and round and round and guess what? It elevates your vibration, it gets you and calibrates you to a new vibration and style of living in terms of like, how you're willing to receive luxury items or your big manifestations, because your foundation vibration is already going to be amazing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but anyway, this on the flip side, I see it from a lot of manifestation coaches, a lot of manifestation people out there oh, manifestation is so easy? It absolutely is not. And it absolutely gets on my wick when I, when I hear stuff like that, because actually manifestation is so difficult, like it is difficult, and when we start to tell people that it's easy, we set them up for failure and also then that becomes a lot of negativity towards themselves, which lowers their vibration, which is self-sabotage, and this is how manifestation coaches can rip you off money, basically. So I'm here to tell you it is hard but it is doable and once you crack the code, you will be able to do it effortlessly. Okay, but you have to crack the code, and everybody's code is different because everybody has their own set of limiting beliefs or negative thinking or patience or tolerance or whatever it is. We all are very, very different, but something I see an awful lot is about how we should never feel negative or have negative thoughts and that can create guilt and shame or feelings like, oh, I ruined my manifestation.

Speaker 1:

Um, so I want you to imagine your manifestation is like a jigsaw. This is not my analogy. This is like from Nicole from the Seeing in the Dark podcast host. But imagine your manifestation is a jigsaw. Okay, and, like you know, your pieces are made up of self-belief and confidence and worthiness and all of this type of stuff, and most of your jigsaw is positive. One negative piece doesn't ruin the whole picture. One missing piece doesn't ruin the whole picture. Okay, so this is why it's so so, so important to feel your feelings, because what happens and it just becomes long this way.

Speaker 1:

So, say, you want to manifest 10,000 pounds. That's something that's realistic for you, because you're self-employed and you know you're on. You're on that journey, or actually, no, let's. Let's scrap that example. We'll scrap something that is just super easy. You want to manifest 1,000 pounds from an unknown source. You have a salary, job, you have children, you have bills, you have a bit of debt, you have all of this stuff that goes on around you and you have £1,000 that you want to manifest to take yourself on a holiday, or you can take your family. I personally just go by myself, but I don't like travelling with people.

Speaker 1:

So whatever you choose, babe, what feelings does that bring up for you? Like, do you kind of feel worthy? Do you feel like you deserve it? Do you feel like I don't know it's safe to receive that type of money? It's asking yourself all of these questions and feeling it. How would it feel if you put that manifestation out there and it didn't happen? How would it feel to fail? Like it's about asking yourself these questions and like noting down how it feels, because these feelings live within you. They obviously do, because I've just given you an example and they may be bringing up all types of feelings for you in this thousand pounds that you'd like to manifest.

Speaker 1:

Guess what those negative feelings are blocks. And what happens is when we ignore the block, they become deeper and they become limiting beliefs which make them harder to crack. And then we have to rewire our brain so feel the feels and get it out. Emotion comes up to be basically set free. Woo, set it free, babe. We don't need that negativity, so we just want it to come feel. How would it feel?

Speaker 1:

And actually, when we start to feel about failure, nobody actually would ever look at you and look at you and say, oh, this person's a failure like that doesn't exist in like life. I don't look at anybody and go, oh, wow, what a failure. Do you know? Nobody ever really thinks like that. We only really think about that as ourself. So I would be like, cool, that's really really important to me. And these are the feelings. And when we start to feel it and we start to realize, well, if I fail, I'm no worse off, like if I don't get a thousand pound and no worse off. But how would it feel if I got a thousand pound? Oh, it would feel so amazing, exciting, just oh, it's so exciting. Like you know, you can kind of think of them both. But what you're doing is you're processing the emotion of the negativity to get it out before it becomes a limiting belief.

Speaker 1:

So, number one the biggest mistakes that I feel happen when manifesting is not allowing yourself to feel or think negatively. You are allowed to think negatively. If you're thinking negatively a hundred percent of the time, then you know you've got to change that. There's got to be more of a more positive mindset. You have to believe in the possibility of your desires coming true. But if you address it and you address that negative thought and you replace it with positive affirmations amazing, that's cool. You're getting more and more of that jigsaw on board with your manifestation. You're getting more and more of that jigsaw on board with your manifestation. You're getting more and more on board with you about that manifestation. So, yeah, don't be afraid to have a negative thought. It doesn't ruin all the other good work that you're doing because, yeah, we all have negative thoughts. Sometimes we lose the belief, sometimes we have a wobble, and that's okay. Just remember there's lots of positive things as well and one bad thought doesn't ruin your progress. Okay, let's move on to mistake number two lack of clarity.

Speaker 1:

I want my soul mate. Oh, what does he look like? What does he? Oh, what does he look like? What does he feel like? What does he do for you? How does he make you feel? How do you make them feel? Oh, I don't know. This is a conversation I have. So many times I'm like, oh my God, babes, we need to work it out, we need to be specific. I feel like I just need to attack it. I'm just gonna get specific tattooed on my forehead because, honestly, I say this word all the time.

Speaker 1:

Being vague or being uncertain in your desires can lead to unclear results. You want your soulmate or do you want like a tesco's version of your soulmate? Come on now. Your soulmate needs to embody what you want to feel like, what you want, what you love, like those types of things like, yeah, we have to be specific. I do say don't be so, so specific in terms of how they look, um, because, yeah, the universe does the universe thing.

Speaker 1:

You can be a bit more specific, like they're taller than you, or they're this or they're that, or they have certain traits which are, you know, super, super attractive for you. Of course you can, but don't be like he has to be five foot or six foot, six foot seven. Black hair, this skin color, this eye color, this hand width. Do you know what I mean? Don't get obsessive over it. Be like I would love, like a tall, dark, handsome man, whatever that looks like for you. I don't know. Whatever a guy looks like for you, just kind of put it out there. You can be general about how he looks, but do not be general about how he makes you feel how the relationship works, what communication is like, how he makes you feel, how you make him feel, how the relationship is healthy. Don't be more general around that.

Speaker 1:

What I say about being like more general around the looks of maybe a soulmate is because I don't want you to get caught up with looking for one specific type of person. Okay, you can be attracted to many different people. Like, when I look at my exes, they're all very, very different and, oh my God, they really are different. You know, when you get like a slap of realization or some shit, they are really different. So, yeah, they're really really different guys. Um, sorry, I've cracked myself up, though. I've just got like these like mug shots of them running through my brain. So, yeah, don't get too caught up on the specifics of your soulmate, because you will fall in love with the person who gives you the mental stimulation, the physical stimulation, the emotional stimulation, the spiritual stimulation. It's not all about looks, but be very specific on the emotional, mental, um, physical affection, that type of stuff and spiritual stuff, okay. So get specific.

Speaker 1:

If you want a house, what does it look like? What colour is the floor? What colour is the kitchen? Where is it? You know, location might be quite hard, but you know you might. I had a client recently who said, oh, I'd love to own a house or buy a house close to a train station, and she bought the house and then now the train station's being built. So you know, that was her, totally trusting her intuition, which, like, I just love to see it. I live for this, I live for this, guys. Okay. So another big, big, big mistake. I see being attached to the outcome. Okay, it's hard In the manifestation world. It's very, very hard.

Speaker 1:

I want you to get your head around this process, because this process is the process that you need to get into. So, first of all, we are setting our intentions, we are being very specific with our manifestation about what we want, why and how it's going to make us feel we're going to pick a manifestation technique. But the manifestation technique and affirmations are used to combat any beliefs that we have that would get us in the way of the manifestation. Okay, we don't repeatedly ask for the same manifestation. We just change the belief in us that we deserve it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we only ask the universe once for our thing. We go hey, here you go, universe, I would really like this thing. And then in the meantime, you show the universe that you are worthy of it because you're doing the work to be able to receive it. Okay, you're, and at this point you just need to just let it go. Like when we place an amazon order, we go, hey, amazon, I want this. We don't think about all the process between from where it comes to us to like the door, like from that order to the door. We don't think about that process. And it's the same. Like if the universe was like your personal assistant, you'd be like, hey, personal assistant, can you go get me this thing? You don't call him back every two minutes going, hey, have you got this thing? Hey, have you got this thing, because every time you call it back, it has to start again. So this is why you have to let it go.

Speaker 1:

Like somebody was like, oh, I feel like emotionally attached to my outcome, but like, shouldn't I be doing things? Like to do it? So, yeah, like it's really hard because inspired action, working on your limiting beliefs and all of this stuff should push you towards your goal. But the key thing, which never ever gets talked about, is that, for example, this is a really good example. I pulled this out the other day. I don't know where it came from, but I was like, oh, this is magical.

Speaker 1:

But say, for example, you wanna manifest more Instagram followers. You don't stop posting on Instagram. You still show up every day and you post and you're consistent, and that that is really cool. Yeah, what you do and this is a difference that you know, you you don't see is that you would continue to do it anyway, but your intention now is to attract more followers. So what you're doing is calibrating your vibration to attract more followers. I hope you get what I mean.

Speaker 1:

So, instead of just sitting there and not doing anything that's not what we say when we detach from the outcome we don't stop doing things. We don't stop taking action. We still do the action, but we are working on ourselves, through our limiting beliefs, our affirmations, through all of that stuff, to recalibrate our vibration to the thing that we want, which is to attract more followers. And your vibe is just a vibe. You can pick up energy through social media. It's a thing Like just trust me, but that's just like an example. So when you kind of get your head around that process, it's easier to let go. You're like cool, I've sent it off to the universe. Now I've sent it it, I've clicked send. I need to do the work here now to make sure I'm ready to receive it, because it's coming without doubt and without belief. Like like that it's not coming, it's absolutely coming, you know.

Speaker 1:

So, instead of focus on the feelings and emotions associated with your desires, you need to push it into the trust of the universe, and the universe will bring you what's best for you, if not something better. Oh, I didn't say in my last episode what I manifested. Anyway. We keep it moving, we keep moving. Basically, I manifested like a late checkout instead of an upgrade, because I was too emotionally attached to the outcome of wanting to film content and enjoy the swim at pool and all of this stuff. I was too emotionally attached and I constantly visualize it and get emotionally attached to it. But then the universe brought me a late checkout, which was much better for me because I had a late flight and I could stay in my room and take a nap and it was lush. So, yeah, it was absolutely what was best for me for my holiday.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, and I trust the universe, and when you start to do this, you start to trust more and more and more. This goes back to my feel good cycle once you do little things for yourself that manifest, you start to really believe in yourself and then you start to create this foundation of like belief that's so unshakable, so much belief in the universe that you're like oh my god, this is no reason, like this wouldn't happen. Okay, so that's number two. Oh my god, I am like, literally, literally, like going on forever. What's that two? What's that three? Oh my god. So we've done negativity, we've done lack of clarity and now we've done attached outcome that was three, that was three. Oh, you can tell once I get on the soapbox we get chatting. We just get chatting. Okay, this is going to be. The next thing is the inaction. Okay, so I'm going to talk to you about inaction. Okay, manifestation is not about sitting there and wishing something's going to happen. Okay, we touched on it just now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's absolutely crucial to take inspired action towards your goals. What's the difference between action crucial to take inspired action towards your goals. What's the difference between action and inspired action? Inspired action is basically what it says on the tin babes it's when you feel motivated or you feel inspired to do something, you do it. That's it. If one day you wake up and you're like I really feel, like I don't know applying for jobs today towards my dream job, just get up and do it, okay.

Speaker 1:

And when you are literally showing up, you're challenging your limiting beliefs, you're doing the affirmations, you're doing all of these lovely things for yourself. You are showing the universe that you are doing the inspired action and the work towards your goals as much as you can. And you know the universe doesn't go out of its way to inspire against you, but it doesn't go out of its way to help you. So, whatever you do, the universe will multiply and that is the law of attraction. And, briefly, law of attraction is basically what you think, feel, act, you put out there, you get back. If you're negative and nasty to people, guess what You're going to get negative to your nastiness. Guess what? If you're positive and you're kind and you're very generous to people, you'll get that energy back. That's just how the law of attraction works. That is a very, very quick example of it. But yeah, if you want to know more about law of attraction, it's a simple Google search. And I used to look at law of attraction and be like, oh my God, it's so complicated. But it's just I thought it was more complicated than what it actually is. It's actually very, very simple what you put out into the universe, you get back. So the more positive you are, the more you work on your limiting beliefs to release anything in the subconscious that holds you back, you just get more and more abundance. And how beautiful is that? So, yeah, that is that. So that is number four, and then we're going to go on to the last one.

Speaker 1:

Number five impatience manifestation is not a quick fix solution, okay, and people will become impatient and lose faith. And you know what that is when your results kick in. Why? Because you give up. Because you give up obsessing about the thing. Again, this comes back to the attachment and outcome. You need to give up on the thing. You need to let it go. The minute you let it go, it happens. I've seen it with my client. She was manifesting a house. The minute she let go, the house came. I've seen it with another client manifesting like her proper soulmate the minute she let go, he he came. It's just one of those things, okay, the more you cling on to it and the desperate you want it to happen, it's not going to happen. Stop trying to make that happen. Um, it's an essential part, okay, of trusting the process, and it can take time.

Speaker 1:

And don't forget, you are not the only person in this world, in this lifetime, in this dimension, in this, whatever you want to call that we are. You're not the only person in the world, in this lifetime, in this dimension, in this, whatever you want to call it that we are. You're not the only person in the universe. I know it's really difficult to hear, and when I hear it all the time, I'm like how dare you? How dare you tell me? I'm not the only person in the universe, but you're not. I'm sorry, I wish you were, but the world doesn't revolve around you and when we are asking for really big juicy things, we have to put you into a. Not only do you have to be in alignment and ready to receive that, we have to move everybody else around to make it happen. So the universe doesn't have to move you into the right place, it also has to move people into their other places, which takes time.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and it's about having trust that you will get it in the divine timing. Okay, this is probably number six, but we'll keep it as number five, because I'm not changing the title of this, changing the title of this episode, but everything is done in divine timing. It's not on your timeline. Okay, as much as you say I want to have a free coffee this week, guess what? I did that? I got let down. I let it go. Got four free coffees three weeks later because I let go, and also, the universe has to line it up for me. And to some things we are going to be closer to and they're going to happen a lot quicker, and some things are really far away from us and they're going to take a long time to come.

Speaker 1:

And guess what? That's okay, you need to learn to enjoy the now. And you know, like I said, go back to that feel good cycle. Feel good cycle allows you to be in the present moment, to really reap the benefits of these little manifestations that come true all the time. And when we're in this like feel good cycle, when we're feeling really good about ourselves, like we are so much better at dealing with resilient right, we're being like resilient to things, to doing things that really pushes out of our comfort zone, which raise our vibration. Okay, get it.

Speaker 1:

We're always coming back to vibration, to vibration, to vibration. Why? Because your vibe is what you attract and there's nothing more simpler than that if you're not sure about what vibration is. Basically everything vibrates. That's not like a spiritual thing, that is a like a physics proved thing, because we're all made up of atoms that vibrate. So I vibrate this microphone, my vibrates, the, the table vibrates, the laptop vibrates, everything vibrates and we have an energy field around us which is called an aura or an energy field, and we will give off a certain vibration.

Speaker 1:

When we're feeling really, really good, we give off a much higher frequency and when we're in that higher frequency, we are in a really good space to attract our manifestations because we're in those good feelings. And then, when we're feeling down, we're feeling heavy, we're feeling more dense. That is where negativity breeds and it's hard to get out of. And I you know what? It's so hard for me to sit here and say think positive all the time, because I don't. Okay, I am not mrs positive peach every day of the week, every day of the month, oh god, no, apart from like a few days.

Speaker 1:

Like is, I'm not the person who springs out of bed in the morning, and everything I've had to do in my life I've had to work really, really fucking hard, for I'm one of those people that things don't come to like naturally. I have to graft and I have to work really hard for I'm one of those people that things don't come to like naturally. I have to graft and I have to work really hard for it. So I'm not always a positive peach and I'm not always happy, okay, but what I do is I do find times in my day to feel happiness, to find contentment, to be grateful, to do my affirmations, to do those things because they take me to a place of happiness and feeling good, and you need those moments in life sometimes.

Speaker 1:

It's not about having the dream car or the dream house or whatever these big goals, they could just be another pit of like oh well, I've got this house, now what's next? I've got this, this car, now what's next? I've got my family, I've got my car, I've got my house, I'm still unhappy what's next? Do you know what I mean? Like you can constantly get into this thing of chasing the next thing and never really really feeling fulfilled. That's why you have to find moments of fulfillment in your day now. That will bring you more fulfillment and you know you might even decide in the end that big house you wanted wasn't actually the thing you really wanted all along because it wasn't really aligned to you. But anyway, I'm getting into like an entire, like another subsection of a podcast which I'm not going to. I'm going to pause it there. Those are my big five mistakes that I see in the coaching industry, in the manifestation industry, everywhere. I see it everywhere. Babies, I'm sorry, I just do.

Speaker 1:

If you are doing these, you are not alone. Don't worry. If you need additional help, you know where I am. Check out my services on my website, or even head over and sign up to the manifestation hub. We have got a black friday sale coming up, so do keep an eye on that, especially um the man. So we'll have the uh manifesting workshop on the wednesday and a black sale on the Friday.

Speaker 1:

So if, but if you can't wait that long it's just 22 pound Just join. Join the community, catch up on the five day manifestation challenge, catch up on all the content that's in there, which is just so, so much like the value is absolutely unreal. So, yeah, go ahead over to the manifestation hub, and I hope this was really useful. I hope this was beneficial for you. Manifestation hub, and I hope this was really useful. I hope this was beneficial for you, and if you need anything, I'm just a dm away. And now I hope you will go forward and not make these mistakes with your manifestations anymore. You are so welcome and I will see you soon. Thank you.